On Scientific Dictatorship


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
The Scientific Dictatorship that is defining the 21st Century is rebelling in the truest sense against natural law

As CS Lewis wrote in 1947, “It is the sole source of all value judgements. If it is rejected, all value is rejected… The rebellion of new ideologies against the Tao is a rebellion of the branches against the tree: if the rebels could succeed they would find that they had destroyed themselves.”

The Scientific Dictatorship, Natural Law and the Abolition of Man | Old-Thinker News

Lewis wrote of the "abolition of man".......and there is a current line of thinking that label the AGW crusaders "human racists".

The agenda behind "climate science".......read the article in the link above......a simple exercise in connecting the dots.

Very, very fucked up.
I'd ask Skook if it bugs him how his side is now put in the same category as Flat Earthers and Creationists, but it's already clear that it does bug him.

And just like the Flat Earthers and Creationists, all he can do now is claim persecution.
I'd ask Skook if it bugs him how his side is now put in the same category as Flat Earthers and Creationists, but it's already clear that it does bug him.

And just like the Flat Earthers and Creationists, all he can do now is claim persecution.

The science fascists are trying their best but still losing.....and I'm happy to be a flat earther s0n!! I don't live obsessed with this climate shit like the climate obsessed. And evidently, there are far ore flat earthers than climate k00ks.......which Ive astutely displayed in the last several days with the CNN thread and the Climategate II thread. Oh...almost forgot the Gallup Poll on concerns of Americans and global warming waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down at the bottom!!!:D

s0n....stick to lurking over at the DailyKos......you'll be far less miserable and perhaps spend less time pumping that poor cat.
I don't live obsessed with this climate shit like the climate obsessed.

HA HA HA Ha ha ha haaaaaa.....

You are THE MOST OBSESSED poster on this entire website.

I did an open-ended search on your posts just in the environment forum and it maxed out at 500 posts in 0.66 seconds. The oldest post it listed was March 31st of this year. Five hundred posts in one forum in 50 days. And you don't think you're obsessed. Particularly taking into account the value of your average post.
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I don't live obsessed with this climate shit like the climate obsessed.

HA HA HA Ha ha ha haaaaaa.....

You are THE MOST OBSESSED poster on this entire website.

I did an open-ended search on your posts just in the environment forum and it maxed out at 500 posts in 0.66 seconds. The oldest post it listed was March 31st of this year. Five hundred posts in one forum in 50 days. And you don't think you're obsessed. Particularly taking into account the value of your average post.

Indeed s0n....but the difference is....Im always laughing my balls off and having a blast in here.:D I and my skeptic pals fubar k00k threads in here for years now........while watching the misery meter fly off the scale for the k00ks. This forum should be called BOGUS ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE because on a daily basis, that's the way it reads!!!:funnyface::funnyface::up:

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