Opening the Border = Biological Attack on Border States


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Who could not have seen this one coming. Biden's order to open the southern border is nothing short of an intentional biological weapons attack on the border states of the US as they supported Trump.

Biden and his team knows they are not inoculated against this virus and that some 30% of those attempting to cross are infectious. SO why would he put American Citizens at risk from this while he induces travel bans from Europe and other countries? This man is speaking out of both sides of his mouth but the real losers are the American citizens he is putting at serious risk.

Biden is intentionally putting those who voted for Trump at risk. These democrats are vindictive and hateful people. Biden needs to be impeach for Treason against the United States of America. This is a premeditated attack on our citizens.

Biden sparks new immigration surge, many with coronavirus (
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Oh come on! The cracker population in those states don't wear masks anyway. They want to spread the virus and don't mind getting, so why feel sorry for them? They are the morons who think that it's a hoax.
Oh come on! The cracker population in those states don't wear masks anyway. They want to spread the virus and don't mind getting, so why feel sorry for them? They are the morons who think that it's a hoax.
No... You are a moron. COVID is real and the persons who are susceptible to it are the ones needing to be protected. Schools can open as can most other businesses with reasonable restrictions but you want total control.

Tell me why Biden is closing off travel from Europe but leaving the border wide open? Why would he protect NY and DC and not the American people at the border?

Your post outs you as a fascist bigot who is a racist..
Our hospitals are already stressed without adding sick illegals.
Lunatics are running the asylum.

Schools too. That's all part of Joe Fake Biden and his criminal handlers plan to destroy America.


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