Wave of Suicides at Texas Border.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Long article. Distressing read.

The troops of the Texas National Guard do not seem pleased to be part of political posturing.

Pay problems. Life plans shot to hell. And even suicides. I wonder which Democrat is to blame? Since it is always the Democrats fault. Republicans love the Military. Or Something.
The troops of the Texas National Guard do not seem pleased to be part of political posturing.

Do not worry. Vice President Kamela Harris is right on top of it. She is in charge of everything at the border. She will get to the bottom of it lickety-split. Last I heard, she is infuriated because those people have it so good and things along the border are so quiet and going so smooth that these whiners just do not know what a good thing they got going there. :smoke:
Long article. Distressing read.

The troops of the Texas National Guard do not seem pleased to be part of political posturing.

Pay problems. Life plans shot to hell. And even suicides. I wonder which Democrat is to blame? Since it is always the Democrats fault. Republicans love the Military. Or Something.
Another Body Bag thread.............have you ever witnessed people losing it in the military.......Highly doubt it.......Ever been to a big meeting where they were saying it's not worth it after 10 suicide attempts in a month.

I highly doubt it.............It is not a pretty sight to see.

Many join the Guard.........the Reserve and when forced to deploy they go..........I only joined for the travel and for college money...........Complain as we forced them to train...........Some people don't belong..............And there was never any sympathy on the not wanting to train side.

This is tragic to people who can't cut it when it's time to serve........the military is not for everyone......and it shows here.
Another Body Bag thread.............have you ever witnessed people losing it in the military.......Highly doubt it.......Ever been to a big meeting where they were saying it's not worth it after 10 suicide attempts in a month.

I highly doubt it.............It is not a pretty sight to see.

Many join the Guard.........the Reserve and when forced to deploy they go..........I only joined for the travel and for college money...........Complain as we forced them to train...........Some people don't belong..............And there was never any sympathy on the not wanting to train side.

This is tragic to people who can't cut it when it's time to serve........the military is not for everyone......and it shows here.

Our military in whatever form is way too large. I've argued that for years.
I imagine that when soldiers feel like their government is undermining their mission it is incredibly depressing.

You should read the article. They have no mission. They are losing money they spent for College. Jobs. Homes and families. And they are doing nothing.

They are deployed so the Governor can claim he’s closing the border to shore up the challenge from West.

They aren’t being paid. They aren’t being reimbursed for the money they spent for school. They aren’t given notice that they will be deploying.

Read the article. It tells you all this. We aren’t talking about Gung Ho troops who want to be there. We are talking about troops who think it isn’t worth it. At all.
SavannahMann You shouldn't politicize suicide. People take their own lives for lots of reasons and it's always tragic.

The article tells you why these soldiers committed suicide.

You should read it. Then tell me how awful I am.

Read about the First Sergeant with a Wheelchair bound wife who needs his help because there is nobody else.

In fact. Just read the article. Then go and find some blogspot.nut website that tells you I am full of shit.
You should read the article. They have no mission. They are losing money they spent for College. Jobs. Homes and families. And they are doing nothing.

They are deployed so the Governor can claim he’s closing the border to shore up the challenge from West.

They aren’t being paid. They aren’t being reimbursed for the money they spent for school. They aren’t given notice that they will be deploying.

Read the article. It tells you all this. We aren’t talking about Gung Ho troops who want to be there. We are talking about troops who think it isn’t worth it. At all.

And all the governor needs to do is pass mandatory e-verify with a strong enforcement and they have no reason to come to Texas. Granted, they very well may pass through on their way to other states who won't pass anything.

The governor wants to upset the lives of young people starting out in life because he will not upset business.
Long article. Distressing read.

The troops of the Texas National Guard do not seem pleased to be part of political posturing.

Pay problems. Life plans shot to hell. And even suicides. I wonder which Democrat is to blame? Since it is always the Democrats fault. Republicans love the Military. Or Something.
With Biden and Harris clusterfucking everything up, the only mystery is why we don't have more suicides.
With Biden and Harris clusterfucking everything up, the only mystery is why we don't have more suicides.

You should have read the article before commenting. It would have stopped you from posting something stupid.
And all the governor needs to do is pass mandatory e-verify with a strong enforcement and they have no reason to come to Texas. Granted, they very well may pass through on their way to other states who won't pass anything.

The governor wants to upset the lives of young people starting out in life because he will not upset business.

You need to remember the arguments when Bush suggested Amnesty for Illegals.

E-Verify which is in use is thwarted by the Illegals using fake ID’s. That was the argument against the Amnesty. The illegals who have been here working we’re doing so by committing Felony Identity Theft.

They still are today.

They look real. They have the holograms and all that.
You need to remember the arguments when Bush suggested Amnesty for Illegals.

E-Verify which is in use is thwarted by the Illegals using fake ID’s. That was the argument against the Amnesty. The illegals who have been here working we’re doing so by committing Felony Identity Theft.

They still are today.

They look real. They have the holograms and all that.

Impossible. If e-verify is actually used any "fake" I.D. is going to automatically throw up a red flag. Two people using the same S.S. number. The number belonging to an 86 year old woman applying to work construction?

That is nothing more than an excuse used by those who do not want to address the issue, which is most people.
Long article. Distressing read.

The troops of the Texas National Guard do not seem pleased to be part of political posturing.

Pay problems. Life plans shot to hell. And even suicides. I wonder which Democrat is to blame? Since it is always the Democrats fault. Republicans love the Military. Or Something.
Four people have died of suspected sucide in 2 months and it's the missions fault? well maybe, and worth studying. Sadly, these national guardsmen are having to be called up to deal with the border instead of the professionals in the federal govt because xiden is a failure
Just more proof that the government doesn't give a single fuck about soldiers.
Long article. Distressing read.

The troops of the Texas National Guard do not seem pleased to be part of political posturing.

Pay problems. Life plans shot to hell. And even suicides. I wonder which Democrat is to blame? Since it is always the Democrats fault. Republicans love the Military. Or Something.
Unreal, people now politicizing suicides. The issue is not political, it is the mental health issue. It is a real complex issue with no easy answers. I suffer from depression and it gets so bad that suicide is a rational option. So spare me your BS, asshole.
Unreal, people now politicizing suicides. The issue is not political, it is the mental health issue. It is a real complex issue with no easy answers. I suffer from depression and it gets so bad that suicide is a rational option. So spare me your BS, asshole.

When troops tell the Chain of Command they have problems and are told to shut up and get out there. That is a problem. Again. You like everyone who commented about how awful I am should have read the article.

There is even a link at the bottom for the suicide prevention hotline. So try reading before you give in to the knee jerk reaction.

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