One of many reasons why government should NEVER control your life


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

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The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

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The UK government isn't standing in the way you dummy. The decision to fund the drug is made locally. That is going to change. When it does, then you can complain that the evil government is forcing everyone to row in the same direction. Per your desire.
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

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The UK government isn't standing in the way you dummy. The decision to fund the drug is made locally. That is going to change. When it does, then you can complain that the evil government is forcing everyone to row in the same direction. Per your desire.
I'm sorry, stupid, are you under the impression that "locally" somehow means "NOT government"? :lmao:
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

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I'm not sure where that 10% number comes from, since everything I've read, including your link, seems to indicate a smaller decrease. Still, so far the sites I've gone to seem to agree that these bisphosphonates can help reduce cancer reoccurance in women post-menopause. I haven't yet read much about side effects, so I don't know if they present a significant enough risk to warrant not giving this treatment regularly. :dunno:
When it does, then you can complain that the evil government is forcing everyone to row in the same direction. Per your desire.
Exactly. So what have we learned here? That government should stay the fuck out of it. That they have no authority to control people, business, costs, etc.
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

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we have so many lazy ass americans who wont give off their ass and take their country back that we are what thomas jefferson tried to warn us there was a a danger of us becoming,that we serve the government instead of us serving them as they are suppose to.
When it does, then you can complain that the evil government is forcing everyone to row in the same direction. Per your desire.
Exactly. So what have we learned here? That government should stay the fuck out of it. That they have no authority to control people, business, costs, etc.
I learned that the National government did stay out of it and as a result you are melting like a snowflake.
When it does, then you can complain that the evil government is forcing everyone to row in the same direction. Per your desire.
Exactly. So what have we learned here? That government should stay the fuck out of it. That they have no authority to control people, business, costs, etc.
I learned that the National government did stay out of it and as a result you are melting like a snowflake.
So it's ok for the local government to control your life? :bang3:
When it does, then you can complain that the evil government is forcing everyone to row in the same direction. Per your desire.
Exactly. So what have we learned here? That government should stay the fuck out of it. That they have no authority to control people, business, costs, etc.
I learned that the National government did stay out of it and as a result you are melting like a snowflake.
So it's ok for the local government to control your life? :bang3:
It must really frost your ass that our society is organized as a collective.
except for females having the right over their own uterus'... ain't that right?
except for females having the right over their own uterus'... ain't that right?
They have complete and total control over their uterus. In fact, I would highly recommend each and every one of them who plan on having an abortion have their uterus's taken out so they can't get pregnant with a human life and then resort to committing murder.

Sorry sweetie - when a woman has an abortion - she's not doing anything to her own uterus. She's taking the life of a separate person with unique DNA. In this world, we call that murder. It's pretty sad that you have to start the discussion with a false-narrative, uh?
It must really frost your ass that our society is organized as a collective.
Not nearly as much as the reality that the U.S. Constitution says otherwise must frost yours. :lmao:
Really? The copy I read says that "we the people" established the constitution. That is a collective.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
It must really frost your ass that our society is organized as a collective.
Not nearly as much as the reality that the U.S. Constitution says otherwise must frost yours. :lmao:
Really? The copy I read says that "we the people" established the constitution. That is a collective.
Article I, Section 9 also says (and I quote) “No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid”. See - you can pick out any 3 words or so and twist it for a pathetic cause. But if you read the entire thing, one quickly realizes how ignorant and full of shit you are!

Excerpt From The United States Constitution
United States This material may be protected by copyright.
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

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I'll see your dollar and raise you two dollars:

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS
It must really frost your ass that our society is organized as a collective.
Not nearly as much as the reality that the U.S. Constitution says otherwise must frost yours. :lmao:
Really? The copy I read says that "we the people" established the constitution. That is a collective.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

What the federal government is to provide the people is listed in that US Constitution. Healthcare, cash for clunkers, and midnight basketball courts are not in there.
When it does, then you can complain that the evil government is forcing everyone to row in the same direction. Per your desire.
Exactly. So what have we learned here? That government should stay the fuck out of it. That they have no authority to control people, business, costs, etc.
You do realize the Capitalism is Dying. Government is there to protect the masses from greedy capitalism.
It must really frost your ass that our society is organized as a collective.
Not nearly as much as the reality that the U.S. Constitution says otherwise must frost yours. :lmao:
Really? The copy I read says that "we the people" established the constitution. That is a collective.
Article I, Section 9 also says (and I quote) “No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid”. See - you can pick out any 3 words or so and twist it for a pathetic cause. But if you read the entire thing, one quickly realizes how ignorant and full of shit you are!

Excerpt From The United States Constitution
United States This material may be protected by copyright.
That doesn't mean shit. We collectively placed a limit on the taxing authority of our representative government. And we collectively removed the limit with the sixteenth amendment.

So aside from the limitations that we collectively placed on our representative government, where does it state that you as an individual do not need to submit to the will of the people (collective)?
except for females having the right over their own uterus'... ain't that right?
They have complete and total control over their uterus. In fact, I would highly recommend each and every one of them who plan on having an abortion have their uterus's taken out so they can't get pregnant with a human life and then resort to committing murder.

Sorry sweetie - when a woman has an abortion - she's not doing anything to her own uterus. She's taking the life of a separate person with unique DNA. In this world, we call that murder. It's pretty sad that you have to start the discussion with a false-narrative, uh?

the government would regulate part of a woman's body. therefore your entire OP is based on a false premise, dippy.
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

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I think liberty and freedom is very overrated. Personally I wouldn't mind the government having more control over my life I think the government could make better decisions for me then I could on my own

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