2 of the biggest fraudsters in US history pardoned by one Joe Biden

Hey, corporations are people now, too, dude. That is except for the fact, they can rob you, get government to take you house for eminent domain, without you getting it back, even if they back out of doing whatever it was, that was to benefit the community, sometimes destroy your land, your water and can tie you up in court until you must knuckle under or go broke, and a myriad of other things and unlike real people like you and me, cannot be put in jail. But, they are people, none the less and can contribute to political campaigns, easily making the small donation you make, absolutely meaningless. Think: The US Supreme Court, Best Judges Money Can Buy.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

That was awful!
Hillary must never be criticized, especially right before an election.
Hillary's corruption must never be exposed. The nerve of some people.
That was awful!
Hillary must never be criticized, especially right before an election.
Hillary's corruption must never be exposed. The nerve of some people.
When I had the opportunity to vote for Hillary, I knew them both for what they were and are. So, I vote 3rd party for the Libertarian, knowing he wouldn't win, but if he did, we'd suffer another Jimmy Carterlike administration, where both parties hated him, making gridlock our friend. Nothing would get done, but no lasting damage, plus would be interesting to watch.:banana:
When I had the opportunity to vote for Hillary, I knew them both for what they were and are. So, I vote 3rd party for the Libertarian, knowing he wouldn't win, but if he did, we'd suffer another Jimmy Carterlike administration, where both parties hated him, making gridlock our friend. Nothing would get done, but no lasting damage, plus would be interesting to watch.:banana:

Citizen's United was about an anti-Hillary movie in 2008.

More people Joe can relate to I reckon.

President Joe Biden on Thursday commuted the sentences of two of the Chicago area’s most notorious fraudsters: former Dixon Comptroller Rita Crundwell, who embezzled nearly $54 million from the tiny town to fund a lavish lifestyle, and Eric Bloom, the onetime leader of a Northbrook management firm who defrauded investors of more than $665 million.

The decisions in the clemency petitions for Crundwell and Bloom were announced by the White House as part of a massive list of some 39 pardons and 1,499 commutations. Biden’s orders do not wipe out their felony convictions, but end their sentences immediately.

The White House said the commutations were for people released from prison and placed on home confinement during the coronavirus pandemic.

Crundwell, 71, pleaded guilty in 2012 to what authorities then called the largest municipal fraud in the country’s history, admitting she stole $53.7 million from the city over more than a decade and used the money to finance her quarter horse business and lavish lifestyle.

She was sentenced in 2013 to nearly 20 years in federal prison. In April 2020, Crundwell had petitioned a federal judge for early compassionate release based on her poor health and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I have done everything in my power to be a ‘model inmate.’ To work as hard as I can and have never complained about my conditions here or the pay we receive,” Crundwell wrote. “There is never a day that goes by, I do not regret my crime.”

She’d served about eight years behind bars before being released in 2021 to a halfway house in Downers Grove, U.S. Bureau of Prisons records show. Crundwell would have completed her sentence in October 2028.

Bloom, meanwhile, the onetime head of Sentinel Management Group, was convicted by a jury in 2012 in what was billed by prosecutors at the time as the largest single financial fraud in the history of Chicago’s federal court.

Prosecutors alleged that as head of Sentinel, Bloom secretly began exposing his well-heeled customers to an increasingly risky mix of leveraged deals in 2003, leading to the company’s collapse four years later.
Wonder how much they had to pay?
Hey, corporations are people now, too, dude. That is except for the fact, they can rob you, get government to take you house for eminent domain, without you getting it back, even if they back out of doing whatever it was, that was to benefit the community, sometimes destroy your land, your water and can tie you up in court until you must knuckle under or go broke, and a myriad of other things and unlike real people like you and me, cannot be put in jail. But, they are people, none the less and can contribute to political campaigns, easily making the small donation you make, absolutely meaningless. Think: The US Supreme Court, Best Judges Money Can Buy.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Citizens United was the last nail in the coffin of the Great Experiment.
I didn't demand it or pay for it. Maybe the partisan hacks enjoyed, but a nothing burger to everybody else.

Nothing burger. Except it got the McCain Finegold Act declared unconstitutional.
That's what Citizen's United was about.
Free speech is still allowed, even if it criticizes Hillary.
Nothing burger. Except it got the McCain Finegold Act declared unconstitutional.
That's what Citizen's United was about.
Free speech is still allowed, even if it criticizes Hillary.
You want me to care about Hillary? Why?

More people Joe can relate to I reckon.
I've had my daily quota of depressing stories so this is about all I read. It is hardly a surprise when a crook pardons another crook or 2.

Next will likely be Jim Bob Bribem and other family.

So who says we have a demorcratic Republic? It's been a corrupt monarchy under this admin (and others)

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