Open Letter to Sarah Palin: Republican US Marine Chris Mark on PTSD stigma and suicide


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
An Open Letter to Sarah Palin

"Dear Mrs. Palin,

"I am a former U.S. Marine and U.S. Navy officer with a Combat Action Ribbon, as well as service-connected disabilities. I am also a Republican. I have also served, and am friends, with dozens of combat veterans who suffer daily from various injuries and wounds, including PTSD. I recently read your attempts to excuse your son’s arrest on domestic abuse and firearm charges by based on his supposed PTSD.

"Based upon your previous comments, I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition to, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior.

"In 2014, your entire family was involved in a late-night “drunken brawl” at a party in which Track Palin (the accused domestic abuser) was involved in a bloody fight. While you publicly stated how proud you were of your children’s violent actions, maybe this should have been a sign that Track has a problem. It is certainly curious that you did not feel the need to reference his supposed PTSD in this situation and instead stated: “my kids’ defense of family makes my heart soar!” Maybe instead of encouraging Track’s violence, you should have taken the opportunity to get him help. Maybe your son’s actions did not result from PTSD, but were an attempt to simply uphold stated Palin family values and “make your heart soar” by abusing a woman.

"PTSD is stigmatized in the media and not well understood by the general public. An estimated 22 veterans commit suicide every day in the United States. This is nearly 8,000 veterans who take their lives every year. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) stated: “Every day in the United States, 22 veterans succumb to suicide—losing their personal battle to invisible wounds of war.” Veterans who have willingly given so much in service to their country should not have to bear the burden of being further stigmatized by your ignorant and foolish statements.

"While I do not propose to speak for all veterans, I am clearly not alone in my views regarding your unfortunate statements. They were unfortunate for the many veterans who face further disdain and discrimination based upon your inaccurate and ignorant portrayal of those who suffer from the condition, as well as its causes.

"While I would personally prefer that you simply avoid public life and fade away, if you insist on trying to use your “celebrity status” for a cause, please educate yourself on the facts of PTSD and try to help veterans by using your significant influence in a more productive and less political manner. There are a number of veterans’ organizations to which you can donate time, money and energy to make a difference.

"Two organizations you may want to consider are the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation and the Recon & Sniper Foundation.

Chris Mark"

I love this letter, touching and well-written. I tried to post the whole thing and added the links:
Home Recon & Sniper Foundation
Home Marine Reconnaissance Foundation
That's the only thing I would add.
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close it. we can already see where it's headed. sheesh
close it. we can already see where it's headed. sheesh

Stephanie don't you think this is a good example of how Republicans and Conservatives check their own leaders
without denigrating the party, without personal attacks, or snide remarks. Look how beautiful and compelling his words are.
Don't you think that speaks well of Republicans who take responsibility for giving and taking rebuke and making corrections EFFECTIVELY?
Ptsd is terrible. Ive had it several times.

It's also hard on the people having to deal with it who aren't trained professionals.
The mood swings, sudden outbursts, how can you tell if someone is in danger, or when they are going to be okay on a bad day.

I have friends with PTSD from rape, from legal abuse which can get worse and worse with protracted cases dragging on with no end.
I can't imagine the trauma from military sexual assault and trauma.

Dealing with the VA must be tough and trying enough without that, but if you add on PTSD,
or PTSD from being raped and denied justice by the military, where do you go with all that stress and pain?
What the hell?

Does he know Track's shit?

What's going on these days? I know PTSD; I am an expert. lalalalala

Go fuck him. I really mean it. What right does he to talk about what might be happening to Track.
An Open Letter to Sarah Palin

"Dear Mrs. Palin,

"I am a former U.S. Marine and U.S. Navy officer with a Combat Action Ribbon, as well as service-connected disabilities. I am also a Republican. I have also served, and am friends, with dozens of combat veterans who suffer daily from various injuries and wounds, including PTSD. I recently read your attempts to excuse your son’s arrest on domestic abuse and firearm charges by based on his supposed PTSD.

"Based upon your previous comments, I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition to, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior.

"In 2014, your entire family was involved in a late-night “drunken brawl” at a party in which Track Palin (the accused domestic abuser) was involved in a bloody fight. While you publicly stated how proud you were of your children’s violent actions, maybe this should have been a sign that Track has a problem. It is certainly curious that you did not feel the need to reference his supposed PTSD in this situation and instead stated: “my kids’ defense of family makes my heart soar!” Maybe instead of encouraging Track’s violence, you should have taken the opportunity to get him help. Maybe your son’s actions did not result from PTSD, but were an attempt to simply uphold stated Palin family values and “make your heart soar” by abusing a woman.

"PTSD is stigmatized in the media and not well understood by the general public. An estimated 22 veterans commit suicide every day in the United States. This is nearly 8,000 veterans who take their lives every year. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) stated: “Every day in the United States, 22 veterans succumb to suicide—losing their personal battle to invisible wounds of war.” Veterans who have willingly given so much in service to their country should not have to bear the burden of being further stigmatized by your ignorant and foolish statements.

"While I do not propose to speak for all veterans, I am clearly not alone in my views regarding your unfortunate statements. They were unfortunate for the many veterans who face further disdain and discrimination based upon your inaccurate and ignorant portrayal of those who suffer from the condition, as well as its causes.

"While I would personally prefer that you simply avoid public life and fade away, if you insist on trying to use your “celebrity status” for a cause, please educate yourself on the facts of PTSD and try to help veterans by using your significant influence in a more productive and less political manner. There are a number of veterans’ organizations to which you can donate time, money and energy to make a difference.

"Two organizations you may want to consider are the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation and the Recon & Sniper Foundation.

Chris Mark"

I love this letter, touching and well-written. I tried to post the whole thing and added the links:
Home Recon & Sniper Foundation
Home Marine Reconnaissance Foundation
That's the only thing I would add.

She never made it an excuse.


Piss on you. Sarah never made it an excuse.
Ptsd is terrible. Ive had it several times.

It's also hard on the people having to deal with it who aren't trained professionals.
The mood swings, sudden outbursts, how can you tell if someone is in danger, or when they are going to be okay on a bad day.

I have friends with PTSD from rape, from legal abuse which can get worse and worse with protracted cases dragging on with no end.
I can't imagine the trauma from military sexual assault and trauma.

Dealing with the VA must be tough and trying enough without that, but if you add on PTSD,
or PTSD from being raped and denied justice by the military, where do you go with all that stress and pain?
I never got any help. There kind of isnt any for people like me.
I am now so angry.

Look. Track obviously has issues.

But fuck you emily for putting up a son of a bitch that has no idea whatsoever what is happening in this kids life. Whose this fuck face to comment on Track. Oh and has Track been convicted of jack shit yet you mother fuckers. Fuck you carla too for mocking some ones mental state. You are a piece of work girl.

What the hell are you people doing?
I am now so angry.

Look. Track obviously has issues.

But fuck you emily for putting up a son of a bitch that has no idea whatsoever what is happening in this kids life. Whose this fuck face to comment on Track. Oh and has Track been convicted of jack shit yet you mother fuckers. Fuck you carla too for mocking some ones mental state. You are a piece of work girl.

What the hell are you people doing?
I am now so angry.

Look. Track obviously has issues.

But fuck you emily for putting up a son of a bitch that has no idea whatsoever what is happening in this kids life. Whose this fuck face to comment on Track. Oh and has Track been convicted of jack shit yet you mother fuckers. Fuck you carla too for mocking some ones mental state. You are a piece of work girl.

What the hell are you people doing?
An Open Letter to Sarah Palin

"Dear Mrs. Palin,

"I am a former U.S. Marine and U.S. Navy officer with a Combat Action Ribbon, as well as service-connected disabilities. I am also a Republican. I have also served, and am friends, with dozens of combat veterans who suffer daily from various injuries and wounds, including PTSD. I recently read your attempts to excuse your son’s arrest on domestic abuse and firearm charges by based on his supposed PTSD.

"Based upon your previous comments, I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition to, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior.

"In 2014, your entire family was involved in a late-night “drunken brawl” at a party in which Track Palin (the accused domestic abuser) was involved in a bloody fight. While you publicly stated how proud you were of your children’s violent actions, maybe this should have been a sign that Track has a problem. It is certainly curious that you did not feel the need to reference his supposed PTSD in this situation and instead stated: “my kids’ defense of family makes my heart soar!” Maybe instead of encouraging Track’s violence, you should have taken the opportunity to get him help. Maybe your son’s actions did not result from PTSD, but were an attempt to simply uphold stated Palin family values and “make your heart soar” by abusing a woman.

"PTSD is stigmatized in the media and not well understood by the general public. An estimated 22 veterans commit suicide every day in the United States. This is nearly 8,000 veterans who take their lives every year. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) stated: “Every day in the United States, 22 veterans succumb to suicide—losing their personal battle to invisible wounds of war.” Veterans who have willingly given so much in service to their country should not have to bear the burden of being further stigmatized by your ignorant and foolish statements.

"While I do not propose to speak for all veterans, I am clearly not alone in my views regarding your unfortunate statements. They were unfortunate for the many veterans who face further disdain and discrimination based upon your inaccurate and ignorant portrayal of those who suffer from the condition, as well as its causes.

"While I would personally prefer that you simply avoid public life and fade away, if you insist on trying to use your “celebrity status” for a cause, please educate yourself on the facts of PTSD and try to help veterans by using your significant influence in a more productive and less political manner. There are a number of veterans’ organizations to which you can donate time, money and energy to make a difference.

"Two organizations you may want to consider are the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation and the Recon & Sniper Foundation.

Chris Mark"

I love this letter, touching and well-written. I tried to post the whole thing and added the links:
Home Recon & Sniper Foundation
Home Marine Reconnaissance Foundation
That's the only thing I would add.

She never made it an excuse.


Piss on you. Sarah never made it an excuse.

Dear tinydancer
I didn't read that level of accusation or assumption in his letter.
I thought he was open ended either way, where regardless what she meant, he addressed the issue not to take PTSD lightly.

Also I really like and respect Sarah Palin.
I think she is underrated for the progress she made cleaning up some of the Good Old Boy politics in Alaska,
the only trouble being she went right along with some of the politicking over protecting the Alaskan environment.

I think she has a healthy sense of support for her kids, as necessary in order to fix the root of problems the author is pointing out.
She wouldn't have a chance at succeeding if she didn't first love and support her kids unconditionally, so she needs that as the basis to start.

I don't have a problem with either what she said or what he is saying.
I don't see a conflict, but think they are both saying healthy constructive positive things to help people.

I like how they both say things in the spirit of trying to correct and make things better.
I'm not sure about some of the comments here that
seem unnecessarily negative,
but hey,
with all the political bullying and verbal warfare going on constantly,
maybe we ALL have signs of some PTSD sensitivity and reactions.

Maybe we ALL need to be more sensitive and not take it personally
if people don't say things exactly as we'd like or rub us the wrong way.

Thanks tinydancer
I'd rather have people post and share honestly, even brutally honest,
than not feel free to share at all.

I like your posts, too, you tend to post some deeper historical background
that I'm glad to see shared with others. We need that if we are going to grow forward,
we need to understand the patterns of the past, and what direction to take in the future.

Take Care!

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