Oops... Teenager Mistakes Little Brother for Intruder, Kills Him

"Sorry about that kid, my bad. But I thought you were an intruder". So goes the gist of this tragic story.
Oh well, but haven't we heard this before? Of course, just recently under the headlines.... Olympic hero "mistakenly" kills girlfriend
Carry on NRA!
Tell us - which of these would have stopped this from happening:

-Assault weapon ban
-Hi-cap magazine ban
-Universal background checks
-Universal licensing of gun owners
-Universal registration of guns
-Mandatory trigger locks
-Mandatory "safe storage"

As always, you're happy to see children die so that you can push your mindless nonsensical agenda. Carry on.

All of the above.
This is a lie; you know you cannot show that any of those things would have stopped this shooting.

Except of course, the part about you're happy to see children die so that you can push your mindless nonsensical agenda - THAT is true.
^ This

Harry Reid wanted to read off the name of every soldier and Marine killed in Iraq....when Bush was President. Now Obama gets our Embarrassed annihilated and not a fucking peep from the "Anti-war" Left

Did you mean "Embassy"?

Anyway, nice try, guy.

Frankly, I'd agree with you and Muddy. A lot of the conduct of the Democrats during Iraq was reprehensible. Reid, Clinton, Kerry, Edwards all voted for the war, and turned on it the minute it became unpopular while pretending they were like the piano player at the whorehouse.

But trying to distract from the fact that we have too much gun violence in this country with a "but...but...but..." whatever isn't going to fly here.
This is a terrible story, but not something I would use to push a political agenda. I can't imagine what the teen and his family are going through.

No questions or thoughts enter your mind? How about... This little boy might still be alive if there were no guns in the house? Why the easy access to guns? Or what happened to 'gun-responsibility'?

Negligence? Can the parents be held criminally responsibly? And why not?

Political agenda aside, someone has to protect the children from this all to frequent occurrence.
If it's gun responsibility and easy access your so concerned about why isn't your outrage directed at the parents who should have been the ones to teach proper gun safety and have the guns safely secured ?

Guns are the source of the problem here for me. That child died needlessly. Why put your children at risk? I wouldn't have a gun in my house with children around for all the gold at Fort Knox.
"Sorry about that kid, my bad. But I thought you were an intruder". So goes the gist of this tragic story.
Oh well, but haven't we heard this before? Of course, just recently under the headlines.... Olympic hero "mistakenly" kills girlfriend
Carry on NRA!
Tell us - which of these would have stopped this from happening:

-Assault weapon ban
-Hi-cap magazine ban
-Universal background checks
-Universal licensing of gun owners
-Universal registration of guns
-Mandatory trigger locks
-Mandatory "safe storage"

As always, you're happy to see children die so that you can push your mindless nonsensical agenda. Carry on.
No guns in the house would of stopped that from happening...
So, you agree that none of the currently considerd gun control measures woudl have stopped this. Well done.

Of course you don't give a shit about that dead child..
Says he who prays each night for the good news of another school being shot up...
No questions or thoughts enter your mind? How about... This little boy might still be alive if there were no guns in the house? Why the easy access to guns? Or what happened to 'gun-responsibility'?

Negligence? Can the parents be held criminally responsibly? And why not?

Political agenda aside, someone has to protect the children from this all to frequent occurrence.
If it's gun responsibility and easy access your so concerned about why isn't your outrage directed at the parents who should have been the ones to teach proper gun safety and have the guns safely secured ?
Guns are the source of the problem here for me. T
This is a mindless, ignorant, nonsensical, unsound and bogited position.
No questions or thoughts enter your mind? How about... This little boy might still be alive if there were no guns in the house? Why the easy access to guns? Or what happened to 'gun-responsibility'?

Negligence? Can the parents be held criminally responsibly? And why not?

Political agenda aside, someone has to protect the children from this all to frequent occurrence.
If it's gun responsibility and easy access your so concerned about why isn't your outrage directed at the parents who should have been the ones to teach proper gun safety and have the guns safely secured ?

Guns are the source of the problem here for me. That child died needlessly. Why put your children at risk? I wouldn't have a gun in my house with children around for all the gold at Fort Knox.

Who said you had to have a gun in your house?

What about stairs? :eusa_hand:better not have any of those either.

Plus, turn off the water-main. Kids have drowned in tubs.

Oh, and don't forget to shut off the electricity.
No questions or thoughts enter your mind? How about... This little boy might still be alive if there were no guns in the house? Why the easy access to guns? Or what happened to 'gun-responsibility'?

Negligence? Can the parents be held criminally responsibly? And why not?

Political agenda aside, someone has to protect the children from this all to frequent occurrence.
If it's gun responsibility and easy access your so concerned about why isn't your outrage directed at the parents who should have been the ones to teach proper gun safety and have the guns safely secured ?

Guns are the source of the problem here for me. That child died needlessly. Why put your children at risk? I wouldn't have a gun in my house with children around for all the gold at Fort Knox.

That's fine not having a gun in your house is certainly your right and choice but there are a great many of us who have had guns and been around them all our lives with no incidents at all I find it troubling that those of us who are responsible with guns get demonized because of those who aren't.
This is a terrible story, but not something I would use to push a political agenda. I can't imagine what the teen and his family are going through.

No questions or thoughts enter your mind? How about... This little boy might still be alive if there were no guns in the house? Why the easy access to guns? Or what happened to 'gun-responsibility'?

Negligence? Can the parents be held criminally responsibly? And why not?

Political agenda aside, someone has to protect the children from this all to frequent occurrence.
You know this has been occurring for ever and a day in the world, it's called terrible and tragic accidents that happen somehow, and you know what they are still going to occur whether it be at your job or at your home, during boating, swimming, drinking, driving, skiing, scuba diving, mountain climbing, during mechanizing of equipment, running equipment, motorcycle riding, skydiving, hunting, fishing and on and on it all goes. Taking these incidents and trying to push a political agenda on everyone one is just tragically sick really, but I think todays left knows no bounds in what they will try to achieve or take advantage of, and this no matter how ignorant and arrogant they are when trying to achieve it. My prayers go out to this family for their tragic loss, as it is a sad thing in which we hope it is learned from in example of, and this in order for others hopefully to understand and do better with in the future.
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If it's gun responsibility and easy access your so concerned about why isn't your outrage directed at the parents who should have been the ones to teach proper gun safety and have the guns safely secured ?

Guns are the source of the problem here for me. That child died needlessly. Why put your children at risk? I wouldn't have a gun in my house with children around for all the gold at Fort Knox.

Who said you had to have a gun in your house?

What about stairs? :eusa_hand:better not have any of those either.

Plus, turn off the water-main. Kids have drowned in tubs.

Oh, and don't forget to shut off the electricity.

That child wasn't killed by stairs was he? Nor was he killed by a tub or electricity. That child was killed by a gun wasn't he?

Well? Am I right? Class dismissed.
No questions or thoughts enter your mind? How about... This little boy might still be alive if there were no guns in the house? Why the easy access to guns? Or what happened to 'gun-responsibility'?

Negligence? Can the parents be held criminally responsibly? And why not?

Political agenda aside, someone has to protect the children from this all to frequent occurrence.
there is no proof that the little boy wouldn't have been killed with a baseball bat instead of a gun given the circumstances.

The thoughts that go through My head are that the parents are now facing criminal charges for allowing a child access to their weapons and that you have to be one of the most despicable people on these forums to offer up the dead body of a child for a political point on an anonymous forum.

Something that people around you should be proud of, no doubt.

There is all the proof in the world that the child was not killed by a baseball bat.

Admit it... the child was killed by a gun, gun, gun!
You could care less about the death of a child just as long as it's something else used to kill them
So in the words of hillary Clinton

If it's gun responsibility and easy access your so concerned about why isn't your outrage directed at the parents who should have been the ones to teach proper gun safety and have the guns safely secured ?

Guns are the source of the problem here for me. That child died needlessly. Why put your children at risk? I wouldn't have a gun in my house with children around for all the gold at Fort Knox.

That's fine not having a gun in your house is certainly your right and choice but there are a great many of us who have had guns and been around them all our lives with no incidents at all I find it troubling that those of us who are responsible with guns get demonized because of those who aren't.
It's because it is all part of a bigger perceived agenda by the left, and that is exactly why they are using these incidents or events to dial in upon what they want in all of this, otherwise as far as their agenda goes, even though we know what they are up to, they then try and use human shields to cover their scheming activity in this respect.

They hide their agenda within tragic events, as if these events started just yesterday in this nation the way they hype them to cover everything that moves afterwards, when such events have been happening as long as the world has been turning with man upon it. Now what is found within the midst of it all? Well what do you know, here comes the devil and his gang of confusion, where as he wants to take away freedoms from man every way he can, and he wants to enslave man, and he wants to make man feel as if he is a complete failure in his life, and especially so in the eyes of his God, and sadly the left accommodates him well in his endeavors in which they are helping him work through, but we know their game now, and it isn't working for them or him.
Children dying unnecessarily is not "a pretty stupid argument".

If the death of children was you'r only concern you wouldn't just be talking about gun deaths. How about parental abuse? More parents kill their children yearly by their on hand, through neglect and physical abuse than are killed by guns.

child abduction and murder statistics & facts
I say you're full of shit.

Again... this child was killed by a gun.

Not killed by a baseball bat, stairs, knife, swimming pool, car, or whatever else you enablers can come up with! A gun was the choice of weapon here. Guns! Much more convenient, readily available and easy access to one. Guns!

Your hypocrisy is very loud and clear.
Guns are the source of the problem here for me. That child died needlessly. Why put your children at risk? I wouldn't have a gun in my house with children around for all the gold at Fort Knox.

That's fine not having a gun in your house is certainly your right and choice but there are a great many of us who have had guns and been around them all our lives with no incidents at all I find it troubling that those of us who are responsible with guns get demonized because of those who aren't.
It's because it is all part of a bigger perceived agenda by the left, and that is exactly why they are using these incidents or events to dial in upon what they want in all of this, otherwise as far as their agenda goes, even though we know what they are up to, they then try and use human shields to cover their scheming activity in this respect.

They hide their agenda within tragic events, as if these events started just yesterday in this nation the way they hype them to cover everything that moves afterwards, when such events have been happening as long as the world has been turning with man upon it. Now what is found within the midst of it all? Well what do you know, here comes the devil and his gang of confusion, where as he wants to take away freedoms from man every way he can, and he wants to enslave man, and he wants to make man feel as if he is a complete failure in his life, and especially so in the eyes of his God, and sadly the left accommodates him well in his endeavors in which they are helping him work through, but we know their game now, and it isn't working for them or him.

Benghazi much?
If the death of children was you'r only concern you wouldn't just be talking about gun deaths. How about parental abuse? More parents kill their children yearly by their on hand, through neglect and physical abuse than are killed by guns.

child abduction and murder statistics & facts
I say you're full of shit.

Again... this child was killed by a gun.

Not killed by a baseball bat, stairs, knife, swimming pool, car, or whatever else you enablers can come up with! A gun was the choice of weapon here. Guns! Much more convenient, readily available and easy access to one. Guns!

Your hypocrisy is very loud and clear.

So are your guns.
Guns are the source of the problem here for me. That child died needlessly. Why put your children at risk? I wouldn't have a gun in my house with children around for all the gold at Fort Knox.

Who said you had to have a gun in your house?

What about stairs? :eusa_hand:better not have any of those either.

Plus, turn off the water-main. Kids have drowned in tubs.

Oh, and don't forget to shut off the electricity.

That child wasn't killed by stairs was he? Nor was he killed by a tub or electricity. That child was killed by a gun wasn't he?

Well? Am I right? Class dismissed.
Ok, so he was killed by a gun, (so what, it's a sad day for those who had this happen in their home), and yet what is the difference in an accident where a person is killed accidentally by a gun, or if they are killed by someone leaving a cord to close to the water, or accidentally leaving the car in neutral with a child near the rear of it not seen, or by someone leaving a boat motor defective, causing it to run away and killing an unsuspecting victim, or a person mistaking a family member for a burglar in some strange situation, and on and on and on it all goes in America and the world, but the left wants to attack guns as if they are somehow doing these things on their own, therefore leaving people without the right to protect their property, life, family and fellow Americans, even if they are responsible gun owners who have owned guns for ever and a day now in this nation. Sick is what the left is, and they know no bounds or will travel a million miles around an issue to somehow try and get what they want, but people are not fooled by them, and I hope they will finally come to their senses and realize this.
Again... this child was killed by a gun.

Not killed by a baseball bat, stairs, knife, swimming pool, car, or whatever else you enablers can come up with! A gun was the choice of weapon here. Guns! Much more convenient, readily available and easy access to one. Guns!

Your hypocrisy is very loud and clear.

So are your guns.
What kind of idiocy come back is that ? Run out of things to say so soon maybe, as this thread by politicizing the issue is sick and you know it.
Its not that the Dems are anti-war, its just that they are mindless drones and parrot whatever is fed to them by the Collective; now they're against the Second Amendment
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there is no proof that the little boy wouldn't have been killed with a baseball bat instead of a gun given the circumstances.

The thoughts that go through My head are that the parents are now facing criminal charges for allowing a child access to their weapons and that you have to be one of the most despicable people on these forums to offer up the dead body of a child for a political point on an anonymous forum.

Something that people around you should be proud of, no doubt.

There is all the proof in the world that the child was not killed by a baseball bat.

Admit it... the child was killed by a gun, gun, gun!
You could care less about the death of a child just as long as it's something else used to kill them
So in the words of hillary Clinton

Yeah, she ran out of something to say also didn't she ?
"Sorry about that kid, my bad. But I thought you were an intruder". So goes the gist of this tragic story.

Oh well, but haven't we heard this before? Of course, just recently under the headlines.... Olympic hero "mistakenly" kills girlfriend

Carry on NRA!

Florida Teen Mistakes Brother for Intruder, Shoots Him - ABC News

The teen broke one of the biggest rules in gun safety and handling.
Never fire a gun unless you're sure of your target. A gun safety course would have prevented this tragedy.

I disagree. A gun safety course would not necessarily have prevented this tragedy. No guns in the house, without a doubt, would indeed have prevented this tragedy.

No cars on the road would prevent a lot of automobile accidents, and no planes in the air would ensure no airplane crashes. This earth is inhabited by a whole lot of stupid, dumb, and careless people that cause harm and death to themselves and/or others in a multitude of ways. And, as long as we have these stupid, dumb, and careless people we will have tragedies such as the one in this post.

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