VIP Member
Ok, this will probably be moved to the 'humor' section, because it is funny as hell. One of "them" is ripping the rest a new one. One of the few Democrats that talk sense! I HOPE this is a trend. This guy has not been banned yet (hence the copy/paste ability, and all the responses)
I have been on this board for a couple of months now. I have been watching and reading all your posts. I had to start posting.
YES! Im new, perhaps we need some new fresh ideas on the subject. I voted like all of you. I voted for Kerry. However, when i look at what you post about on this board, its nothing more then a bunch of people that agree with one another. You might as well start screaming into a mirror. Someone says "Fraud".. there are 100 other people going YEA! YEA! FRAUD! HANG THEM! ... Without looking at any facts.. Clinging to less then staws, but threads..
Im on your side, but i dont agree with what you all are trying to do. What you state as fact, is infact nothing more then leftwing websites, and leftwing radio. You cant use Air America, Dailykos, etc as a creditable news source.. THEY ARE US.. They arent unbiased... Its like Freepers Quoting Rush Limbaugh.. Who the hell would believe it? So what about Keith Olbermann??? The man has the worst ratings in his time slot. If he reports you watch. When it makes Hardball (which still has crappy ratings) then you have some traction. Its been on for 3 days now.. Chris Matthews hasnt even hinted about it, and he is a Kerry supporter!
1. Oooh.. 1 in 187 Million!! Based on the exil polls..
2. Based on the Exit Polls, blah blah blah..
Most of the mainstream media have totally debunked the exit polls, and 99% of your fraud facts. Even if they are wrong, in there minds they are right, thus most of america thinks we are nuts. Now back to the exit polls - even if they were 10000000000% correct, they still have a margin of error 5+ points. How can we sit here and call this fact? You cant use these in a court of law to show fraud. Also, these same early exit polls showed Kerry up +20 in PA... Yet are we asking why they were wrong there? Of course not, why? Because we won it. John Kerry's lead in PA is less then *'s in OH! So why arent we up in arms about PA? Ill tell you why.. You just want KERRY TO WIN!! That is the reason why this has zero media coverage. What about the other states you lost by 20%?? No one is talking about them.. why? Because you know you cant win them.. It looks shallow... and the media wont report it.
If we show fraud in NH! It will set the stage for OH! Then when Mars is in line with Venus on the 20th day of the month, all 155,000 votes will come our way! Riiiighhhhttt...
I fucken hate * too.. ok? Doesnt mean Kerry cant lose.
Clinton turned is back on this, Both minority leaders have, and even Kerry and Edwards have. Do you really think we know more then they do on this subject? DO YOU REALLY think that? If you do... Seek help, your nuts. This is there job people. They have assistance, lawyers, media outlets, people on the ground. If they had a shot.. they would have taken it.
Well John Zogby said we would win.. 100 other pollsters said otherwise. HE WAS WRONG. NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT FACT.
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/State by state co...
Even though we dont like him.. HE WAS DEAD ON. Oh wait, i already know your response.... he was in on the fraud too right?
Every MSM outlet has branded this as a conspiracy theory. We are in the same group as people that believe in UFO's and Area 51. I am not about to join this group. If MSM is not on your side, im sorry if you hate them or not.. your story will not get out there. Many of you flooded ABC with emails.. I mean 1000's of you... What did they do? They took them, debunked them and made us all look like idiots.
I am one that wants all the votes to count. The problem is most of you want the election outcome to change. ITS NOT GOING TO CHANGE. Do you REALLY think John Kerry is going to unconced? Think about it.. If John Kerry un conceded at this point.. do you know what would happen? Do you know the pressure he would be under? Do you understand what kind of shitstorm our party would be in? Its one thing to conceded and then take it back an hour later. But to do it 1-2 weeks later? Come on guys.. HE WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER DO THIS. Get it out of your heads and use the focus on 2006-2008. You are just wasting your time and money on something thats NOT going to happen.
Now for all this blackbox voting crap.. Im REALLY starting to think that this and many other sites are just working on our fears and hopes TO GET MONEY! Notice every site that opens to "help recount "help uncover the truth" ask for money money money! I bet 1/2 these sites are Repugs just sucking money out of us. And in the end they have a nice 50" TV and a new car why we are left pissed off because it changed nothing.
Its over.. John Kerry is NOT sitting in a bunker somewhere while his lawyers are on a secret mission somewhere behind the scenes. Not a single person can confirm otherwise, other then some bogus email. This is a dead fucking issue and all of you are grasping at atom sized biased news reports hopeing its going to change something, when its NOT! Pissing your money and time away on a dead issue.
Suck it up, and get the fuck over it already because most of you look like you should be wearing a tinfoil hat.
All the emails, flyers, screaming out your window, chat rooms and messageboards are not going to change the fact we lost this election.
Take your anger and focus it on 2006 and lets get control of both houses. Then * becomes useless.
Ill probably be labled a freeper or banded after this.. but hey if i can open a couple peoples eyes.. save some people money and time.. i did my job.