Constitutionalist / Universalist
OK, so this is what I'm hearing from liberal politics.
Please help explain these to me why one is right and the other is wrong:
A. It's okay for atheists to reject and attack Christians, out of fear of past oppression and violence.
but it's not okay for Christians to reject and attack Muslims, out of fear of current oppression and violence.
Why should Christians be expected to be tolerant of groups they blame for religious violence,
but it's okay for atheists to openly condemn Christians collectively for their beliefs?
B. It's okay for liberals to demand "free choice of abortion" without govt regulations much less penalties
But it's NOT okay for conservatives to demand "free choice of health care" without govt penalties.
If conservatives push "right to life" at the expense of free choice, that is pushing beliefs through govt.
so why is it okay for liberals to push "right to health care" through govt at the expense of free choice?
Why is one political belief okay to push by force onto people who believe in free choice,
but not the other?
C. And now this:
If homosexual people only want to seek same sex relations, that's okay.
They should not be forced to participate in heterosexual relations just because of majority pressures.
But if heterosexual people only want to use the restroom in same sex company, that's not okay?
Why is one okay but the other is a problem?
I'm not finding any luck getting answers or explanations to A or B.
Can any liberals explain C to me?
I understand if someone has changed or is in process of changing BIOLOGICAL gender,
then that is a medical personal issue. but as for preferences, why is one
"homosexual" belief rejected as intolerant but the other is considered natural? Why?
Syriusly? hazlnut? Can anyone explain to me why one belief is rejected and the other is imposed?
Please help explain these to me why one is right and the other is wrong:
A. It's okay for atheists to reject and attack Christians, out of fear of past oppression and violence.
but it's not okay for Christians to reject and attack Muslims, out of fear of current oppression and violence.
Why should Christians be expected to be tolerant of groups they blame for religious violence,
but it's okay for atheists to openly condemn Christians collectively for their beliefs?
B. It's okay for liberals to demand "free choice of abortion" without govt regulations much less penalties
But it's NOT okay for conservatives to demand "free choice of health care" without govt penalties.
If conservatives push "right to life" at the expense of free choice, that is pushing beliefs through govt.
so why is it okay for liberals to push "right to health care" through govt at the expense of free choice?
Why is one political belief okay to push by force onto people who believe in free choice,
but not the other?
C. And now this:
If homosexual people only want to seek same sex relations, that's okay.
They should not be forced to participate in heterosexual relations just because of majority pressures.
But if heterosexual people only want to use the restroom in same sex company, that's not okay?
Why is one okay but the other is a problem?
I'm not finding any luck getting answers or explanations to A or B.
Can any liberals explain C to me?
I understand if someone has changed or is in process of changing BIOLOGICAL gender,
then that is a medical personal issue. but as for preferences, why is one
"homosexual" belief rejected as intolerant but the other is considered natural? Why?
Syriusly? hazlnut? Can anyone explain to me why one belief is rejected and the other is imposed?