Clinton slams Isrelophobe protests on college campuses, says students have been fed propaganda [pallywood / racism]


Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023
Does Hillary and any decent person have a chance against the well oiled Arab Republic of Qatar and anti-Israel Soros money machine pushing pallywood and Pallyweid?

Hillary Clinton slams anti-Israel protests on college campuses, says students have been fed propaganda.
By Jacob Magid
09 May, 2024, 11:53 pm

Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton tears into the pro-Palestinian protest movement that has swept across American colleges, calling them ignorant and lamenting that they’re being misinformed by propaganda on social media and in the classroom.

“I have had many conversations with a lot of young people over the last many months. They don’t know very much at all about the history of the Middle East or frankly about history in many areas of the world, including in our own country,” Clinton tells MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

“With respect to the Middle East, they don’t know that under the bringing together of the Israelis and the Palestinians by my husband — then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, the then-head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat — an offer was made to the Palestinians for a state on 96% of the existing territory occupied by the Palestinians with 4% of Israel to be given to reach 100% of the amount of territory that was hoped for.”

“This offer was made and if Yasser Arafat had accepted it there would have been a Palestinian state now for about 24 years. It’s one of the great tragedies of history that he was unable to say, ‘yes,'” Clinton laments.

“My husband has a book coming out later this year in which he talks about how Arafat kept saying that he intended to agree, he wanted to agree, but he was pretty sure he’d be killed because Sadat was killed by extremists when he made peace with Israel. Our dear, dear friend, Yitzhak Rabin was killed by a radical Israeli when he was pursuing the two-state solution.”

“This is a very important piece of history to understand if you’re going to take any kind of position regarding what’s going on right now,” the former US secretary of state says.

Turning to how these far-left college students have been misinformed, Clinton says they are being fed “propaganda” instead of receiving an education.

“Anybody who is teaching in a university or anyone who is putting content on social media should be held responsible for what they include and what they exclude. So much of what we’re seeing, particularly on TikTok, about what’s going on in the Middle East is willfully false, but it’s also incredibly slanted, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel.”

“It is not any place where anyone should go to get information about complex matters like what is going on there
 People are on social media oftentimes to press an ideological, religious, financial or partisan political agenda. You don’t get the facts, you don’t get any kind of context.”

“We have to do a better job
 with young people in trying to help them understand how to filter and interpret the information they’re getting.”

“We also need to do a better job in our classrooms, particularly at the college or university level, not to fall into easy absolutes — you’re either for or against. Life is too complicated, history certainly is.”
Does Hillary and any decent person have a chance against the well oiled Arab Republic of Qatar and anti-Israel Soros money machine pushing pallywood and Pallyweid?

Hillary Clinton slams anti-Israel protests on college campuses, says students have been fed propaganda.
By Jacob Magid
09 May, 2024, 11:53 pm

Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton tears into the pro-Palestinian protest movement that has swept across American colleges, calling them ignorant and lamenting that they’re being misinformed by propaganda on social media and in the classroom.

“I have had many conversations with a lot of young people over the last many months. They don’t know very much at all about the history of the Middle East or frankly about history in many areas of the world, including in our own country,” Clinton tells MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

“With respect to the Middle East, they don’t know that under the bringing together of the Israelis and the Palestinians by my husband — then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, the then-head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat — an offer was made to the Palestinians for a state on 96% of the existing territory occupied by the Palestinians with 4% of Israel to be given to reach 100% of the amount of territory that was hoped for.”

“This offer was made and if Yasser Arafat had accepted it there would have been a Palestinian state now for about 24 years. It’s one of the great tragedies of history that he was unable to say, ‘yes,'” Clinton laments.

“My husband has a book coming out later this year in which he talks about how Arafat kept saying that he intended to agree, he wanted to agree, but he was pretty sure he’d be killed because Sadat was killed by extremists when he made peace with Israel. Our dear, dear friend, Yitzhak Rabin was killed by a radical Israeli when he was pursuing the two-state solution.”

“This is a very important piece of history to understand if you’re going to take any kind of position regarding what’s going on right now,” the former US secretary of state says.

Turning to how these far-left college students have been misinformed, Clinton says they are being fed “propaganda” instead of receiving an education.

“Anybody who is teaching in a university or anyone who is putting content on social media should be held responsible for what they include and what they exclude. So much of what we’re seeing, particularly on TikTok, about what’s going on in the Middle East is willfully false, but it’s also incredibly slanted, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel.”

“It is not any place where anyone should go to get information about complex matters like what is going on there
 People are on social media oftentimes to press an ideological, religious, financial or partisan political agenda. You don’t get the facts, you don’t get any kind of context.”

“We have to do a better job
 with young people in trying to help them understand how to filter and interpret the information they’re getting.”

“We also need to do a better job in our classrooms, particularly at the college or university level, not to fall into easy absolutes — you’re either for or against. Life is too complicated, history certainly is.”


This is better than Democrats eating each other.

It's Democrats eating themselves! :p
And here are more archives disputing fascist Ilan Pappe’s FAKE pallyweid “ethnic cleansing’ narrative:

Does Hillary and any decent person have a chance against the well oiled Arab Republic of Qatar and anti-Israel Soros money machine pushing pallywood and Pallyweid?

Hillary Clinton slams anti-Israel protests on college campuses, says students have been fed propaganda.
By Jacob Magid
09 May, 2024, 11:53 pm

Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton tears into the pro-Palestinian protest movement that has swept across American colleges, calling them ignorant and lamenting that they’re being misinformed by propaganda on social media and in the classroom.

“I have had many conversations with a lot of young people over the last many months. They don’t know very much at all about the history of the Middle East or frankly about history in many areas of the world, including in our own country,” Clinton tells MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

“With respect to the Middle East, they don’t know that under the bringing together of the Israelis and the Palestinians by my husband — then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, the then-head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat — an offer was made to the Palestinians for a state on 96% of the existing territory occupied by the Palestinians with 4% of Israel to be given to reach 100% of the amount of territory that was hoped for.”

“This offer was made and if Yasser Arafat had accepted it there would have been a Palestinian state now for about 24 years. It’s one of the great tragedies of history that he was unable to say, ‘yes,'” Clinton laments.

“My husband has a book coming out later this year in which he talks about how Arafat kept saying that he intended to agree, he wanted to agree, but he was pretty sure he’d be killed because Sadat was killed by extremists when he made peace with Israel. Our dear, dear friend, Yitzhak Rabin was killed by a radical Israeli when he was pursuing the two-state solution.”

“This is a very important piece of history to understand if you’re going to take any kind of position regarding what’s going on right now,” the former US secretary of state says.

Turning to how these far-left college students have been misinformed, Clinton says they are being fed “propaganda” instead of receiving an education.

“Anybody who is teaching in a university or anyone who is putting content on social media should be held responsible for what they include and what they exclude. So much of what we’re seeing, particularly on TikTok, about what’s going on in the Middle East is willfully false, but it’s also incredibly slanted, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel.”

“It is not any place where anyone should go to get information about complex matters like what is going on there
 People are on social media oftentimes to press an ideological, religious, financial or partisan political agenda. You don’t get the facts, you don’t get any kind of context.”

“We have to do a better job
 with young people in trying to help them understand how to filter and interpret the information they’re getting.”

“We also need to do a better job in our classrooms, particularly at the college or university level, not to fall into easy absolutes — you’re either for or against. Life is too complicated, history certainly is.”
Even though she is right, her and the left have been part of the problem and now it is blowing up in their faces.
under the bringing together of the Israelis and the Palestinians by my husband — then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, the then-head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat — an offer was made to the Palestinians for a state on 96% of the existing territory occupied by the Palestinians with 4% of Israel to be given to reach 100% of the amount of territory that was hoped for.”
Such a deal.

Palestinians were expected to give up their Right of Return and forfeit their claims to most of East Jerusalem in exchange for a non-contiguous state, without its own military and with its borders controlled by Israel:

Why did Arafat reject Barak's generous offer at Camp David? - Palestine Remembered
  • "According to Barak's offer, the proposed Palestinian areas would have been cut from East to West and from North to South so that the Palestinian state would have consisted of a group of islands, each surrounded by Israeli settlers and soldiers.

  • "No sovereign nation would accept such an arrangement that could hinder its strategic national security and interests; click here for a map illustration.
  • "It's not only that the future Palestinian state would have been completely demilitarized, and Israeli early warning radar installation would have been installed deep in the Palestinian areas, but also its economic, social, and political relations with its neighboring Arab states would have been severely scrutinized by Israel as well."
  • UN-Map-m0094.webp

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