On Law, Lies and Propaganda


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
On Law, Lies and Propaganda
There are two matters that are playing out in this part of the world right now that have captured much attention.
One is the sudden emergence of the "legality" of the "settlements" as an issue for national debate. Or non-debate. Whatever. It is difficult to even appreciate how much this is progress. Up until very recently it was simply taken as a given that the "settlements" were "illegal" under "international law". Everybody knew that. Everybody said so. It was said every time the "settlements" were in the news. The BBC (and therefore the ABC) sometimes added the faintly condescending and misleading rider "although Israel disputes this". Journalists such as John Lyons of The Australian didn't even bother to do that.
I will return to this issue because of its importance but here's a snapshot to go on with. It started last week with an article in The Australian by Bob Carr, Foreign Minister - Never Again (File Stamped: Do Not Employ) still smarting from being thwarted from what he saw was to be the overarching achievement of a grey and mediocre career by any standard --- the de-legitimisation of Jews who live on the wrong side of the "Green Line" by declaring them as "illegal", thus in his mind paving the way for the two state solution as the only show in town.
It's all so easy in Bob's imagination. Once you imagine the "Green Line" dividing Jerusalem and the "West Bank" from Israel then everything else falls into place. The Jews have to be rescued from themselves and its his job to help. This "nudges" the parties towards peace. This is what he says. What a stupid man.
Carr was answered comprehensively, elegantly and far more politely than I could ever manage in a piece by Mark Leibler of AIJAC however I saw something during the week that might have included some free and fair advice for people like us and that I think deserves a response.
Here it is:................

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