Omicron a good thing? Many doctors think so

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
As Omicron sweeps the nation leaving people mildly ill, it's also a good sign that the mutations are weakening. In the US so far, one death. We will have more people die of the flu in December than Omicron can kill until it disappears.

One would think that government leadership would celebrate this good news. If Trump were President today, he'd be assuring us of the slow death of covid even if other weaker variants come our way. Mutations (while more contagious) generally weaken. Eventually it will be less severe than a cold.

But for some reason, the Biden administration is not taking a victory lap. Strange! Not really. By admitting we are getting by this, that means less insistence of vaccine mandates. It means less control over schools and government institutions. It means less control over the people except in commie cities where they are re-instituting masks and mandates. Worst of all it means less ability to demand mail-in voting in 2022 which ushered their dementia patient into the White House.

So it seems, they are willing to keep people in despair to make sure the fear lives least until 2022 where it's predicted to be a slaughter for the Democrats.

Party first--country second. That's the theme of the Democrat party.

As Omicron sweeps the nation leaving people mildly ill, it's also a good sign that the mutations are weakening.
This is the most normal pattern for virus mutations; it's their survival mechanism. Doesn't keep more deadly strains from popping up here and there once in a while, though.
As Omicron sweeps the nation leaving people mildly ill, it's also a good sign that the mutations are weakening. In the US so far, one death. We will have more people die of the flu in December than Omicron can kill until it disappears.

One would think that government leadership would celebrate this good news. If Trump were President today, he'd be assuring us of the slow death of covid even if other weaker variants come our way. Mutations (while more contagious) generally weaken. Eventually it will be less severe than a cold.

But for some reason, the Biden administration is not taking a victory lap. Strange! Not really. By admitting we are getting by this, that means less insistence of vaccine mandates. It means less control over schools and government institutions. It means less control over the people except in commie cities where they are re-instituting masks and mandates. Worst of all it means less ability to demand mail-in voting in 2022 which ushered their dementia patient into the White House.

So it seems, they are willing to keep people in despair to make sure the fear lives least until 2022 where it's predicted to be a slaughter for the Democrats.

Party first--country second. That's the theme of the Democrat party.

Omicron mutation N969K is a vaccine-linked mutation, not necessarily a vaccine-induced mutation. Omicron evolved in South African mice then jumped back into humans. It is an attenuated form of SARS-CoV-2 due to that jump from humans to mice and back again.
i'm not sure i understand the dif Bagder

I honestly don't see the difference........Unless the point is it jumped from one animal to another then back again......hell that is even confusing with those 2 terms.
As Omicron sweeps the nation leaving people mildly ill, it's also a good sign that the mutations are weakening. In the US so far, one death. We will have more people die of the flu in December than Omicron can kill until it disappears.

One would think that government leadership would celebrate this good news. If Trump were President today, he'd be assuring us of the slow death of covid even if other weaker variants come our way. Mutations (while more contagious) generally weaken. Eventually it will be less severe than a cold.

But for some reason, the Biden administration is not taking a victory lap. Strange! Not really. By admitting we are getting by this, that means less insistence of vaccine mandates. It means less control over schools and government institutions. It means less control over the people except in commie cities where they are re-instituting masks and mandates. Worst of all it means less ability to demand mail-in voting in 2022 which ushered their dementia patient into the White House.

So it seems, they are willing to keep people in despair to make sure the fear lives least until 2022 where it's predicted to be a slaughter for the Democrats.

Party first--country second. That's the theme of the Democrat party.

Public health policy should be determined by empirical data compiled by those most knowledgable informing those who enact appropriate measures in the public interest, not by ideologues who parrot the dogma of media entertainers and flail their hyper-partisan pom poms.

Knowledge is good.

Beware of paranoid, conspiracy-ridden zealots who demonize anyone who supports reasonable precautions to safeguard their neighbors, their families, and themselves, and, of course, to relieve the crushing burden inflicted on America's caregivers by the unvaccinated.

As a fast-spreading new strain of the coronavirus swarms across the country, hospitals in Ohio running low on beds and staff recently took out a full-page newspaper advertisement pleading with unvaccinated Americans to finally get the shot. It read, simply: “Help.”
But in a suburban Ohio café, Jackie Rogers, 58, an accountant, offered an equally succinct response on behalf of unvaccinated America: “Never.”
In the year since the first shots began going into arms, opposition to vaccines has hardened from skepticism and wariness into something approaching an article of faith for the approximately 39 million American adults who have yet to get a single dose.
Now, health experts say the roughly 15 percent of the adult population that remains stubbornly unvaccinated is at the greatest risk of severe illness and death from the Omicron variant, and could overwhelm hospitals that are already brimming with Covid patients. In Cleveland, where Omicron cases are soaring, a hospital unit at the Cleveland Clinic that provides life support to the sickest patients is already completely full.
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As Omicron sweeps the nation leaving people mildly ill, it's also a good sign that the mutations are weakening.

so based on one variant - you wanna claim that?

there were a few variants after the original covid 19, that seemed to have petered out - BEFORE delta - which is what most unvaxxed dotards are intubated &/or dying from.

so much for yer silly assertion that after omicron - the next one or any more than that have the same outcome.
so based on one variant - you wanna claim that?

there were a few variants after the original covid 19, that seemed to have petered out - BEFORE delta - which is what most unvaxxed dotards are intubated &/or dying from.

so much for yer silly assertion that after omicron - the next one or any more than that have the same outcome.
I'd like to see the statistical data upon which you relied to make the statement highlighted.

Oh, wait. You can't offer it because it doesn't exist.

STFU and get your boosters, superspreader. What is it now, two a day?
so based on one variant - you wanna claim that?

there were a few variants after the original covid 19, that seemed to have petered out - BEFORE delta - which is what most unvaxxed dotards are intubated &/or dying from.

so much for yer silly assertion that after omicron - the next one or any more than that have the same outcome.
Inane raving against reasonable measures to reduce the spread of a deadly pandemic is not based upon medical science, reason, or common sense.

It is agenda-driven, paranoidal, contemptuous of pragmatic responses, and is only one expression of a comprehensive dogmatic creed.

An easy diagnostic check is to ask an anti-science, anti-masker, anti-vaccinator who won the 2020 presidential election. The result was based upon multiple, quantitative, certified confirmations, but their criteria are faith-based, impervious to such arithmetically-confirmed certitudes.

Visions of bamboo ballots and Italian satellites dance in their heads.
Inane raving against reasonable measures to reduce the spread of a deadly pandemic is not based upon medical science, reason, or common sense.

It is agenda-driven, paranoidal, contemptuous of pragmatic responses, and is only one expression of a comprehensive dogmatic creed.

An easy diagnostic check is to ask an anti-science, anti-mask, anti-vaccinator who won the 2020 presidential election. The result was based upon multiple, quantitative, certified confirmations, but their criteria are faith-based, impervious to such arithmetically-confirmed certitudes.

Visions of bamboo ballots and Italian satellites dance in their heads.
You're not flesh and blood, are you?
I'd like to see the statistical data upon which you relied to make the statement highlighted.

Oh, wait. You can't offer it because it doesn't exist.

STFU and get your boosters, superspreader. What is it now, two a day?

funny that yer chosen one admitted to getting boosted. D'OH!

anyhoo - suck on this:

94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says​

Updated: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m. | Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 9:45 a.m.
94% of its COVID patients in ICU are unvaccinated, Spectrum Health says

The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds​

Pete DeMola
Nov. 30, 2021Updated: Dec. 1, 2021 7:10 a.m.
The unvaccinated dominating Capital Region COVID hospital beds

Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies​


Inside ICUs and ERs of flooded hospitals, an endless loop of preventable tragedies – New Hampshire Bulletin

Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated​

Between 81% and 96% of recent coronavirus patients requiring in-patient care received no COVID-19 vaccine or are only partially vaccinated.
Author: Bob Segall
Published: 6:29 PM EST December 21, 2021
Updated: 1:03 AM EST December 22, 2021
Yes, most patients hospitalized because of COVID-19 are unvaccinated

& there's plenty of factual articles to choose from - but we both know that poorly educated dotards such as yerself don't like facts.... they are like kryptonite to y'all.

Inane raving against reasonable measures to reduce the spread of a deadly pandemic is not based upon medical science, reason, or common sense

Yet little of what has been offered is has helped much at all, fact is 'medical science' is based on statistical analysis, which we are privy to, at least to the extent of what our shill government and corporate media allows us


Show us that it's worked, instead of claiming it does


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