Omicron a good thing? Many doctors think so

As Omicron sweeps the nation leaving people mildly ill, it's also a good sign that the mutations are weakening. In the US so far, one death. We will have more people die of the flu in December than Omicron can kill until it disappears.

One would think that government leadership would celebrate this good news. If Trump were President today, he'd be assuring us of the slow death of covid even if other weaker variants come our way. Mutations (while more contagious) generally weaken. Eventually it will be less severe than a cold.

But for some reason, the Biden administration is not taking a victory lap. Strange! Not really. By admitting we are getting by this, that means less insistence of vaccine mandates. It means less control over schools and government institutions. It means less control over the people except in commie cities where they are re-instituting masks and mandates. Worst of all it means less ability to demand mail-in voting in 2022 which ushered their dementia patient into the White House.

So it seems, they are willing to keep people in despair to make sure the fear lives least until 2022 where it's predicted to be a slaughter for the Democrats.

Party first--country second. That's the theme of the Democrat party.

The "party of science" is determined to ignore basic evolution as it applies to viruses, ie. they always mutate to become more infectious and less deadly.

That doesn't help their agenda, though, so we're going to ignore yet another inconvenient fact.
You do know , that informed consent IS the science and data, which any patient in this country is entitled to

So , why would our own government first state they'll keep us informed, then deny us any information >>>>
A vast amount of experiential data has been accrued by competent analysts, and is readily available from the CDC and other legitimate sources.

Whom do you trust more than public health experts regarding a matter of public health?
The "party of science" is determined to ignore basic evolution as it applies to viruses, ie. they always mutate to become more infectious and less deadly.

That doesn't help their agenda, though, so we're going to ignore yet another inconvenient fact.
Don't confuse them with facts. They get uppity and it causes domestic abuse.
The "party of science" is determined to ignore basic evolution as it applies to viruses, ie. they always mutate to become more infectious and less deadly.

That doesn't help their agenda, though, so we're going to ignore yet another inconvenient fact.

We've been saying they've been using the virus for political purposes and they were in denial. With the last variants they had a point to some degree. But Omicron put them in a bad position to hold up their defense. One American died so far and even that's being contested, yet they want lock downs, mask mandates, schools closing and so on. I know the liberal mind is as hard as a rock and it's difficult to get through, but his variant leaves them pretty much helpless. They are trying to make Omicron the end of the world (again) when it's clear it will kill less people than the flu if it actually kills anybody at all.
I said this years ago. You can't stop covid, ever, it isn't going away. It's going to suck for a few years because it's new but once it's made it's rounds a couple times it will have diminished effects as the virus adapts to humans on a large scale. No virus wants to kill it's host after all. Once our immune systems have become familiar with it then covid will continue on and it will be no more problematic than the common flu.

We might also want to consider putting more effort into finding ways to treat people who have it, but the left is absolutely opposed to even the thought of a therapeutic.
I'm not vaxxed and I had covid----I didn't go to the intensive care wards---I SLEPT alot though.

Most not vaccinated---who get covid---don't even know that they got covid.

I had a pretty bad cold all last week. Stayed home, slept a lot, guzzled Nyquil. My sister, when she heard, wanted to know why I didn't go get tested to see if it was Covid. She was shocked when I said, "Because I really didn't care."
We've been saying they've been using the virus for political purposes and they were in denial. With the last variants they had a point to some degree. But Omicron put them in a bad position to hold up their defense. One American died so far and even that's being contested, yet they want lock downs, mask mandates, schools closing and so on. I know the liberal mind is as hard as a rock and it's difficult to get through, but his variant leaves them pretty much helpless. They are trying to make Omicron the end of the world (again) when it's clear it will kill less people than the flu if it actually kills anybody at all.
This article contains a link to the inventor of the PCR test explaining how it is being misused....

In short, if you have ANY of the virus in your body (even if it's just from EXPOSURE), the PCR tests multiplies the number, and can be manipulated to show a MASSIVE amount (meaning that they are getting positives from people that haven't actually caught the disease)....

Maybe this explains why so many people that they claim have the disease exhibit NO SYMPTOMS WHATSOEVER!!!!
As Omicron sweeps the nation leaving people mildly ill, it's also a good sign that the mutations are weakening. In the US so far, one death. We will have more people die of the flu in December than Omicron can kill until it disappears.

One would think that government leadership would celebrate this good news. If Trump were President today, he'd be assuring us of the slow death of covid even if other weaker variants come our way. Mutations (while more contagious) generally weaken. Eventually it will be less severe than a cold.

But for some reason, the Biden administration is not taking a victory lap. Strange! Not really. By admitting we are getting by this, that means less insistence of vaccine mandates. It means less control over schools and government institutions. It means less control over the people except in commie cities where they are re-instituting masks and mandates. Worst of all it means less ability to demand mail-in voting in 2022 which ushered their dementia patient into the White House.

So it seems, they are willing to keep people in despair to make sure the fear lives least until 2022 where it's predicted to be a slaughter for the Democrats.

Party first--country second. That's the theme of the Democrat party.

You don't strike me as the despair type. Are you talking of somebody you know or just an amalgam of types written about on the internet?
A vast amount of experiential data has been accrued by competent analysts, and is readily available from the CDC and other legitimate sources.
nope, it isn't

they're actively cherry picking what they (our government) wants us to hear, and censoring what they don't wish us to hear

it's all in the court docket , which just flew right on over your head schmid

as such, you're not only conceding to being uniformed , you're facts become no more than some belief system we're all supposed to buy into

no thx.....
Whom do you trust more than public health experts regarding a matter of public health?

I trust clarity and transparency , not those who would hide anything behind bureaucrats and legalese , while claiming to keep us informed


They are trying to make Omicron the end of the world (again)
sadly, they're doing a d*mn good job of it Ray

I recognize that I don't know as much as public health professionals about Covid, and so, while acknowledging that they are fallible and that the empirical data they accrue and analyze is constantly refining the basis for their recommendations, there is no one more qualified - certainly not ideologues or the media entertainers and politicians who control them.

The desperate pleas of hospital caregivers overwhelmed by the unvaccinated only underscores the validity of their call for the public to act responsibly.
Like I said, very little in the way of critical thinking; from both health officials and those who blindly believe they are acting in our best interest.
I trust clarity and transparency , not those who would hide anything behind bureaucrats and legalese , while claiming to keep us informed
You trust what you call "clarity and transparency."

It is very likely that that amounts to whatever you want to hear that your unspecified ideologues in the media tell you.

As a practical pragmatist, I do not share in your belief in some vast, pervasive conspiracy by nebulous diabolical forces to hide the truth from you for inexplicable reasons, whereas I find the desperate pleading by America's caregivers, overwhelmed by the unvaccinated, to take the simple precautions of getting vaccinated and wearing a mask in public far more compelling.
You trust what you call "clarity and transparency."
No, i EXPECT clarity and transparency from governance schmid......

It is very likely that that amounts to whatever you want to hear that your unspecified ideologues in the media tell you.

it's actually very unlikely for me to trust mainstream media , or what many call corporate media

that said, i don't so the 'kill the messenger' arrogance/ignorance thing either....

As a practical pragmatist, I do not share in your belief in some vast, pervasive conspiracy by nebulous diabolical forces to hide the truth from you for inexplicable reasons

As i posted, the government is hiding the vaccine truth.

In fact, you'll find our government has a long sorted history of doing just that

the 9/11 commission

the warren commission

(more if you'd like)

Pointing this lack of clarity out does not make me (et all) a conspirator theorist, nor does it mean those doing so have an agenda

It simply means they are hiding the truth from the public

deal with it.....

whereas I find the desperate pleading by America's caregivers, overwhelmed by the unvaccinated, to take the simple precautions of getting vaccinated and wearing a mask in public far more compelling.
Well i was one, for 3 decades, went through a lot of PPE, and they stuck me like a voodoo doll

You want the real skinny? There's more of us asking questions , making observations, collecting stats (be them anecdotal) than ever in medical history

You trust what you call "clarity and transparency."

It is very likely that that amounts to whatever you want to hear that your unspecified ideologues in the media tell you.

As a practical pragmatist, I do not share in your belief in some vast, pervasive conspiracy by nebulous diabolical forces to hide the truth from you for inexplicable reasons, whereas I find the desperate pleading by America's caregivers, overwhelmed by the unvaccinated, to take the simple precautions of getting vaccinated and wearing a mask in public far more compelling.

Because you seen a video where "some" caregivers were asking people to get vaccinated doesn't mean they all feel the same way. Don't you remember those caregivers that chose losing their jobs over getting vaccinated?

That's besides the fact you're changing the direction of my topic. There are not many in ICU over Omicron. This is seasonal in cold places like here up north from Delta and the original virus. It's just like Florida had a bad summer but doing great now. In summer many people preferred to remain indoors because of the heat. Did you or any of your ilk actually expect 100% of people to willingly take the vaccine when it first came out? I didn't. I knew there would be plenty of skeptical people who would want nothing to do with them for various reasons no matter what Dementia, Trump or Fauci said.
You don't strike me as the despair type. Are you talking of somebody you know or just an amalgam of types written about on the internet?

The observation of the country in general, what's being reported on MSM. Now mind you I don't watch MSM, but Fox hosts like Hannity, Laura and Tucker constantly play clips of them all the time. What I also know is that Democrats don't do a Fn thing unless it benefits them or their party. Again, the left has been in denial of their real intentions which in this case was control over people and to do anything to try and win (or not get as badly slaughtered) in 2022. Mail-in voting is a sure win for them so they are promoting this Omicron like it's going to wipe out a fifth of our population.

With covid and Delta they had somewhat of a case, but not this time with Omicron. The people who did get it are mildly sick. No confirmed deaths in the US. Very few in ICU with the exception of the elderly with comorbidity. They are using Omicron to push more vaccines when there is doubt that the vaccines have any effect on it. Dragging this out is no different than them dragging out 1/6 eleven months after the event when we've known everything about it since nearly the beginning of the year. It's all political for them.
I had a pretty bad cold all last week. Stayed home, slept a lot, guzzled Nyquil. My sister, when she heard, wanted to know why I didn't go get tested to see if it was Covid. She was shocked when I said, "Because I really didn't care."

Test it with what? There are no tests left. You know, that great planning by Dementia.
The observation of the country in general, what's being reported on MSM. Now mind you I don't watch MSM, but Fox hosts like Hannity, Laura and Tucker constantly play clips of them all the time. What I also know is that Democrats don't do a Fn thing unless it benefits them or their party. Again, the left has been in denial of their real intentions which in this case was control over people and to do anything to try and win (or not get as badly slaughtered) in 2022. Mail-in voting is a sure win for them so they are promoting this Omicron like it's going to wipe out a fifth of our population.

With covid and Delta they had somewhat of a case, but not this time with Omicron. The people who did get it are mildly sick. No confirmed deaths in the US. Very few in ICU with the exception of the elderly with comorbidity. They are using Omicron to push more vaccines when there is doubt that the vaccines have any effect on it. Dragging this out is no different than them dragging out 1/6 eleven months after the event when we've known everything about it since nearly the beginning of the year. It's all political for them.
Sorry you are under somebody's control. You don't really seem like the type for that either. Are you guys under some kind of lockdown? You are going into January. I suspect you will be more in home lockdown for it being January, when the temps hit your average mid 30s highs and teens/twenties lows, any you guys getting significant snows, than anything else. I didn't talk to anybody in distant family in Florida or Indiana, that were on any lock down either. I actually don't think much if any of the country is in lock down. Pay no attention to FOX about Dems doing lockdowns and controlling the masses, as it is in their interests to keep it out there, especially if you personally do not know anybody being controlled or locked down.
Omicron was probably made milder (attenuated) in South African mice and has a mouse origin.

But the virus Daszak collected near Kunming on 18 Ap 2011 was taken back to Baric's Chapel Hill lab, RsSHC014. This virus was eventually made inton a chimeravirus around 2015, the mouse-adapted SHC014-MA15, which may explain the ease with which it jumped into South African mice.

SHC014-MA15: The Evidence Which Suggests That This Is No Naturally Evolved Virus
(link to the report is at the bottom of the page)

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