One great cartoon explains pretty clear what's going on and what's coming soon


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Not many words, pretty honest and clear.
The Only Goal of the Fake 'Pandemic' is the 'Vaccine'


What happens to you in one or two years?


The only Reason:Too much humans on the Earth, not good for climate

Not many words, pretty honest and clear. The Only Goal of the Fake 'Pandemic' is the 'Vaccine'
WE SHALL SEE, Baron. The fatal flaw in all that doomsday theory is that:
  1. They already blame Trump for spots on the Sun and cloudy days.
  2. We are currently opening up.
  3. Tree and Shrubs don't pay taxes.
Always follow the money trail. If they want to bump off everyone to reduce population, they only need to release one of the far more dangerous agents already stored at the CDC, not find a vaccine for Covid. But they have made inroads in preparing and conditioning the little minions of society to both accept and live with massive government intrusion. Now, if the uber-paranoids at the NSA want to tag everyone so they can track every person on the planet 24/7 with a microchip to satiate their psychoses, they have set the stage.

get past first few minutes and he starts reciting a Rockefeller paper perfectly describing what is happening now right down to praising China, lockdowns whole nine yards. Produced in 2014
Really, a coronavirus vaccine is a sign of the Beast (666)? Were those polio shots starting in the 1950s also the work of demonic forces?

back in those days vaccines were not dangerous as they are now,the elites plans to depopulate the world really only started sometime in the sixtys
I'm not certain about the plans to depopulate starting in the 60s since they were just beginning their "feed the children" nonsense in Ethiopia. It was the elites incessant need to "do good" that got us into the overpopulation mess to begin with. Had they left nature alone and not tried to feed the world there wouldn't have been the unintended consequence of higher birthrates and lower infant mortality rates in 3rd world countries. It's the elites that ALWAYS cause these problems and it's ALWAYS the common man who ends up paying for it. Are we EVER going to put a stop to this? They have NO right, they're playing God and it's high time they were slapped back down to reality. They MUST be made to feel the consequences of their decisions just as the rest of us do.

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