Ordinary Americans Are Going To Have To Save The Country Themselves, One Town At A Time


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Ordinary Americans Are Going To Have To Save The Country Themselves,

One Town At A Time

What can regular people do to take back their country from woke radicals? Take over local institutions, one at a time.
20 Dec 2022 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson

One of the things I get asked from time to time by readers is, what can ordinary people on the right, Christians and conservatives, do to help save the country — besides voting on Election Day?
It’s a good question, and it comes from the very understandable feeling of helplessness many people feel about the direction of the country and, let’s be honest, the collapse of Western civilization that’s now well underway. It’s especially easy to get frustrated after an election cycle like the one we just had, in which Republican leaders thoroughly botched it and left things more or less where they were before the voting.
Put another way, if voting doesn’t really change anything in our so-called democracy, what will?
There’s an answer to this question, but you’re not going to like it. The plain truth is this: You’re going to have to save the country yourselves. Donald Trump isn’t going to save it. Ron DeSantis isn’t going to save it. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that a GOP majority in Congress is going to save it.
By all means, keep voting in national elections. Keep making your voices heard at the ballot box. But salvation won’t come from Washington, D.C. If America is going to be saved, or even just parts of it are to be saved, then ordinary men and women, God-fearing patriots all across the country, are going to have to do it themselves, one town at a time. And they will have to do it the old-fashioned and unglamorous way, by taking over the local institutions of civic life, organizing and winning elections for city council and school board, finding reliable and competent people willing to be candidates and staff and volunteers.
It’s going to be a long, thankless slog, but there’s no other way. Neither is there any guarantee of success. I speak here only of towns and suburbs, not of cities, many of which have become unlivable after decades of failed Democrat governance and leftist policies. Conservatives who can manage it should move to places where they can join with other like-minded Americans to take back their communities and instill a civic culture that reflects their beliefs.
We got into this situation through passivity, and only a sustained effort at the local level will get us out. For decades, conservatives did nothing while the left marched through academia — and then kept right on marching, down from their ivory tower and into the public square, into the schools, the libraries, corporate boardrooms, local police and fire departments, even the churches. These people have radical views far outside the American mainstream but nevertheless control all our institutions. If you want them back, you’ll have to take them back, post by post.

The plain truth is this: We’re going to have to save the country ourselves. Donald Trump isn’t going to save it. Ron DeSantis isn’t going to save it. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that a GOP majority in Congress is going to save it.
Maoist Democrat Commie Cheating prevents free and fair elections from taking place.
A former president, who was killed by dark forces, once said:
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”​
We must step up to the plate and do what is right, not what is easy or popular—but right. You know the answers, they may not be pleasant, the truth sometimes isn’t pretty. One town at a time, one school, one newspaper, one radio station, one church, and lastly One state.
No one will do it for you. MAGA means you have to do more than just wear the hat.
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The Republicans are WAY ahead of the Dems on this. Light years.
  1. "All politics is local"
  2. The more national a politician gets, the more politically diluted they usually get
  3. It's much easier to have influence locally
  4. School boards and mayors can easily affect your life more than a Senator or President
  5. Localities can create a momentum into State legislatures, Sec of State and Governor
They've got it figured out.

Ordinary Americans Are Going To Have To Save The Country Themselves,

One Town At A Time

What can regular people do to take back their country from woke radicals? Take over local institutions, one at a time.
20 Dec 2022 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson

One of the things I get asked from time to time by readers is, what can ordinary people on the right, Christians and conservatives, do to help save the country — besides voting on Election Day?
It’s a good question, and it comes from the very understandable feeling of helplessness many people feel about the direction of the country and, let’s be honest, the collapse of Western civilization that’s now well underway. It’s especially easy to get frustrated after an election cycle like the one we just had, in which Republican leaders thoroughly botched it and left things more or less where they were before the voting.
Put another way, if voting doesn’t really change anything in our so-called democracy, what will?
There’s an answer to this question, but you’re not going to like it. The plain truth is this: You’re going to have to save the country yourselves. Donald Trump isn’t going to save it. Ron DeSantis isn’t going to save it. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that a GOP majority in Congress is going to save it.
By all means, keep voting in national elections. Keep making your voices heard at the ballot box. But salvation won’t come from Washington, D.C. If America is going to be saved, or even just parts of it are to be saved, then ordinary men and women, God-fearing patriots all across the country, are going to have to do it themselves, one town at a time. And they will have to do it the old-fashioned and unglamorous way, by taking over the local institutions of civic life, organizing and winning elections for city council and school board, finding reliable and competent people willing to be candidates and staff and volunteers.
It’s going to be a long, thankless slog, but there’s no other way. Neither is there any guarantee of success. I speak here only of towns and suburbs, not of cities, many of which have become unlivable after decades of failed Democrat governance and leftist policies. Conservatives who can manage it should move to places where they can join with other like-minded Americans to take back their communities and instill a civic culture that reflects their beliefs.
We got into this situation through passivity, and only a sustained effort at the local level will get us out. For decades, conservatives did nothing while the left marched through academia — and then kept right on marching, down from their ivory tower and into the public square, into the schools, the libraries, corporate boardrooms, local police and fire departments, even the churches. These people have radical views far outside the American mainstream but nevertheless control all our institutions. If you want them back, you’ll have to take them back, post by post.

The plain truth is this: We’re going to have to save the country ourselves. Donald Trump isn’t going to save it. Ron DeSantis isn’t going to save it. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that a GOP majority in Congress is going to save it.
Maoist Democrat Commie Cheating prevents free and fair elections from taking place.
A former president, who was killed by dark forces, once said:
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”​
We must step up to the plate and do what is right, not what is easy or popular—but right. You know the answers, they may not be pleasant, the truth sometimes isn’t pretty. One town at a time, one school, one newspaper, one radio station, one church, and lastly One state.
No one will do it for you. MAGA means you have to do more than just wear the hat.


Get on the school boards and start teaching our children well....
That's what we did in my town... we kicked the libs off....

It's easier in towns like mine, where the leftist is the rare animal. I do get to talk to a lot of the teachers and most of them are enthusiastically on board. Granted, in a town of just over a thousand, that's not a lot of people, but it's reassuring to see the people teaching the children in my town stating pretty clearly that they're not buying the bullshit.


Ordinary Americans Are Going To Have To Save The Country Themselves,

One Town At A Time

What can regular people do to take back their country from woke radicals? Take over local institutions, one at a time.
20 Dec 2022 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson

One of the things I get asked from time to time by readers is, what can ordinary people on the right, Christians and conservatives, do to help save the country — besides voting on Election Day?
It’s a good question, and it comes from the very understandable feeling of helplessness many people feel about the direction of the country and, let’s be honest, the collapse of Western civilization that’s now well underway. It’s especially easy to get frustrated after an election cycle like the one we just had, in which Republican leaders thoroughly botched it and left things more or less where they were before the voting.
Put another way, if voting doesn’t really change anything in our so-called democracy, what will?
There’s an answer to this question, but you’re not going to like it. The plain truth is this: You’re going to have to save the country yourselves. Donald Trump isn’t going to save it. Ron DeSantis isn’t going to save it. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that a GOP majority in Congress is going to save it.
By all means, keep voting in national elections. Keep making your voices heard at the ballot box. But salvation won’t come from Washington, D.C. If America is going to be saved, or even just parts of it are to be saved, then ordinary men and women, God-fearing patriots all across the country, are going to have to do it themselves, one town at a time. And they will have to do it the old-fashioned and unglamorous way, by taking over the local institutions of civic life, organizing and winning elections for city council and school board, finding reliable and competent people willing to be candidates and staff and volunteers.
It’s going to be a long, thankless slog, but there’s no other way. Neither is there any guarantee of success. I speak here only of towns and suburbs, not of cities, many of which have become unlivable after decades of failed Democrat governance and leftist policies. Conservatives who can manage it should move to places where they can join with other like-minded Americans to take back their communities and instill a civic culture that reflects their beliefs.
We got into this situation through passivity, and only a sustained effort at the local level will get us out. For decades, conservatives did nothing while the left marched through academia — and then kept right on marching, down from their ivory tower and into the public square, into the schools, the libraries, corporate boardrooms, local police and fire departments, even the churches. These people have radical views far outside the American mainstream but nevertheless control all our institutions. If you want them back, you’ll have to take them back, post by post.

The plain truth is this: We’re going to have to save the country ourselves. Donald Trump isn’t going to save it. Ron DeSantis isn’t going to save it. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that a GOP majority in Congress is going to save it.
Maoist Democrat Commie Cheating prevents free and fair elections from taking place.
A former president, who was killed by dark forces, once said:
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”​
We must step up to the plate and do what is right, not what is easy or popular—but right. You know the answers, they may not be pleasant, the truth sometimes isn’t pretty. One town at a time, one school, one newspaper, one radio station, one church, and lastly One state.
No one will do it for you. MAGA means you have to do more than just wear the hat.

AFTER a way of life has been lost, getting it back is historically improbable . . . essentially . . . impossible. The time to raise arms and fight was before losing it. These days we're all sore losers, sure, but we've only the men and women in the mirror to blame.

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