Ontario ends police access to COVID-19 database after legal challenge


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A reminder of what some want for America. These activities always go on IMMEDIATELY whenever a situation occurs, even in a pandemic. If there is a D.B, the Canadian police are either formulating it, or, assessing it without any consulation with the public.

Tip of the iceberg in a creepy nation in which the TPS, OPP and RCMP try to emulate East Germany. It's decimated our economy and global influence.

For the record the CCLA is a poor mans ACLU. I know, I've had contact with them in the past. Par for the Canadian course. Soon to be I imagine, the American course, if some have their way and are able to push their ideas of centralized, unaccountable government.


Ontario has ended police access to a COVID-19 database after a legal challenge was filed by a group of human rights organizations.

Aboriginal Legal Services, the Black Legal Action Centre, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario were all parties to the lawsuit.

The groups argued that allowing police to access personal health records violates individuals' constitutional rights to privacy and equality.

A statement from the CCLA said that the lawsuit against the province has been dropped with the news that the government has ended police access to the database.

Abby Deshman, director of the Criminal Justice Program for the CCLA, said she's pleased Ontario "backed away from this intrusive and discriminatory measure."

"We remain deeply concerned, however, about the information that police services across the province have already amassed," said Deshman.
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