
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
MSNBC Chris Hayes is showing just how stupid a propagandist they are.
A whole show on claiming Trump team (accusing Bannon without evidence reason)
had given Nunes that surveillance evidence....ummm think about that.
A person & broadcast network which reports false accusations & which questioned the sanity of Trumps accusations, asked for proof evidence of those accusations and now chastises with accusations of their own that they supplied the very thing everyone was asking for proof of. Seriously?
Corky Sherwood would make a better choice at news anchor then this disturbed
Chris Hayes.
Here's an idea, report on Comcast, your owners of your network. There's plenty of great stuff there, like how they line the pockets of politicians and avoid constant FCC violations like illegal billing practices and SEC violations with their padded accounts receivable using these false charges and thus involved in illegal accounting practices for satisfying stock holders expectations on earnings.
How they do it? By taking the $50-100 deposits and making them seem as income earned not returnable deposits.
They charge rental fees for routers you own, so they can report that as accounts receivable, they also do this with returned equipment(writing it off) by claiming it was never returned, anything that can add imaginary income or tax deductions to their bottom line for earnings seasons that lack. There's many many more seedy practices by Comcast that MSNBC could be reporting if it wasn't for the fact they were bought out for that very purpose to silence these things.
You do realize your post exposes that
Jarred was illegally spied on right?
He's a civilian, has no paid position thus does not have the same responsibilities as Gov't employees.
The ad hominem comment did not refute my post and only shows typical behavior when confronted with "UNPOPULAR TRUTHS" AND REALITY.
You do realize your post exposes that
Jarred was illegally spied on right?
He's a civilian, has no paid position thus does not have the same responsibilities as Gov't employees.
The ad hominem comment did not refute my post and only shows typical behavior when confronted with "UNPOPULAR TRUTHS" AND REALITY.
Keep pretending this Russian scandal is going away.
Ha ha
Oh....Chris Hayes has about 70 points on your IQ.
Reasonable, how can your claim be reasonable? Transgender Chris Hayes' total IQ is less than 70! :p
Keep pretending this Russian scandal is going away.
Ha ha
Oh....Chris Hayes has about 70 points on your IQ.

See you just got caught making up stuff (fake news) about people.
You do not know me and my IQ (above 98% of the Population) and you do not know his.
Just because he wears those glasses doesn't make him as smart as he tries to appear. He just wears them to distinguish himself from that main Isaac Chroner character in the movie
"Children of the Corn".
Furthermore you assume I would believe your party's neurosis is curable that they would give up on their tin foil hat Russian conspiracy angle.
Last edited:
Keep pretending this Russian scandal is going away.
Ha ha
Oh....Chris Hayes has about 70 points on your IQ.

See you just got caught making up stuff (fake news) about people.
You do not know me and my IQ (above 98% of the Population) and you do not know his.
Furthermore you assume I would believe your party's neurosis is curable that they would give up on their tin foil hat Russian conspiracy angle.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Keep pretending this Russian scandal is going away.
Ha ha
Oh....Chris Hayes has about 70 points on your IQ.

See you just got caught making up stuff (fake news) about people.
You do not know me and my IQ (above 98% of the Population) and you do not know his.
Furthermore you assume I would believe your party's neurosis is curable that they would give up on their tin foil hat Russian conspiracy angle.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yep Russia made Clinton admit pay to play in her emails, made her call Americans Deplorable who had common sense.
Russia made her break laws by destroying those emails, Russia made her leave her electronics at various places.
Russia made you miss the toilet and leave the seat up and made you get yelled at for it.
Oh yeah and those agencies all said there was not 1 bit of evidence of a collusion or manipulation to the election ballots.
There is however a statement that Obama interfered more with our election then Russia is accused of.
Oh, wow! You mean about Hill and team?

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Fwd: It's out there
From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2015-04-29 13:47 Subject: Fwd: It's out there

Fyi Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: *From:* Tony Carrk <[email protected]> *Date:* April 29, 2015 at 11:25:34 AM EDT *To:* Jennifer Palmieri <[email protected]>, Brian Fallon < [email protected]> *Subject:* *It's out there* Firm Co-Founded By Hillary’s Campaign Chair Lobbies For Russia’s Uranium One

Fwd: Grassley letter
From:[email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2015-07-03 13:49 Subject: Fwd: Grassley letter

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: *Maura Pally* <[email protected]> Date: Friday, July 3, 2015 Subject: Grassley letter To: Cheryl Mills <[email protected]>, John Podesta < [email protected]>, Heather Samuelson <[email protected]>, Huma Abedin <[email protected]> Putting on all of your radars that Grassley sent a letter to AG Lynch (dated June 30th though we just saw it) asking questions about contributions to the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal. Letter is attached. Craig is connecting with comms team to be sure they are aware as well.

Keep pretending this Russian scandal is going away.
Ha ha
Oh....Chris Hayes has about 70 points on your IQ.

See you just got caught making up stuff (fake news) about people.
You do not know me and my IQ (above 98% of the Population) and you do not know his.
Furthermore you assume I would believe your party's neurosis is curable that they would give up on their tin foil hat Russian conspiracy angle.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Indeed Crooked Hillary should testify under oath in regards to her corrupt connection to Russian business activity! Unlike the fake news, MSM/democrat lies about "Russian hacking," the Uranium deal is fact.
Like I said, the Russia distraction makes people forget to ask;
what favors were given to the Saudis in exchange for all those envelopes full of cash?
tmp_5978-bil sheikh mo payoff230192876.jpg
Keep pretending this Russian scandal is going away.
Ha ha
Oh....Chris Hayes has about 70 points on your IQ.

See you just got caught making up stuff (fake news) about people.
You do not know me and my IQ (above 98% of the Population) and you do not know his.
Furthermore you assume I would believe your party's neurosis is curable that they would give up on their tin foil hat Russian conspiracy angle.
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Technically it wasn't all seventeen, it was Clapper NSA Head that spoke and said other intelligence agencies agree. The other agencies haven't said a word.

We know from wiki leaks that the intel community can make it look like Russia. We also know not one person in the intelligence agencies like Hillary Clinton. Not one! They said she is a mad evil woman and they don't trust her. Sounds like motive to me.

The only reason Comey announced he we reopening the email investigation right before the election was because he read the intelligence reports on Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Not one person in Congress wanted her to win, not even the dems. Obama didn't truly want her to win either, that's why I believe that either the dems sabotaged Hillary in house, or just maybe the intelligence community hacked the server. Russia had nothing to do with it.

Her political career is over, she never accomplished anything good anyway. It's clear she was in politics for her own gain. She never intended on making a positive difference, she had plenty of time in politics to do so, yet she never did. Hillary was a greedy manipulator who was only in politics for self gain and all the dems on the Hill knew that.

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