One cab driver gets throat cut, the other uses a gun to stop an icepick attack....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
In Britain....a cab driver gets his throat cut with a broken bottle.

United States....a cab driver uses his gun to keep a criminal from stabbing him with an icepick.

Two countries, two violent attacks, two different outcomes.........

Robber cuts cabbie’s throat with broken bottle for just £10

The victim, called Matt, was attacked in the early hours of Sunday last week as he drove a minicab after a long day training for his Knowledge tests.

He said his ordeal had left him lacking the confidence to drive, and he is now struggling to support his pregnant girlfriend and his son and daughter.

His best friend, also a “Knowledge boy”, set up a crowdfunding page to help him while he recovers which raised more than £700 in two days.

Matt picked up and dropped off the alleged attacker in Bromley, where he was told to park in a dead-end alley.

He said: “From out of nowhere, he hit me around the head with a wine bottle, which smashed, but I couldn’t do anything because I had my seatbelt on. Next thing, he was on top of me sticking it into my throat and going through my pockets trying to find money.

“I tried shouting at him: ‘I’ve got a wife and child and a baby on the way.’ He put his hand over my mouth and kept telling me: ‘Shush’. I said the money is in the boot, as a decoy, and tried to run but kept falling over.”

Matt managed to stagger to a petrol station where staff called 999. He was treated in hospital for lacerations and had his throat “stitched back together”. He said: “I’ve never been so scared in all my life… I’ve lost all faith and don’t see how I can drive a cab again.”

Taxi driver uses legal gun to defend against ice pick attack

Four years ago, Collin was attacked while driving his cab and was stabbed 13 times. From that he learned two lessons: to register and carry a gun, and to respect its power.

As Collin was backing away from the ice pick, he pulled out the gun, then took a deep breath.

"I was like, 'Look, don't come any further. Don't make me do this. I don't want to have to hurt you,'" Collin said.

He said his goal was to stay calm and put some distance between them.

It worked. She paused and he jumped into his taxi and drove away.

"The guy did everything correct," said Lt. Jon Ballard of Gates Police. "He used his handgun to protect himself but didn't go above and beyond to protect himself."

Notice......several myths from anti gunners are ruined here.....1st....the cab driver with the gun didn't fire a shot...he didn't just spray and pray....2nd....he is not a Navy Seal or ex police officer, he is just a normal citizen.....and he survived without injury, because of his gun. 3rd....the police didn't shoot him because he had a gun, and used it to stop a crime.......
In Britain....a cab driver gets his throat cut with a broken bottle.

United States....a cab driver uses his gun to keep a criminal from stabbing him with an icepick.

Two countries, two violent attacks, two different outcomes.........

Robber cuts cabbie’s throat with broken bottle for just £10

The victim, called Matt, was attacked in the early hours of Sunday last week as he drove a minicab after a long day training for his Knowledge tests.

He said his ordeal had left him lacking the confidence to drive, and he is now struggling to support his pregnant girlfriend and his son and daughter.

His best friend, also a “Knowledge boy”, set up a crowdfunding page to help him while he recovers which raised more than £700 in two days.

Matt picked up and dropped off the alleged attacker in Bromley, where he was told to park in a dead-end alley.

He said: “From out of nowhere, he hit me around the head with a wine bottle, which smashed, but I couldn’t do anything because I had my seatbelt on. Next thing, he was on top of me sticking it into my throat and going through my pockets trying to find money.

“I tried shouting at him: ‘I’ve got a wife and child and a baby on the way.’ He put his hand over my mouth and kept telling me: ‘Shush’. I said the money is in the boot, as a decoy, and tried to run but kept falling over.”

Matt managed to stagger to a petrol station where staff called 999. He was treated in hospital for lacerations and had his throat “stitched back together”. He said: “I’ve never been so scared in all my life… I’ve lost all faith and don’t see how I can drive a cab again.”

Taxi driver uses legal gun to defend against ice pick attack

Four years ago, Collin was attacked while driving his cab and was stabbed 13 times. From that he learned two lessons: to register and carry a gun, and to respect its power.

As Collin was backing away from the ice pick, he pulled out the gun, then took a deep breath.

"I was like, 'Look, don't come any further. Don't make me do this. I don't want to have to hurt you,'" Collin said.

He said his goal was to stay calm and put some distance between them.

It worked. She paused and he jumped into his taxi and drove away.

"The guy did everything correct," said Lt. Jon Ballard of Gates Police. "He used his handgun to protect himself but didn't go above and beyond to protect himself."

Notice......several myths from anti gunners are ruined here.....1st....the cab driver with the gun didn't fire a shot...he didn't just spray and pray....2nd....he is not a Navy Seal or ex police officer, he is just a normal citizen.....and he survived without injury, because of his gun. 3rd....the police didn't shoot him because he had a gun, and used it to stop a crime.......
Hey the mayor in London is a Moooslim. He thinks that all Moooslims are there to live in peace and harmony... Boy was President Trump correct when he called out the Mayor.....

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