As the best example of a Presidency in my Lifetime { that of
Ronald Reagan } was known to utter.
That is what Biden faces.His Presidency will be on the ash heap
of History as far as most any things American and Truthful.
Biden an uncontrolled Liar and spreader of outright slander.
Because it's all his comtrollers know or care to know.
Just Lie! Lie! Lie! { sometimes multiple times a day }.
The Obama way of doing things.Meanining never change course, or
even remotely try to affect congeniality.Just double or triple down
as if rousing Lucifer to prove his mettle.
Now with definitive proof as to what Party shouts the loudest
and breaks the law the most.It's the Party of Abortion.Plus Abortion
on Demand.The party who has no qualms about Doxing members
of the Supreme Court or having a Scotus Draft opinion leaked.
Then when asked about the doxing or what an Attorney General
{ Merrick Garland } should do about it.
You guessed it ... Crickets.
Americans should not have to tolerate this blatant disregard for
what is Truth and the American Way.
That is why we have Elections.To have our voices heard the best.
I mean,unless we have the technology to read a Fetus mind in the
Keep in mind what did Dr.Kermit Gosnell do with Aborted
Fetus'.The left also refuses to remind us.
Ronald Reagan } was known to utter.
That is what Biden faces.His Presidency will be on the ash heap
of History as far as most any things American and Truthful.
Biden an uncontrolled Liar and spreader of outright slander.
Because it's all his comtrollers know or care to know.
Just Lie! Lie! Lie! { sometimes multiple times a day }.
The Obama way of doing things.Meanining never change course, or
even remotely try to affect congeniality.Just double or triple down
as if rousing Lucifer to prove his mettle.
Now with definitive proof as to what Party shouts the loudest
and breaks the law the most.It's the Party of Abortion.Plus Abortion
on Demand.The party who has no qualms about Doxing members
of the Supreme Court or having a Scotus Draft opinion leaked.
Then when asked about the doxing or what an Attorney General
{ Merrick Garland } should do about it.
You guessed it ... Crickets.
Americans should not have to tolerate this blatant disregard for
what is Truth and the American Way.
That is why we have Elections.To have our voices heard the best.
I mean,unless we have the technology to read a Fetus mind in the
Keep in mind what did Dr.Kermit Gosnell do with Aborted
Fetus'.The left also refuses to remind us.