One Palestinian Child has been Killed by Israel Every 3 Days for the Past 13 Years

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...Meaningless Pallywood pictures showing Palestinians using their kids. It's the same bullshit over and over. Palestinians commit terrorist acts and hostilities provoking the Israelis, as the killings of the three boys, and then whine when Israel takes military action. Makes up your minds, if you want war then you're going to get it.

So telling little "Mohammad" to go throw some stones at a tank, is sufficient justification for this:


(Sara Mahmoud Zu'roub [12], struck in the chest by gunfire from an IDF watchtower as she played outside her home in Khan Younis, 26 Jul 2004)


(Monir Anwar Aldqus [12], shot in the chest by an Israeli sniper while walking through Jabalia outdoor market, 9 Sep 2004)


(Akaber Zaed [10], shot in the head by Israeli Border Police on her way to a doctor's appointment in Jenin, 17 Mar 2006)


(Asma Mughayer [16] and her brother, Ahmed [13], both shot through the forehead by an Israeli sniper as they hung out washing and fed pigeons on the roof of their home in Rafah, 18 May 2004)


(Rahma Shamas [3], shot dead while sitting at the kitchen table in her home in Dayr al-Balah refugee camp, by a bullet fired from an IDF watchtower in the nearby settlement of Kfar Darom, 26 Jan 2005)

There is absolutely NO justification for killing children, any time, any place, anywhere.
challenge-----where there is gunfire-----there is bullets in the heads of -----persons
who happen to be in the vicinity. I have worked in inner city hospitals ----in
the USA...........lots of GSW ---head children and young males predominantly--
but not exclusively. People should not throw rocks at tanks. It is silly. Futile and
self destructive------after all these years they have not learned? Do you throw rocks
at police cars? did you ever throw rocks at people or vehicles?
...This report was written by many lawyers who were working with the ICC and ICJ

Oh, you mean the Palmer report, not sure how many clerical staff were drafted from these organisations, do you have a list that states from which branches of the UN they came from?

I'm curious how anyone can rationalise that a commission of enquiry, whose remit clearly stated and was subsequently confirmed, was not, “acting as a Court and was not asked to adjudicate on legal liability” (Summary, par. 1). ...“its findings and recommendations are therefore not intended to attribute any legal responsibilities” adjudicate that Israel's naval blockade was legal? Clearly if it did it exceeded it's remit as it had no power to legally pronounce on the matter one way or the other.

Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Chair
President Alvaro Uribe, Vice-Chair
Mr. Joseph Ciechanover Itzhar
Mr. Süleyman Özdem Sanberk
"There is absolutely NO justification for killing children, any time, any place, anywhere. "

Challenger, that's a wonderful pious sentiment. But I must dispute the descriptions given with the pictures as incomplete at best.

IF - and in many case that's not an outrageous assumption - there was hostile fire or other activity in the area where these poor kids were (for example shooting from the roof of the house next door) - OR in the immediate vicinity of where the shots which killed them were fired from, that is not the 'deliberate targeting' being claimed.

Sadly true, every one of those Palestinian mothers' children are just as dead as if they'd been killed by celebratory gunfire or any other NON 'deliberate targeting' discharge of weapons.

In the cases where such shootings have been investigated and some IDF troop found responsible, the troop is punished. Not as much as many would prefer to see - but there IS punishment.

Billo and others have been ignoring facts in favor of exaggeration and demonization of not just the IDF, but every citizen of repeatedly calling ALL 'settlers' 'legit targets' (that's half a million human beings), by 'legitimating' violence against Israeli Jews as 'deserved' and claiming 'Palestinians (including citizens of Israel) have no choice' but to seek to murder their neighbors - just where is that 'argument' of theirs leading????

If you want to take seriously the postings of some raging maniac who has suggested shelling Israel and also taking away the right to vote from fellow Americans for supporting Israel - that's your prerogative. It does rather tend to suggest you do not find such ideas objectionable - which I find disconcerting. The civil rights of the Irish-American clan were never held hostage to their support for Provo IRA activities.....
...Meaningless Pallywood pictures showing Palestinians using their kids. It's the same bullshit over and over. Palestinians commit terrorist acts and hostilities provoking the Israelis, as the killings of the three boys, and then whine when Israel takes military action. Makes up your minds, if you want war then you're going to get it.

So telling little "Mohammad" to go throw some stones at a tank, is sufficient justification for this:


(Sara Mahmoud Zu'roub [12], struck in the chest by gunfire from an IDF watchtower as she played outside her home in Khan Younis, 26 Jul 2004)


(Monir Anwar Aldqus [12], shot in the chest by an Israeli sniper while walking through Jabalia outdoor market, 9 Sep 2004)


(Akaber Zaed [10], shot in the head by Israeli Border Police on her way to a doctor's appointment in Jenin, 17 Mar 2006)


(Asma Mughayer [16] and her brother, Ahmed [13], both shot through the forehead by an Israeli sniper as they hung out washing and fed pigeons on the roof of their home in Rafah, 18 May 2004)


(Rahma Shamas [3], shot dead while sitting at the kitchen table in her home in Dayr al-Balah refugee camp, by a bullet fired from an IDF watchtower in the nearby settlement of Kfar Darom, 26 Jan 2005)

There is absolutely NO justification for killing children, any time, any place, anywhere.

Now how about you bring undeniable evidence that these were all pre meditated killings of children and not accidental deaths. If the Palestinian terrorists want to use civilian areas for firing ILLEGAL ROCKETS at Israel then they have to be responsible for the deaths of civilians caught up in the returning fire. You can bash Israel all you want it wont change the legalities of who was ultimately responsible for the deaths. Unless you believe that the Israeli's should not return fire to violence and aggression coming from the Palestinian terrorists. Lets just say if it was the UK or US then the place would have been flattened by now.
challenge-----where there is gunfire-----there is bullets in the heads of -----persons
who happen to be in the vicinity. I have worked in inner city hospitals ----in
the USA...........lots of GSW ---head children and young males predominantly--
but not exclusively. People should not throw rocks at tanks. It is silly. Futile and
self destructive------after all these years they have not learned? Do you throw rocks
at police cars? did you ever throw rocks at people or vehicles?

Do so in the UK and when you are arrested you face charges of attempted murder or wounding with intent.
Im not so sure about that.
Palestinian's can't even fish their own territorial waters, without getting shot at.

Theyre limited to where they can fish because of smuggling in weapons. You could call BS on that, except for the fact that Hammaas is constantly firing rockets from Gaza, What would stop Hammas from sending fishermen out to pick up weapons? unfortunantly they cant search every fishing boat so they have to keep a wider buffer zone between outside vessles and outgoing fishing boats.

Its not a nice situation for Palestinians, but it doesnt approach what Hitler did to the Jews. The Jews were not provoking with violence for one thing, and also Hitlers plan was to Gas them all until not one Jew was left. the only thing that prevented that was the end of the war, otherwise they would have all been dead.

Palestinians have other problems and a lot of them are internal and surrounding people who would like to use the palestinians to get to Israel, Its not a simple thing to solve.
...Meaningless Pallywood pictures showing Palestinians using their kids. It's the same bullshit over and over. Palestinians commit terrorist acts and hostilities provoking the Israelis, as the killings of the three boys, and then whine when Israel takes military action. Makes up your minds, if you want war then you're going to get it.

So telling little "Mohammad" to go throw some stones at a tank, is sufficient justification for this:


(Sara Mahmoud Zu'roub [12], struck in the chest by gunfire from an IDF watchtower as she played outside her home in Khan Younis, 26 Jul 2004)


(Monir Anwar Aldqus [12], shot in the chest by an Israeli sniper while walking through Jabalia outdoor market, 9 Sep 2004)


(Akaber Zaed [10], shot in the head by Israeli Border Police on her way to a doctor's appointment in Jenin, 17 Mar 2006)


(Asma Mughayer [16] and her brother, Ahmed [13], both shot through the forehead by an Israeli sniper as they hung out washing and fed pigeons on the roof of their home in Rafah, 18 May 2004)


(Rahma Shamas [3], shot dead while sitting at the kitchen table in her home in Dayr al-Balah refugee camp, by a bullet fired from an IDF watchtower in the nearby settlement of Kfar Darom, 26 Jan 2005)

There is absolutely NO justification for killing children, any time, any place, anywhere.

I noticed you grabbed those photos from a propaganda crap blog site named "Lawrence of cyberia". Ha ha ha.

You cannot prove that
A- Israel is responsible for killing those children
B- israel targeted those children intentionally, as Palestinian animals do all the time
C- those photos aren't fake Pallywood or from different war. They have gotten caught manipulating the media by claiming children dead in the Syrian war were Palestinians killed by Israelis.

What kind of parents send their kids to go out into a war zone where active military action is taking place? Not since the ancient Mayans has their been a people that sacrifices it's own children. What a depraved, sick, disgusting culture.






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challenge-----where there is gunfire-----there is bullets in the heads of -----persons
who happen to be in the vicinity. I have worked in inner city hospitals ----in
the USA...........lots of GSW ---head children and young males predominantly--
but not exclusively. People should not throw rocks at tanks. It is silly. Futile and
self destructive------after all these years they have not learned? Do you throw rocks
at police cars? did you ever throw rocks at people or vehicles?

Do so in the UK and when you are arrested you face charges of attempted murder or wounding with intent.

Phoen----long ago I lived in the state "New Jersey"-----in the part of the state which
is actually peopled by------former COLONISTS --subjects of king George.-----generally
british in origin. Jersey was one of the original colonies and when I was there---their
descendants were still there------and it was their descendants who were the cops.
In that part of the country-----throw a rock at a cop-----you don't get arrested----
you get shot. Somehow they were all over 6'4-----and they walked around towns
that had almost no crime at all------even when all they were doing was being a school
crossing guard----with two giant cannons in holsters-----and enough ammo on their
belts to conduct a war-------when they approached----the two cannons bobbled back and
forth on their hips------and they would swing a wooden lance----they never smiled

as kids------we were careful never to throw a snowball-----accidentally into a street----
even streets that barely saw a car------no one actually THREW SNOWBALLS----just
a light toss. -----at other kids-----certainly not at a cop. A fourth of July story----
one year----in the evening of the fouth---some of the men used the field----down the
block to do some fireworks-----THE COPS SHOWED UP ----everyone gasped.
The giant cop said -----"who brought the fireworks"?? a tiny little tot----yanked
on the pants leg of the giant cop-----the cop looked down and the little thing said
"JOHN DID IT" -----turned out JOHN was the baby's father. --poor john
retrieved a carton full of fire work things from his house. EVERYONE
CONFESSES when faced with jersey cops
Theyre limited to where they can fish because of smuggling in weapons.
Why can't they have weapons?

Are you saying they don't have the right to defend themselves?

Well, you need weapons to do that with.

You could call BS on that, except for the fact that Hammaas is constantly firing rockets from Gaza,
The rockets are in response to the occupation, which was going on 34 years before the first rocket was ever fired.

What would stop Hammas from sending fishermen out to pick up weapons?
Did you read what I said?

They were shot at while they were FISHING!

Who the fuck shoots at someone fishing?

unfortunantly they cant search every fishing boat so they have to keep a wider buffer zone between outside vessles and outgoing fishing boats.
They have no right to search any.

What Gazans do in their own territorial waters, is none of Israel's god-damn business.

Its not a nice situation for Palestinians, but it doesnt approach what Hitler did to the Jews. The Jews were not provoking with violence for one thing, and also Hitlers plan was to Gas them all until not one Jew was left. the only thing that prevented that was the end of the war, otherwise they would have all been dead.
It's not as bad as the Holocaust, but it is similar to the years leading up to it.

The Pals are demonized 24/7 and treated like they're sub-human
They're blamed for all the problems in the country
Violence against them is accepted
They're being ethnically cleansed from the area
There are laws that make them 2nd class citizens​
How is the hatred the Nazis had for the Jews, any different than the hatred people have for the Palestinian's?

Palestinians have other problems and a lot of them are internal and surrounding people who would like to use the palestinians to get to Israel, Its not a simple thing to solve.
Wrong! The problem is the Israeli's and the occupation.

The occupation itself, is the cause of all the violence.
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Yes they can, they just cant leave them and encroach on other nations territorial waters. They know the limits and will pass them to pick up smuggled weapons dropped in the shallow seas by people on larger boats. That is a breach of the blockade and under the judgement of the ICJ the IDF is quite legal in firing on the smugglers.

Why even the USA Coast guard fire on fishermen inside their territorial waters if they believe they are smugglers.
The only judgment the ICJ made regarding Israel, was in a dispute they had with Bulgaria, back in 1955.

So you're a fucking liar!
Well B'Tselem make the figure 1,381 children killed by the IDF over the same time frame. They are usually scrupulous in their analyses of casualties, so your figure is broadly accurate.
I like B'Tselem! That's a good website!

Why of course you do, BilloBS: they accept absolutely whatever any Palestinian or 'activist' tells them as being absolute truth.
The Arabs never accepted the " 67 Borders" Israel does not have to accept them now. Israel is never going to be deprived of E. Jerusalem where their most religious sites are.

Abbas wants more then the " 67 Borders"; Something you and others " forget" to mention . :cuckoo:
Israel has no other choice.

You can't hold onto land seized in a war.
Here you go

it declared controversially that Israel's naval blockade on Gaza is legitimate: "The naval blockade was imposed [by Israel]as a legitimate security measure" and "the Panel therefore concludes that Israel's naval blockade was legal."

This report was written by many lawyers who were working with the ICC and ICJ
The blockade was imposed because the Israeli's didn't like the results of a fair and democratic election in Gaza.

How many times are you going to bring up that bullshit Palmer Report. They were not commissioned to determine the legality of the blockade. I've already debunked this report about a half-dozen times. Yet you still keep trying to use it.
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Yes they can, they just cant leave them and encroach on other nations territorial waters. They know the limits and will pass them to pick up smuggled weapons dropped in the shallow seas by people on larger boats. That is a breach of the blockade and under the judgement of the ICJ the IDF is quite legal in firing on the smugglers.

Why even the USA Coast guard fire on fishermen inside their territorial waters if they believe they are smugglers.
The only judgment the ICJ made regarding Israel, was in a dispute they had with Bulgaria, back in 1955.

So you're a fucking liar!

Oh, so the foul-mouthed swaggering bully bellows.......
...Meaningless Pallywood pictures showing Palestinians using their kids. It's the same bullshit over and over. Palestinians commit terrorist acts and hostilities provoking the Israelis, as the killings of the three boys, and then whine when Israel takes military action. Makes up your minds, if you want war then you're going to get it.

So telling little "Mohammad" to go throw some stones at a tank, is sufficient justification for this:


(Sara Mahmoud Zu'roub [12], struck in the chest by gunfire from an IDF watchtower as she played outside her home in Khan Younis, 26 Jul 2004)


(Monir Anwar Aldqus [12], shot in the chest by an Israeli sniper while walking through Jabalia outdoor market, 9 Sep 2004)


(Akaber Zaed [10], shot in the head by Israeli Border Police on her way to a doctor's appointment in Jenin, 17 Mar 2006)


(Asma Mughayer [16] and her brother, Ahmed [13], both shot through the forehead by an Israeli sniper as they hung out washing and fed pigeons on the roof of their home in Rafah, 18 May 2004)


(Rahma Shamas [3], shot dead while sitting at the kitchen table in her home in Dayr al-Balah refugee camp, by a bullet fired from an IDF watchtower in the nearby settlement of Kfar Darom, 26 Jan 2005)

There is absolutely NO justification for killing children, any time, any place, anywhere.

You have been playing the same tune for more than five years, but in fact Asma and her brother were killed on their roof while feeding their fowl and it was a helicopter not a sniper from a watch tower while hanging laundry.
Half a decade and you have not gotten the facts right.

Speak of the tragedy of the conflict and the mistakes on both sides but get the facts right when you do speak of them, not just the death of a few but of deaths on all sides and the circumstances behind them. It is not wonton killing of palestinian children but responding to violence by palestinians. It has been decades of perpetual responses, round and round.
Yes they can, they just cant leave them and encroach on other nations territorial waters. They know the limits and will pass them to pick up smuggled weapons dropped in the shallow seas by people on larger boats. That is a breach of the blockade and under the judgement of the ICJ the IDF is quite legal in firing on the smugglers.

Why even the USA Coast guard fire on fishermen inside their territorial waters if they believe they are smugglers.
The only judgment the ICJ made regarding Israel, was in a dispute they had with Bulgaria, back in 1955.

So you're a fucking liar!

Oh, so the foul-mouthed swaggering bully bellows.......

In the cases where such shootings have been investigated and some IDF troop found responsible, the troop is punished. Not as much as many would prefer to see - but there IS punishment.
They rarely investigate any shootings and almost never punish anyone.

Billo and others have been ignoring facts in favor of exaggeration and demonization of not just the IDF, but every citizen of repeatedly calling ALL 'settlers' 'legit targets' (that's half a million human beings), by 'legitimating' violence against Israeli Jews as 'deserved' and claiming 'Palestinians (including citizens of Israel) have no choice' but to seek to murder their neighbors - just where is that 'argument' of theirs leading????
You just have to keep telling lies, don't you?

Show the post where I "demonized" every citizen of Israel, or go fuck yourself!

As far as the settlers go, they all are legitimate targets. It is illegal for an occupying power to transfer part of its population into an "occupied" area.

Fourth Geneva Convention
Section III. Occupied territories

Article 49 - Population transfer
The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.
And nationals of an occupying power are not protected persons...
Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.


B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.
...therefore, they are legal targets.
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