Oppression??? Explanation Required.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Here, in the Big Apple, home of the 'Liberal Lemmings,' ....those with the unquestioning knee-jerk response to their masters' orders.....

"Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick
....a rally in support of getting quarterback ColinKaepernick a job in the National Football League.

The former San Francisco 49ers player became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."

Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.
Last edited:
Jeeezzzzz......the silence is deafening....

Must be such a long list of examples of this 'oppression of people of color' that it's taking a long time to list all of the examples.....

I mean.....it couldn't be that there are no examples of this 'oppression of people of color' .......could it????

Now.....what would that say about the Liberal Lemmings....????
Here, in the Big Apple, home of the 'Liberal Lemmings,' ....those who with the unquestioning knee-jerk response to their masters' orders.....

"Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick
....a rally in support of getting quarterback ColinKaepernick a job in the National Football League.

The former San Francisco 49ers player became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."

Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.

"Oppression" is just a new word for LeftTards....something else to build on...Liberals believe pedophiles are oppressed because we have laws "standing in their way" and preventing them from acting on their filthy desires.
I'd guess NAMBLA founders aren't Conservatives.
Here, in the Big Apple, home of the 'Liberal Lemmings,' ....those who with the unquestioning knee-jerk response to their masters' orders.....

"Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick
....a rally in support of getting quarterback ColinKaepernick a job in the National Football League.

The former San Francisco 49ers player became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."

Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.

"Oppression" is just a new word for LeftTards....something else to build on...Liberals believe pedophiles are oppressed because we have laws "standing in their way" and preventing them from acting on their filthy desires.
I'd guess NAMBLA founders aren't Conservatives.

They will continue to do everything they can to destroy the values and traditions that this nation was built on, and made it a shining light to the world.

And.....still not one example of the raison d'être that motivated the Liberal Lemmings.....some imagined 'oppression of people of color'....

....not a single one.
Jeeezzzzz......the silence is deafening....

Must be such a long list of examples of this 'oppression of people of color' that it's taking a long time to list all of the examples.....

I mean.....it couldn't be that there are no examples of this 'oppression of people of color' .......could it????

Now.....what would that say about the Liberal Lemmings....????
You have a nasty attitude. No one owes you an explanation. If you want to know what's up go ask him or other black people of varying socioeconomic status. Beyond that I'm sure there is a lot of reading out there on the net. Being a responsible steward of our society should include us honestly trying to see all sides. It takes deliberate effort to do so.
No one owes you an explanation. If you want to know what's up go ask him or other black people of varying socioeconomic status.

Your faux moral outrage is only exceeded by your idiocy. If "no one owes you an explanation" then what is the point of asking "him [sic] or other black people of varying socio economic status"? Are you one of them? If so, why are YOU not answering? If not, what gives YOU greater insight into their definition of oppression? Or do you simply claim divine insight?
Jeeezzzzz......the silence is deafening....

Must be such a long list of examples of this 'oppression of people of color' that it's taking a long time to list all of the examples.....

I mean.....it couldn't be that there are no examples of this 'oppression of people of color' .......could it????

Now.....what would that say about the Liberal Lemmings....????
You have a nasty attitude. No one owes you an explanation. If you want to know what's up go ask him or other black people of varying socioeconomic status. Beyond that I'm sure there is a lot of reading out there on the net. Being a responsible steward of our society should include us honestly trying to see all sides. It takes deliberate effort to do so.

I searched your post for some of those examples that would have informed the fabled 'oppression of people of color' ....

....and there were none, just another version of a Liberal Lemming tap-dancing.

With almost no effort, you have become an excellent source of Greenhouse gases!

"Beyond that I'm sure there is a lot of reading out there on the net."
Nobody.....nobody......does more reading than I, and, as you have proven.......there are no examples of 'oppression of people of color' ....

Any other myths you'd like to reveal your trust in, you dunce?
Now.....those Liberal Lemmings who are unable to find a single example of 'oppression of people of color' ....

  1. Nothing Liberals relish more than searching for reasons for being morally indignant! This is because they can’t take the moral high ground on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too.
  2. Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line: “ Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!” Coulter.
Jeeezzzzz......the silence is deafening....

Must be such a long list of examples of this 'oppression of people of color' that it's taking a long time to list all of the examples.....

I mean.....it couldn't be that there are no examples of this 'oppression of people of color' .......could it????

Now.....what would that say about the Liberal Lemmings....????
You have a nasty attitude. No one owes you an explanation. If you want to know what's up go ask him or other black people of varying socioeconomic status. Beyond that I'm sure there is a lot of reading out there on the net. Being a responsible steward of our society should include us honestly trying to see all sides. It takes deliberate effort to do so.

I searched your post for some of those examples that would have informed the fabled 'oppression of people of color' ....

....and there were none, just another version of a Liberal Lemming tap-dancing.

With almost no effort, you have become an excellent source of Greenhouse gases!

"Beyond that I'm sure there is a lot of reading out there on the net."
Nobody.....nobody......does more reading than I, and, as you have proven.......there are no examples of 'oppression of people of color' ....

Any other myths you'd like to reveal your trust in, you dunce?

I'm waiting to hear an example also.
You would think if there is so many, explaining 1 would be easy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe there are no examples of 'oppression of people of color' ....

That's what most Americans believe......

  1. “Another telling finding is the difference among black people in how much they feel "personal factors" instead of "racial discrimination" determine how far any black person can expect to get in life. The Pew poll found that 53 percent of black Americans agree that "blacks who can't get ahead are mostly responsible for their own condition." That fits with poll findings that two-thirds of all Americans (71 percent of whites and 59 percent of Hispanics) feel that personal behavior -- values, education, hard work -- is what holds back those black Americans still trapped in poverty.” Juan Williams - One Race, Divisible
b. And, in 2014, : "63% of Americans believe 'blacks who can't get ahead are mostly responsible for their own condition'" How Americans think about black advancement

Might be that most fair minded folks recognize that slavery was ended by Republicans some seven generations ago.....and the excuses have outlived their shelf-lives.

Once again.....in debate, conservatives eat Liberal Lemmings' lunch.
Peanut Butter and Jelly?
Here, in the Big Apple, home of the 'Liberal Lemmings,' ....those with the unquestioning knee-jerk response to their masters' orders.....

"Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick
....a rally in support of getting quarterback ColinKaepernick a job in the National Football League.

The former San Francisco 49ers player became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."

Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.
For an explanation on inexplicable leftist behavior refer to my signature.
Here, in the Big Apple, home of the 'Liberal Lemmings,' ....those with the unquestioning knee-jerk response to their masters' orders.....

"Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick
....a rally in support of getting quarterback ColinKaepernick a job in the National Football League.

The former San Francisco 49ers player became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."

Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.

home of liberal learning?

you mean smart people?

Here, in the Big Apple, home of the 'Liberal Lemmings,' ....those with the unquestioning knee-jerk response to their masters' orders.....

"Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick
....a rally in support of getting quarterback ColinKaepernick a job in the National Football League.

The former San Francisco 49ers player became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."

Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.
Your knowledge is served, ol' slant eye ignoramus that hardly knows how the game of football is played...

NFL Teams Didn’t Stand For The National Anthem Until 2009

NFL Teams Didn't Stand For The National Anthem Until 2009 - Daily Snark
Here, in the Big Apple, home of the 'Liberal Lemmings,' ....those with the unquestioning knee-jerk response to their masters' orders.....

"Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick
....a rally in support of getting quarterback ColinKaepernick a job in the National Football League.

The former San Francisco 49ers player became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."

Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.

home of liberal learning?

you mean smart people?



Well....prove it....

The request for proof of the pretense....

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

My so-simple a request as gone unrequited.
Not a single one of you Liberal Lemmings has been able to provide proof that any such 'oppression of people of color' exists.

Not so smart after all, huh?
Here, in the Big Apple, home of the 'Liberal Lemmings,' ....those with the unquestioning knee-jerk response to their masters' orders.....

"Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick
....a rally in support of getting quarterback ColinKaepernick a job in the National Football League.

The former San Francisco 49ers player became a controversial figure last year after he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."

Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.
For an explanation on inexplicable leftist behavior refer to my signature.

Well.....that may explain why they aren't more embarrassed that they can't find a single example of 'oppression of people of color.'
Sorry for the delay, I was researching the appropriate response to the sun being extinguished. Apparently it is required to throw a virgin into a volcano to restart the sun. Sadly we have no volcanos in Georgia, and a shortage of Virgins. So I guess the sun will just stay out.

Where was I? Oh yes. The Police protest to support Kap. Kap protested the National Anthem by refusing to stand. His argument was that the police were unfairly targeting minorities. The former and retired police who attended, including Frank Serpico, say that he is right.

The result was that the Football teams are not picking up Kap's contract, and refusing to hire him. I would argue that is their right. It is also the right of the people to object to it either way.

Now, you can argue it both ways. That the fans have a right to refuse to attend the games or tune in because of the political statement of a player. You can argue that the teams have a right to refuse to hire him because of the baggage. You would be right in both cases. But the reverse is also true. People can refuse to turn the games on because of the refusal to hire him, and can protest that he was unfairly targeted for telling the truth.

It's the first amendment. As for me, I don't watch Football anyway, so saying I'm not going to watch because of Kap, or his firing, is an empty gesture.
What NFL players do is their freedom....If you want to talk oppression it's trying to force a group of people through a collective of social peer pressure to do what they want to be done...There is no rule or law against expressing one's opinion in the fashion of nonparticipation...The oppressors are the people in this thread trying to force people to do what they think is right.....
Colin is being "blackballed " because of his free speech .

How ironic , the righties bend over backwards to defend the free speech of nazis , but call for Colin to be fired / not hired .
Sorry for the delay, I was researching the appropriate response to the sun being extinguished. Apparently it is required to throw a virgin into a volcano to restart the sun. Sadly we have no volcanos in Georgia, and a shortage of Virgins. So I guess the sun will just stay out.

Where was I? Oh yes. The Police protest to support Kap. Kap protested the National Anthem by refusing to stand. His argument was that the police were unfairly targeting minorities. The former and retired police who attended, including Frank Serpico, say that he is right.

The result was that the Football teams are not picking up Kap's contract, and refusing to hire him. I would argue that is their right. It is also the right of the people to object to it either way.

Now, you can argue it both ways. That the fans have a right to refuse to attend the games or tune in because of the political statement of a player. You can argue that the teams have a right to refuse to hire him because of the baggage. You would be right in both cases. But the reverse is also true. People can refuse to turn the games on because of the refusal to hire him, and can protest that he was unfairly targeted for telling the truth.

It's the first amendment. As for me, I don't watch Football anyway, so saying I'm not going to watch because of Kap, or his firing, is an empty gesture.

Sadly, you've missed the point.

But....I am magnanimous.....here's another opportunity:

..... he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."
Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.
Colin is being "blackballed " because of his free speech .

How ironic , the righties bend over backwards to defend the free speech of nazis , but call for Colin to be fired / not hired .

.... he refused to stand for the national anthem in what he called a protest against oppression of people of color."
Dozens of current and former NYPD officers rallied in support of Colin Kaepernick

Definition of oppression
  1. 1a : unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Definition of OPPRESSION

Soooooo......where is that happening????

Is it illegal for black folks to live in particular neighborhoods???
Attend schools?
Open businesses of pay 'dhimmi' and 'Jizya' taxes based on their color?
Excluded from sports or entertainment careers???
Is Affirmative Action some sort of oppression????

Where the heck is that 'oppression'?????

Or, are the Liberal Lemmings simply dunces?

Impatiently awaiting my education on the matter.

Now, you in particular have this advantage: no one expects an intelligent post from you......ever.

Keep up the good work.

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