O'Reilly and FOX refuse to answer to fabrication accusations

Media Matters, like Think Progress, Mother Jones, and The Democratic Underground would never ever lie.

and of course Fox, which went to Court to establish its legal right to l lie, tells truth correct

Now lets set aside your cheap deflection to attacking the media sources...but what about this guy
I was there throughout the Casa Rosada demo. I saw no live fire, no gunshot casualties and it is clear to me Bill O'Reilly is not truthful.
Consider the source.

Nothing from CBS on this. Appears like they're sitting this one out. I guess they're afraid O'Reilly will sue their balls off.
Gee what happened when he sued AL FRANKEN... how did that work out LOl

Hey Schmucko you recall Billo Bullshit claiming he won a Peabody award ...he did not
Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones

Rather than answer directly to the accuser, O'Reilly takes his defense to the air on his FOX. Conveniently, no one could ask him additional questions. Conveniently, no one could cross examine his portrayal of his "war zone" statements.

O'Reilly knows where he is safe. And FOX is craning their necks looking the other way. AMAZING! The other journalist who covered the riots in Argentina are angry that O'Reilly portrayed them as cowering in their room. But he will get away with his lies and fabrications, because FOX...with the blessings of the Australian, will swear he has been soiled by a politically motivated hack job.


Why should they respond? We gonna say Fox News is unreliable and propaganda or something? Don't we say that already? :)
New V A Director falsely claims he was in Army Special Forces while talking to a homeless vet.
It is wise for a nobody like you , a total Wing nut schmuck to change the subject

Coming from you that matters a damn.
I was in Special Forces, so I resent personally anyone who claims to have been when they were not.
O'Reilly writes that "many were killed" during the riot. The CBS News report from the riot does not mention any deaths.
Because the Argentine government blacked out the news and refused to release fatalities to the press, but later admitted that there were deaths after CBS filed it's report.
Or there were no fatalities to report. There is no proof either way, plus there is no proof O'Lielly was still there when the demonstrations turned to rioting, since CBS kicked him out in short order after his firat encounter with the demonstrations.
Bill O Reilly claims was injured in Argentina riots REFUSES to speak Daily Mail Online

This confrontation led the next day to O'Reilly being ordered out of Argentina by the CBS bosses. Doyle had told them O'Reilly was a 'disruptive force' who threatened his bureau's morale and cohesion.
O'Reilly was not in a war zone. There is an argument going on to defend him about the level of violence in a public demonstration which may or may not have reached a level violence to be considered a riot. This is just a deflection from the original argument about him lying about being in a combat, or war zone. It is a case of stolen valor for combat journalist. O'Reilly presented himself as a combat journalist when disparaging Brian Williams for lying about an incident he was involved in while covering a war in a war zone and coming under fire. Williams claimed the chopper he was in was hit by enemy fire when in fact the chopper, while in the group of choppers he was riding with, was not in fact the one he was in. There is no debate about whether he was in a war zone and fired upon. Williams suited up and went into a war zone, O'Reilly never did. Williams actually had enemy combatants firing weapons in his direction, O'Reilly did not. Williams and his employer are accepting and taking responsibility for his dishonesty, O'Reilly and his employer are not.
Even showing liberals CBS video of the rioting, they still maintain their ridiculous opinion. It only proves they have an agenda to destroy O'reilly.
Why didn't O'Lielly show the video he claims to have kept?

Bill O Reilly claims was injured in Argentina riots REFUSES to speak Daily Mail Online

O'Reilly told a Hamptons TV station in 2009 about nearly being shot at in the streets.
In the interview, O'Reilly said he and a cameraman got caught up in a stampede when a camera 'went flying'.
'I saved the tape because it was unbelievable tape.
But I dragged him off the street because he was bleeding from the ear and had hit his head on the concrete…The sound man is trying to save the camera… And then the army comes running down and the guy points the M-16. And I'm going, 'Periodista, no dispare,' which means, 'Journalist, don't shoot.' And I said, 'Por favor.' Please don't shoot…Then the guy lowered his gun and went away.'
Mother Jones points out that the footage O'Reilly's cameraman captured paints a less dramatic scene, with the most drama focused on a group of protesters banging up the car of a Canadian news crew.
New V A Director falsely claims he was in Army Special Forces while talking to a homeless vet.
It is wise for a nobody like you , a total Wing nut schmuck to change the subject

Coming from you that matters a damn.
I was in Special Forces, so I resent personally anyone who claims to have been when they were not.
You were in special forces like Bugs Bunny was in a wily Coyote cartoon...you are a schmuck a right wing nobody...special forces what the fighting potato peeler corp...

Bill O'Reilly in 2008: I had an M16 pointed at my head

Argentine historian disputes Bill O’Reilly’s claim of protest fatalities
Argentine historian disputes Bill O Reilly s claim of protest fatalities - The Washington Post

Federico G. Lorenz, an author who has written extensively on the Falklands/Malvinas war, tells the Erik Wemple Blog via correo electrónico: As far as I know, there were no people killed at the protests after the news of the Argentine surrendering arrived to [Buenos Aires]. There were incidents at May Square…and people slightly injured due to gasses and anti riot munition, but not dead people.
Now the wing nut is claiming he was in special forces...on the Internet everyone was in special forces waaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...you were in the Chairborne 81st ..the Big Yellow one
O'Reilly writes that "many were killed" during the riot. The CBS News report from the riot does not mention any deaths.
Because the Argentine government blacked out the news and refused to release fatalities to the press, but later admitted that there were deaths after CBS filed it's report.
Is that Right [ can you link to a source I consider you a flake] gee I wonder why the other journalists who were there do not agree..

I was there throughout the Casa Rosada demo. I saw no live fire, no gunshot casualties and it is clear to me Bill O'Reilly is not truthful.
Well that ends it.

Some schmuck tweeted this so it must be true.

Schmuck who happened to be a Real Journalist who was there on the scene who knew when he met him that Bloviating Bill was only in the game to make himself look good.
O'Reilly writes that "many were killed" during the riot. The CBS News report from the riot does not mention any deaths.
Because the Argentine government blacked out the news and refused to release fatalities to the press, but later admitted that there were deaths after CBS filed it's report.
Or there were no fatalities to report. There is no proof either way, plus there is no proof O'Lielly was still there when the demonstrations turned to rioting, since CBS kicked him out in short order after his firat encounter with the demonstrations.
CBS kicked O Reilly out of Argentina The Ave

“The CBS bureau chief in Buenos Aires, Larry Doyle, an ex-Marine LRRP, was something of a legend among CBSers because of his personal courage and his knowledge about how to do your job without exposing yourself to undue danger. Early that night in Buenos Aires he assembled the camera crews in our hotel newsroom and instructed them to refrain from using the lights on their cameras while around crowds. Television lights attracted potentially violent people and also made the camera-person an easier target for demonstrators throwing rocks. …

“According to Doyle, O’Reilly returned to the hotel in a rage over the fact that his cameraman wouldn’t turn on the lights to photograph angry crowds. Doyle defended the cameraman and chewed out O’Reilly for violating his instructions on lights. When Doyle looked at the tape shot by O’Reilly’s cameraman he saw that … O’Reilly had ordered the cameraman to shoot — with his light on. …

“[T]he demonstrations … had been well covered by three or four camera crews …. All that footage was blended into the main story, narrated by Schieffer, who [was] the anchor on the scene. When Doyle informed O’Reilly that Schieffer would be doing the report … the reporter exploded. ‘I didn’t come down here to have my footage used by that old man,’ he shouted. Doyle was stunned. … This confrontation led the next day to O’Reilly being ordered out of Argentina by the CBS bosses. … ”
He's provided documentation. All the left has is David Korn's mouth and imagination.


You wish.

. CBS News released video of the rioting in Buenos Aires today from the Faukland Islands war era.
And O'Lielly was nowhere to be seen in any of the rioting on the video. No camera man being knocked down with the video going askew. No Army chasing him. For all we know all of the real dangerous rioting took place after CBS sent him packing!!!!!
Even showing liberals CBS video of the rioting, they still maintain their ridiculous opinion. It only proves they have an agenda to destroy O'reilly.

There were a lot more examples of BillO's lies that that video had nothing to do with. Why did BillO try to explain that one incident and try to ignore all the others?

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