Ontario reports 1,426 new COVID-19 cases, another record high


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
We are having records fro coast to coast. Not to worry, our leaders will continue to blame America as they have for months, knowing you guys aren't paying attention. Even as we have a closed border.

Ontario reported another 1,426 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, setting a new record high for the fourth time in five days.

The newly confirmed infections push the seven-day average of daily cases to 1,217, the highest it has been at any point in the pandemic
We are having records fro coast to coast. Not to worry, our leaders will continue to blame America as they have for months, knowing you guys aren't paying attention. Even as we have a closed border.

Ontario reported another 1,426 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, setting a new record high for the fourth time in five days.

The newly confirmed infections push the seven-day average of daily cases to 1,217, the highest it has been at any point in the pandemic
Note the lack of new deaths reported.
They're just talking now about people that have tested positive.....some without symptoms of any kind.
That is no threat to anyone.
Considering the fact that we can't trust a thing the media reports these days...all of their COVID reports have to be taken with a grain of salt.
I think they're positioning themselves for another shutdown....so they can utterly destroy the economy and send us into a Depression.
We are having records fro coast to coast. Not to worry, our leaders will continue to blame America as they have for months, knowing you guys aren't paying attention. Even as we have a closed border.

Ontario reported another 1,426 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, setting a new record high for the fourth time in five days.

The newly confirmed infections push the seven-day average of daily cases to 1,217, the highest it has been at any point in the pandemic
Note the lack of new deaths reported.
They're just talking now about people that have tested positive.....some without symptoms of any kind.
That is no threat to anyone.
Considering the fact that we can't trust a thing the media reports these days...all of their COVID reports have to be taken with a grain of salt.
I think they're positioning themselves for another shutdown....so they can utterly destroy the economy and send us into a Depression.
Indeed,the op needs to learn the lamestream media is only a tool for the government thst only tells you what they want to hear,that the msm media is controlled by the corporations so you will never here the facts that whistleblowers have exposed that you just spoke of. :thup:
We are having records fro coast to coast. Not to worry, our leaders will continue to blame America as they have for months, knowing you guys aren't paying attention. Even as we have a closed border.

Ontario reported another 1,426 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, setting a new record high for the fourth time in five days.

The newly confirmed infections push the seven-day average of daily cases to 1,217, the highest it has been at any point in the pandemic
Note the lack of new deaths reported.
They're just talking now about people that have tested positive.....some without symptoms of any kind.
That is no threat to anyone.
Considering the fact that we can't trust a thing the media reports these days...all of their COVID reports have to be taken with a grain of salt.
I think they're positioning themselves for another shutdown....so they can utterly destroy the economy and send us into a Depression.

Do not believe anything the lying Canadian media will say because they are on board with this globalist scamdemic. These fabricated numbers of Convid 19 are being created to try and implement globalism communism in America and all over the world. This China virus has not killed anymore people than any other virus that comes around every year. When we had the Hong Kong flu, H1N1, SARS the world never shut down. There are more people dying today from illegal drugs than from this scamdemic virus. 99% of the people who get this so called dangerous virus live.

Here in British Columbia approx. 300 people have supposedly died from this China virus out of a population of approx. 5 million. Wow, something really to get oneself all excited over and want to live in a state of fear and panic over nothing.

Our Canadian and American lying politicians and our lying medias are pretty much owned and operated by the deep state billionaire globalists and they are all lying to we the people to keep this bull chit going for the takeover and a reset of our dollar system. America and Canada are both positioning themselves for another bigger and better lock down. As long as Trump is President this will never happen. Biden will lock down the country. The buffoons who voted for that loser will pay a hefty price for their bloody stupidity. They do not realize that they have been used as a bunch of sucker pawns to get Biden elected through fraud. Get ready for a destruction of the economy and another depression and shut downs on Jan. 21st/21. We ain't seen nuttin' yet, pardner.

Look up on the internet "Event201". This will explain it all as to why there is this fake scamdemic being forced on us all. It was a meeting on Oct.19/19 by a bunch of globalists like Bill Gates and his billionaire ilk to prepare for a possible future plandemic. Well low and behold six months later we have a Convid 19 plandemic take place around the world. A total and well planned hoax. Just a coincidence? No bloody way, Jose.
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The virus is super contagious but not very deadly
Masks don’t seem to stop it
The virus is deadly to certain folks in age and health related problems
The virus is super contagious but not very deadly
Masks don’t seem to stop it
The virus is deadly to certain folks in age and health related problems

The only way for all of this convid 19 sillyness to end is for the people to say enough already. This virus has caused more suffering and death than the virus ever could. We the people need to stop playing this Event 210 globalist virus lie and get back to the good old normal days. I would prefer to go back to where we all were six months ago rather than have to put up with this farce for who knows how long. My opinion.
We are having records fro coast to coast. Not to worry, our leaders will continue to blame America as they have for months, knowing you guys aren't paying attention. Even as we have a closed border.

Ontario reported another 1,426 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, setting a new record high for the fourth time in five days.

The newly confirmed infections push the seven-day average of daily cases to 1,217, the highest it has been at any point in the pandemic

I have a great idea. Why don't we all just stay at home until nothing bad ever happens again. Lol.

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