A coup in the making against Donald Trump.


Gold Member
Jan 8, 2010
As a Canadian observer, in all of the many Trump rallies that I have been watching on TV for weeks now Trump always gets tens of thousands of supporters attending his rallies. When I see Biden's rallies there may be a hundred supporters if that at his rallies. So, just where and how is Biden winning this election when hardly anyone ever shows up at his rallies? How is Biden beating Trump? A dam good question, uhmm?

I think that a coup is in the making and going on here with big tech being the main culprit here. I think that Trump is being robbed of his presidency for another four more years by globalist deep state big tech social media outfits like Twitter and Facebook and other social media giants, lying democrats, the mainstream leftist liberal pro democratic media, and other nefarious outfits whom are all working to commit fraud and a takeover of America.

I think that Trump may have to use the 14th Amendment to put a stop to this fraud and theft of his right to be President for another four more years. If there is a coup and insurrection going on here against Trump then Trump has the right and should use the 14th Amendment and go after those people who are committing fraud and crimes against America and the American people. If Trump does not use the 14th Amendment then he might as well give up now and pack it in. Trying to use lawsuits and going to courts to fight this fraud will no doubt be a waste of time because most of those states where Trump is losing are all controlled by activist liberal judges who will deny Trump is right to challenge this fraud and coup that is really going on.

So, are we seeing a coup going on here against Donald Trump in the making? It sure looks like it to me. What say you? You now have the floor. :)
Thanks for the Crazy Canadian update.

We were all looking forward to that.

What? Is that your big non intelligent reply? You must be one of those crazy supporting democrats, eh? I hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment. That should really scare the chit out of all of those crazy lefty democrats out there. If you are unable to see the fraud and coup going on here well then you need to do your best to convince me that there is no coup going on here against Donald Trump. Well?
Thanks for the Crazy Canadian update.

We were all looking forward to that.

What? Is that your big non intelligent reply? You must be one of those crazy supporting democrats, eh? I hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment. That should really scare the chit out of all of those crazy lefty democrats out there. If you are unable to see the fraud and coup going on here well then you need to do your best to convince me that there is no coup going on here against Donald Trump. Well?

you are wasting your breath with toto.He is a shill for Langley,he always defends government corruption no matter HOW ludicrous their explanations are.

the fact that shill toto here finds this post funny is all the proof in the world the op is correct on everything he says.

toto is incapable of opening up his mouth without lying<I knew he was just seeking attention recently when he made a thread saying he was leaving the site for good. the fact he did not just proves what a lying attention seeking whore he really is :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Still with the coup thing, huh?:alcoholic:
Well, it certainly looks to me like a coup is going on here. In Detroit there was a GOP ballot checker at some polling count station in Detroit doing his job and then he was suddenly kicked out of the counting area by security and everybody in the room cheered. Come on, there is something wrong with this election picture when ballot counters cheer the removal of a GOP ballot checker. There is no doubt some hanky-panky going on here.

I do hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment now as he at this time has a right to do so as President. Trump is being robbed of his presidency. Trump needs to protect his win of the election. If Trump does not use the 14th Amendment then he might as well hand over the presidency to the fraudster Biden and be done with it. Just saying.
As a Canadian observer, in all of the many Trump rallies that I have been watching on TV for weeks now Trump always gets tens of thousands of supporters attending his rallies. When I see Biden's rallies there may be a hundred supporters if that at his rallies. So, just where and how is Biden winning this election when hardly anyone ever shows up at his rallies? How is Biden beating Trump? A dam good question, uhmm?

I think that a coup is in the making and going on here with big tech being the main culprit here. I think that Trump is being robbed of his presidency for another four more years by globalist deep state big tech social media outfits like Twitter and Facebook and other social media giants, lying democrats, the mainstream leftist liberal pro democratic media, and other nefarious outfits whom are all working to commit fraud and a takeover of America.

I think that Trump may have to use the 14th Amendment to put a stop to this fraud and theft of his right to be President for another four more years. If there is a coup and insurrection going on here against Trump then Trump has the right and should use the 14th Amendment and go after those people who are committing fraud and crimes against America and the American people. If Trump does not use the 14th Amendment then he might as well give up now and pack it in. Trying to use lawsuits and going to courts to fight this fraud will no doubt be a waste of time because most of those states where Trump is losing are all controlled by activist liberal judges who will deny Trump is right to challenge this fraud and coup that is really going on.

So, are we seeing a coup going on here against Donald Trump in the making? It sure looks like it to me. What say you? You now have the floor. :)
Biden's supporters were smart enough not to go to rallies during a pandemic. Trump's Orange Cult are the lowest common denominator.
Still with the coup thing, huh?:alcoholic:
Well, it certainly looks to me like a coup is going on here. In Detroit there was a GOP ballot checker at some polling count station in Detroit doing his job and then he was suddenly kicked out of the counting area by security and everybody in the room cheered. Come on, there is something wrong with this election picture when ballot counters cheer the removal of a GOP ballot checker. There is no doubt some hanky-panky going on here.

I do hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment now as he at this time has a right to do so as President. Trump is being robbed of his presidency. Trump needs to protect his win of the election. If Trump does not use the 14th Amendment then he might as well hand over the presidency to the fraudster Biden and be done with it. Just saying.

You'll need to post a (reputable) link to back that statement up. What's going on here is democracy in action. The person getting the most votes in a state gets the electoral votes. The person with the most electoral votes wins.
Isn't this what you people said four years ago?
Thanks for the Crazy Canadian update.

We were all looking forward to that.

What? Is that your big non intelligent reply? You must be one of those crazy supporting democrats, eh? I hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment. That should really scare the chit out of all of those crazy lefty democrats out there. If you are unable to see the fraud and coup going on here well then you need to do your best to convince me that there is no coup going on here against Donald Trump. Well?

you are wasting your breath with toto.He is a shill for Langley,he always defends government corruption no matter HOW ludicrous their explanations are.

the fact that shill toto here finds this post funny is all the proof in the world the op is correct on everything he says.

toto is incapable of opening up his mouth without lying<I knew he was just seeking attention recently when he made a thread saying he was leaving the site for good. the fact he did not just proves what a lying attention seeking whore he really is :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

It amazes me as to why there are so many democrat Americans out there like Tojo that enjoy the government screwing around with him every day. What makes democrats like him so stunned in the head anyway? Trump cuts taxes and Biden says that he will raise his taxes. i would vote for Trump for sure to save some money. These democrats have mental issues. They truly appear to be quite crazy in the head. Just saying!!
Thanks for the Crazy Canadian update.

We were all looking forward to that.

What? Is that your big non intelligent reply? You must be one of those crazy supporting democrats, eh? I hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment. That should really scare the chit out of all of those crazy lefty democrats out there. If you are unable to see the fraud and coup going on here well then you need to do your best to convince me that there is no coup going on here against Donald Trump. Well?

you are wasting your breath with toto.He is a shill for Langley,he always defends government corruption no matter HOW ludicrous their explanations are.

the fact that shill toto here finds this post funny is all the proof in the world the op is correct on everything he says.

toto is incapable of opening up his mouth without lying<I knew he was just seeking attention recently when he made a thread saying he was leaving the site for good. the fact he did not just proves what a lying attention seeking whore he really is :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

It amazes me as to why there are so many democrat Americans out there like Tojo that enjoy the government screwing around with him every day. What makes democrats like him so stunned in the head anyway? Trump cuts taxes and Biden says that he will raise his taxes. i would vote for Trump for sure to save some money. These democrats have mental issues. They truly appear to be quite crazy in the head. Just saying!!

So you make more than 400 grand US a year? If not, Rump wouldn't save you one thin dime. If so, good for you!
Thanks for the Crazy Canadian update.

We were all looking forward to that.

What? Is that your big non intelligent reply? You must be one of those crazy supporting democrats, eh? I hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment. That should really scare the chit out of all of those crazy lefty democrats out there. If you are unable to see the fraud and coup going on here well then you need to do your best to convince me that there is no coup going on here against Donald Trump. Well?
There is not a coup, he is a forever impeached Potus, and Biden is concerned about the publics health unlike tramp.
Still with the coup thing, huh?:alcoholic:
Well, it certainly looks to me like a coup is going on here. In Detroit there was a GOP ballot checker at some polling count station in Detroit doing his job and then he was suddenly kicked out of the counting area by security and everybody in the room cheered. Come on, there is something wrong with this election picture when ballot counters cheer the removal of a GOP ballot checker. There is no doubt some hanky-panky going on here.

I do hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment now as he at this time has a right to do so as President. Trump is being robbed of his presidency. Trump needs to protect his win of the election. If Trump does not use the 14th Amendment then he might as well hand over the presidency to the fraudster Biden and be done with it. Just saying.

You'll need to post a (reputable) link to back that statement up. What's going on here is democracy in action. The person getting the most votes in a state gets the electoral votes. The person with the most electoral votes wins.
Isn't this what you people said four years ago?

Go to FOX NEWS if you dare. There they will explain it all to you. Four years ago there was no coup or fraud going on. Today there is. Hey, if Trump can prove that there is voter fraud going on here then Trump has the right to use the 14th Amendment and arrest and charge those people involved in what appears to be a fraud and coup against Trump and the American people happening here. Trump could remove those electoral votes from those states that are found to be committing fraud against Trump. It's all in Trump's hands now if he wants to save his right to be the president of the USA. Otherwise, Trump might as well concede the election and be done with it and hand it over to Anti-American Biden and Camela. Yuk.
Thanks for the Crazy Canadian update.

We were all looking forward to that.

What? Is that your big non intelligent reply? You must be one of those crazy supporting democrats, eh? I hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment. That should really scare the chit out of all of those crazy lefty democrats out there. If you are unable to see the fraud and coup going on here well then you need to do your best to convince me that there is no coup going on here against Donald Trump. Well?

you are wasting your breath with toto.He is a shill for Langley,he always defends government corruption no matter HOW ludicrous their explanations are.

the fact that shill toto here finds this post funny is all the proof in the world the op is correct on everything he says.

toto is incapable of opening up his mouth without lying<I knew he was just seeking attention recently when he made a thread saying he was leaving the site for good. the fact he did not just proves what a lying attention seeking whore he really is :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

It amazes me as to why there are so many democrat Americans out there like Tojo that enjoy the government screwing around with him every day. What makes democrats like him so stunned in the head anyway? Trump cuts taxes and Biden says that he will raise his taxes. i would vote for Trump for sure to save some money. These democrats have mental issues. They truly appear to be quite crazy in the head. Just saying!!

I agree completely. Elvis said he isn't completely convinced yet, but I think he will come around by the time we all meet up at his dinner party on the moon next week.
Thanks for the Crazy Canadian update.

We were all looking forward to that.

What? Is that your big non intelligent reply? You must be one of those crazy supporting democrats, eh? I hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment. That should really scare the chit out of all of those crazy lefty democrats out there. If you are unable to see the fraud and coup going on here well then you need to do your best to convince me that there is no coup going on here against Donald Trump. Well?

you are wasting your breath with toto.He is a shill for Langley,he always defends government corruption no matter HOW ludicrous their explanations are.

the fact that shill toto here finds this post funny is all the proof in the world the op is correct on everything he says.

toto is incapable of opening up his mouth without lying<I knew he was just seeking attention recently when he made a thread saying he was leaving the site for good. the fact he did not just proves what a lying attention seeking whore he really is :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

It amazes me as to why there are so many democrat Americans out there like Tojo that enjoy the government screwing around with him every day. What makes democrats like him so stunned in the head anyway? Trump cuts taxes and Biden says that he will raise his taxes. i would vote for Trump for sure to save some money. These democrats have mental issues. They truly appear to be quite crazy in the head. Just saying!!

So you make more than 400 grand US a year? If not, Rump wouldn't save you one thin dime. If so, good for you!

Geez, you listen way too much to CNN and MSNBC, don't you? Trump has saved the average taxpayer of America that makes way less than 400 grand a year on average of about approx. $6,000 a year. Fox News will inform you on this. CNN and MSNBC will not. Woke up, will you? Your brainwashing by the lying democrats and the lying media is working well on you. LOL.
Thanks for the Crazy Canadian update.

We were all looking forward to that.

What? Is that your big non intelligent reply? You must be one of those crazy supporting democrats, eh? I hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment. That should really scare the chit out of all of those crazy lefty democrats out there. If you are unable to see the fraud and coup going on here well then you need to do your best to convince me that there is no coup going on here against Donald Trump. Well?
There is not a coup, he is a forever impeached Potus, and Biden is concerned about the publics health unlike tramp.

Spoken like a true democratic supporter who thinks that Biden gives a dam about you. There is a coup going on right in front of your nose and you are too stunned to want to see it. FOX News can explain it all to you as to what is going on here. Biden has been in politics for 47 years. So, just what has Biden done in those 47 years to make your now useless life and America great? Come on, give us something to go on, will ya? Just asking!!
Thanks for the Crazy Canadian update.

We were all looking forward to that.

What? Is that your big non intelligent reply? You must be one of those crazy supporting democrats, eh? I hope that Trump does use the 14th Amendment. That should really scare the chit out of all of those crazy lefty democrats out there. If you are unable to see the fraud and coup going on here well then you need to do your best to convince me that there is no coup going on here against Donald Trump. Well?

you are wasting your breath with toto.He is a shill for Langley,he always defends government corruption no matter HOW ludicrous their explanations are.

the fact that shill toto here finds this post funny is all the proof in the world the op is correct on everything he says.

toto is incapable of opening up his mouth without lying<I knew he was just seeking attention recently when he made a thread saying he was leaving the site for good. the fact he did not just proves what a lying attention seeking whore he really is :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

It amazes me as to why there are so many democrat Americans out there like Tojo that enjoy the government screwing around with him every day. What makes democrats like him so stunned in the head anyway? Trump cuts taxes and Biden says that he will raise his taxes. i would vote for Trump for sure to save some money. These democrats have mental issues. They truly appear to be quite crazy in the head. Just saying!!

So you make more than 400 grand US a year? If not, Rump wouldn't save you one thin dime. If so, good for you!

Geez, you listen way too much to CNN and MSNBC, don't you? Trump has saved the average taxpayer of America that makes way less than 400 grand a year on average of about approx. $6,000 a year. Fox News will inform you on this. CNN and MSNBC will not. Woke up, will you? Your brainwashing by the lying democrats and the lying media is working well on you. LOL.

My taxes have gone up under Rump. If I saved anything it might be enough for a new muffler. Again, Biden won't raise anyone's taxes making less than 400k.

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