Hundreds of Thousands continue to flee Puerto Rico


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
To where? :uhoh3:

Puerto Ricans in the United States - Wikipedia

"Despite newer migration trends, New York City continues to be home by a significant margin to the largest demographic and cultural center for Puerto Rican Americans on the Mainland United States, with Philadelphia having the second-largest community. The portmanteau "Nuyorican" refers to Puerto Ricans and their descendants in the New York City metropolitan area. A large portion of the Puerto Rican population in the United States resides in the Northeastern United States and Florida, but there are also significant Puerto Rican populations in the Chicago metropolitan area and the South Atlantic States, from Maryland to Georgia, and other states like Ohio, Texas, and California."

more recent--post hurricane: Will Puerto Ricans return home after Hurricane María?

"Puerto Ricans who remain in Florida and other states will pose challenges to local and state governments on the mainland. This population will require public services such as education, health care and housing. Florida is already dealing with increasing numbers of students, and recruiting teachers from Puerto Rico to better serve the increasing Puerto Rican population in the state. Both Florida and cities in New York state have started to aid displaced Puerto Ricans with housing.

If not reversed, the influx of Puerto Ricans will transform the demographic profile of the areas where they settle and produce shifts in workforce and job markets. They may even transform the political profile of the voters participating in the midterm elections and future presidential elections."
Looks like the migration continues: Two months after Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico struggles to regain electricity and thousands flee the island

A bit of a windfall for the democrats?

A lack of reliable electricity coupled with widespread destruction of roads and bridges have led hundreds of thousands to flee Puerto Rico for the mainland U.S., and some economists predict decades of stagnation for an island that already was struggling financially.

Just a bit of define your own 'So?"
Hopefully Poland or Ukraine because the dumb ass Puta Rikkin is the Polock of the Carib. Utterly incompetent fuckers.
OK Buffalo/Niagra. Close enough( and cheaper to fly). They'll fit right in
Shows how well the Orange Idiot handles a disaster in the country. Complete disdain for the people there. Of course, they don't vote, and they're black..........
Shows how well the Orange Idiot handles a disaster in the country. Complete disdain for the people there. Of course, they don't vote, and they're black..........
Actually the majority are white and many of(ya ready) Joo immigrant bloodlines like Cuba and Grand Cayman.....but you don't know that do you ? Can you point to Grand Cayman on a map without the little print ? NO. Of course not.
The CNN asshole Tony Bourdain did a show on PR a couple of months before the hurricane.
He showed the level of endemic corruption the Socialist government there.
He partied with some people who wanted PR to be an independant country.
He asked them what would happen if they got their independence from the USA. They all laughed and told him they would "be screwed".
Looks like the migration continues: Two months after Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico struggles to regain electricity and thousands flee the island

A bit of a windfall for the democrats?

A lack of reliable electricity coupled with widespread destruction of roads and bridges have led hundreds of thousands to flee Puerto Rico for the mainland U.S., and some economists predict decades of stagnation for an island that already was struggling financially.

Should of left that shit hole before the storm hit

Looks like the migration continues: Two months after Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico struggles to regain electricity and thousands flee the island

A bit of a windfall for the democrats?

A lack of reliable electricity coupled with widespread destruction of roads and bridges have led hundreds of thousands to flee Puerto Rico for the mainland U.S., and some economists predict decades of stagnation for an island that already was struggling financially.

We told Republicans this would happen

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