One Palestinian Child has been Killed by Israel Every 3 Days for the Past 13 Years

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Get it right the Palestinians slaughtered those children by using them as human shields, it is detailed in the Geneva conventions. Any state that allows or uses civilians as human shields is fully responsible for what happens to them.

Did you say something about human shields?

Israel:Use of Elderly as Human Shield Apparent War Crime

On the night of 6 June 2014, at least 11 Israeli soldiers have taken over the home of Mohamed Ayad (73) and Nejma Ayad (68), American citizens, in the village of Silwad, in the West Bank, and turned their home into a military outpost.

The Israeli army has a long and frequent pattern of taking over Palestinian civilians’ homes and holding their inhabitants as human shields while using the house as a military base.

The willful imprisonment and use of civilians as human shields by Israeli security forces as part of the occupation is a war crime.
BTW, there's been no evidence of the Pals using human shields.

Care to comment on the IDF's use of "johnnies"?

Testimony 1 – Human Shield

People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’

“Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”
As usual, you are completely full of shit.
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Yeah well statistics are made to be manipulated. There are many more muslims being slaughtered every day by muslims in that region than ever will by Israel.
Read what Arafat did to the people in Damour Lebanon, all the christians who have been killed there and had to leave. Muslims killing muslims in syria and Iraq. The slaughter that has been going on so long in Sudan, but when the United nations get together the only evil one is Israel.

They have done bad things but they are not alone. No one over there is pure and theres no reason to pretend. The slaughter of the Armenians by the Muslim turks was much worse than anything israel ever did. Israels occupation of the West Bank can be disputed but they really dont deserve the demonization they get.
The occupation is not a debatable issue. It is the position of every country on the planet. Not one country on planet earth has recognized Israel's right to that land and it's been that way for the last 50 years.

Allowing Israel to keep that land, would be like saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland.
Billo and other duded pro Palestinians act as if these Palestinian children are killed by IDF soldiers who come to their house, walk up to them and shoot them for no reason.
In reality, these Palestinians are killed when they are involved in clashes with soldiers in the West Bank, trying to damage the fence and ignoring orders to stop, when Israel retaliates against Hamas rockets by launching air strikes.

So here is a lesson for Palestinians, who obviously have an extremely low IQ and/or have been brainwashed/encouraged to partake in hostilities:

Don't take part in clashes/riots , staw away from the fence and don't associate with Hamas.

Not that hard, is it???
You consider damage to fence (built on property that isn't yours), a capital crime?
Yeah well statistics are made to be manipulated. There are many more muslims being slaughtered every day by muslims in that region than ever will by Israel.
Read what Arafat did to the people in Damour Lebanon, all the christians who have been killed there and had to leave. Muslims killing muslims in syria and Iraq. The slaughter that has been going on so long in Sudan, but when the United nations get together the only evil one is Israel.

They have done bad things but they are not alone. No one over there is pure and theres no reason to pretend. The slaughter of the Armenians by the Muslim turks was much worse than anything israel ever did. Israels occupation of the West Bank can be disputed but they really dont deserve the demonization they get.
The occupation is not a debatable issue. It is the position of every country on the planet. Not one country on planet earth has recognized Israel's right to that land and it's been that way for the last 50 years.

Allowing Israel to keep that land, would be like saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland.

I dont think the situation is good with the occupation, but I think it is debatable because the land was taken during a war where Israel pushed out an invading force. I dont agree with some of their policies in the west bank, but then again I dont live there.

Part of the problem is the Paletininans are not peaceful people as well, look what they did in Jordan when they were staying there and look what Arafat did in Lebanon, he massacred people. The mindset of people in that part of the world is very different from ours, they are very stubborn, hold grudges and very quick to anger and conspiracy... therefore very easily manipulated by their leaders for those very weaknesses.
Get it right the Palestinians slaughtered those children by using them as human shields, it is detailed in the Geneva conventions. Any state that allows or uses civilians as human shields is fully responsible for what happens to them.

Did you say something about human shields?

Israel:Use of Elderly as Human Shield Apparent War Crime

On the night of 6 June 2014, at least 11 Israeli soldiers have taken over the home of Mohamed Ayad (73) and Nejma Ayad (68), American citizens, in the village of Silwad, in the West Bank, and turned their home into a military outpost.

The Israeli army has a long and frequent pattern of taking over Palestinian civilians’ homes and holding their inhabitants as human shields while using the house as a military base.

The willful imprisonment and use of civilians as human shields by Israeli security forces as part of the occupation is a war crime.
BTW, there's been no evidence of the Pals using human shields.

Care to comment on the IDF's use of "johnnies"?

Testimony 1 – Human Shield

People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’

“Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”
As usual, you are completely full of shit.

here you go then explain these if Palestine does not use human shields.

Palestinians use human shield to halt Israeli air strike on militants' homes | World news | The Guardian

Palestinians use human shield to halt Israeli air strike on militants' homes

Exposing the Human Shield Industry « Commentary Magazine

Standing just a few hundred meters behind the two men, he said, was a group of armed Palestinians waiting to see whether the attempt to break through the fence succeeded. In other words, the soldiers had every reason to believe the men sabotaging the fence were part of a much larger infiltration attempt, even though they couldn’t be sure those two were themselves armed (it was night, they were moving, and they were partially obscured by the fence). Thus the soldiers did what responsible soldiers do when facing an attempted terrorist infiltration: They used lethal force to stop it.

Enough for you to see that you are talking out or your arse and proving beyond reasonable doubt that you are a RABID NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER
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Yeah well statistics are made to be manipulated. There are many more muslims being slaughtered every day by muslims in that region than ever will by Israel.
Read what Arafat did to the people in Damour Lebanon, all the christians who have been killed there and had to leave. Muslims killing muslims in syria and Iraq. The slaughter that has been going on so long in Sudan, but when the United nations get together the only evil one is Israel.

They have done bad things but they are not alone. No one over there is pure and theres no reason to pretend. The slaughter of the Armenians by the Muslim turks was much worse than anything israel ever did. Israels occupation of the West Bank can be disputed but they really dont deserve the demonization they get.
The occupation is not a debatable issue. It is the position of every country on the planet. Not one country on planet earth has recognized Israel's right to that land and it's been that way for the last 50 years.

Allowing Israel to keep that land, would be like saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland.

Wrong comparison AGAIN, as the difference is that Germany were not occupying Poland. What you believe other countries are saying is as far removed from the truth as your arse is from your mouth. The ICJ have passed judgement and stated that Israel is acting in accordance with International law with the occupation of the west bank. The settlements on Jewish owned land in the west bank are also legal and not open to debate. Israel has never officially stated that the land is theirs and that they now claim it as Israel, which is what you are telling yourself is happening. Until the Palestinians abide by International law and the UN resolutions the occupation will be in force, and under the terms of the UN resolutions and Geneva conventions the Palestinians need to agree peace terms and mutual borders before the occupation will be lifted.
if such terrible things were happening, you'd think they'd learn to stop blowing up israelis.

but that would also have to assume the o/ps's sources isn't garbage run by an anti- jew conspiracy theorist....which it is.
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Billo and other duded pro Palestinians act as if these Palestinian children are killed by IDF soldiers who come to their house, walk up to them and shoot them for no reason.
In reality, these Palestinians are killed when they are involved in clashes with soldiers in the West Bank, trying to damage the fence and ignoring orders to stop, when Israel retaliates against Hamas rockets by launching air strikes.

So here is a lesson for Palestinians, who obviously have an extremely low IQ and/or have been brainwashed/encouraged to partake in hostilities:

Don't take part in clashes/riots , staw away from the fence and don't associate with Hamas.

Not that hard, is it???
You consider damage to fence (built on property that isn't yours), a capital crime?

Yes when the result would be the cold blooded murder of children and civilians. The Israelis hold the border and have instructed the Palestinians that they will shoot to kill anyone that approaches the fence. Just like the USA have done with the Mexicans .

According to US sources 1,954 Mexicans were killed between 1998 and 2004. Don't see you screaming abuse at the USA for these deaths
yeah I forgot about that. But they dont hate the Jordanians do they?

And the Jordanians even took them in as refugees, but they just couldnt get along.
You have to go back to Nazi Germany to find an entire population of people treated worse than the Palestinian's.

hardly just as far back as 1967 when Israel found the Palestinians caged like animals in gaza and the west bank. No sanitation, running water, food, electricity and inadequate accommodation. This is how the Egyptians and Jordanians treated the refugees until Israel freed them and gave them their lives back. Then there was the treatment of Hindus in India at the hands of the muslims, when over 50 million were murdered before, during and after the formation of Pakistan on land stolen by muslims.

Your obsessive hatred blinds you to the reality and truth of just who is the most evil and violent group in the Israeli/Palestinian troubles. In one week hamas murdered 250 fatah children and tried to blame it on the Israelis
Yes when the result would be the cold blooded murder of children and civilians.
So you're willing to murder a child, because of something that "could" happen?

The Israelis hold the border and have instructed the Palestinians that they will shoot to kill anyone that approaches the fence. Just like the USA have done with the Mexicans .
We don't shoot Mexicans in Mexico.

According to US sources 1,954 Mexicans were killed between 1998 and 2004. Don't see you screaming abuse at the USA for these deaths
Because our wall doesn't cross the border like yours does.
hardly just as far back as 1967 when Israel found the Palestinians caged like animals in gaza and the west bank. No sanitation, running water, food, electricity and inadequate accommodation. This is how the Egyptians and Jordanians treated the refugees until Israel freed them and gave them their lives back. Then there was the treatment of Hindus in India at the hands of the muslims, when over 50 million were murdered before, during and after the formation of Pakistan on land stolen by muslims.

Your obsessive hatred blinds you to the reality and truth of just who is the most evil and violent group in the Israeli/Palestinian troubles. In one week hamas murdered 250 fatah children and tried to blame it on the Israelis
Is this what you call freedom?

A longstanding electricity deficit, compounded by shortages in fuel needed to run Gaza’s power plant, results in power outages of up to 12 hours a day. Additionally, only a quarter of households receive running water every day, during several hours only, while over 90% of the water extracted from the Gaza aquifer is unsafe for human consumption.

As the occupying power, Israel has a duty under International Humanitarian Law to ensure the welfare of the population of Gaza without discrimination. Israel has failed to uphold the population’s human rights, including the rights to health, to education, to work and to an adequate standard of living, which includes the rights to food and adequate housing. Israel should be held accountable under international law for the collective punishment of an entire population.
Once again, you're full of shit.
if such terrible things were happening, you'd think they'd learn to stop blowing up israelis.

but that would also have to assume the o/ps's sources isn't garbage run by an anti- jew conspiracy theorist....which it is.
Where's your proof of that?

proof of what? that you're using hack sites?

you mean chussadovsky isn't a jew hating conspiracy theorist?

yokie dokie.
LOL ha ha . well, how did that Dwight Howaaad thing work out for ya?
It didn't.

Sorry, I'm a GS warrior fan myself couldnt help it.
Hope you keep Clay Thompson.

If you guys aren't the best shooting team in the league, then you're in the top 2.

I suspect that guy is from Boston even though he is wearing a St Louis Cards
I'm also a Dodger fan. The only thing I hate more than the Cardinals, is the Giants.

BTW, we got the best player in baseball.
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