Ontario's COVID-19 vaccine passport plan unveiled


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
"Vere are zur papers!?" The conspiracy theorists called this passport long ago and we all laughed.

I am not naive enough to believe our data won't be tracked or be the subject of future marketing. I am far too jaded now about where Canada is headed. There simply aren't enough who fight for and believe in Right to Self Determination and accountable authorities.

Ontario residents will soon have to show proof they've been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to dine indoors at restaurants and go to gyms and theatres — but not necessarily to enter retail locations — the province announced Wednesday.

The "enhanced COVID-19 vaccine certificate" system, as the Ontario government is calling it, will come into effect on Sept. 22.

At a news conference Wednesday, Premier Doug Ford said the new system came from "in-depth conversations" with experts based on "evidence and best advice.

"We need to protect our hospitals, we need to avoid lockdowns at all costs. We want our kids in schools, and our businesses to stay open," he said.
I don't usually purposely put stuff in the CT zone, but I did this one, given the source of the so called, "leak." It is informative to go back and look at the time-line, and see how much of the supposed agenda has come to pass. . .

A lot looks to be "woo," but, OTH, some seems to be coming to fruition. This thread was posted back in 2020.

From the link;

"The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down (through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada’s HealthPass) ."

Here is some other information for consideration.

I suck at being Canadian? LOL. I'm not sure if that is a compliment or an insult.
"Has anyone ever told the RWNJ 'Murikan OP that she sucks at pretending to be Canadian?"

I suck at being Canadian? LOL. I'm not sure if that is a compliment or an insult.

You missed the word "pretending", Cletus, a detail a Real Canadian would not overlook. Wander on down in your holler to see if one of your edumacated kin has one of them thar' dictionaries....
"Has anyone ever told the RWNJ 'Murikan OP that she sucks at pretending to be Canadian?"

You missed the word "pretending", Cletus, a detail a Real Canadian would not overlook. Wander on down in your holler to see if one of your edumacated kin has one of them thar' dictionaries....

I am offended that you bear the name of my favourite Stooge and you have such a false belief in my identity.

Seems I can't win. On Canadian forums they tell me to "go to America then", and now Americans are calling on me to "stop pretending to be Canadian".

It's sort of my politics. I generally support Libertarian principles, but in Canada at lest, that means BIG unaccountable police state Conservatives.
I am an actual Canadian, you buffoonish Yank....

Now I call B.S on you.

If you can't see that I'm a Canadian than it appear you lack perception. Or, we just prefer to take a different perspective on how much kool-aid we like to drink.

I've always been an outlier. Don't blame me for exposing the truth about Canada though, that's on the Creepy Ones.
Wrong again, you arrogant Yank.

Wrong on which assertion? Ok, I admit, Shemp wasn't my fave (I'm a Curly guy myself). You caught me there.

However, I am Canadian, and the Creepy Ones caused great damage not just to my life, but to our National Security and reputation. I have indeed been speaking the truth as they have run and hid like the cowards they are.

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