OMG, Schumer tells Trump and his pussies to shut up. Outrage to follow.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
I didnt think that douche would actually do anything. However his words were a bad call. And he didnt even imply he was referring to someone else. Only the justices.
Of course, he is a complete dumbfuck so this is expected.

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
I wonder back when the brown turd Oblummer and Nancy and Dirty Harry Reid behind closed doors, all voted for the shit bill Oblummercare without one republican for it, and when it was passed before Nancy could read it, didnt it take away a woman's right to choose whether to have healthcare or not? And now Chuck E. the fuck E. is using violent rhetoric against the SCJ's...


Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”

Tough, it's a crime to threaten judges.

There are consequences for criminal behavior.

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Sounds like "Sorry--not sorry" to me.
Where he's really in error is in equating the justices with Republicans. Big no no.
Time for pathetic excuses and walk backs is over. Schumer needs to resign, and be happy if he isn't indicted for threatening SC justices.
Time for pathetic excuses and walk backs is over. Schumer needs to resign, and be happy if he isn't indicted for threatening SC justices.
He needs to be charged with the crime he committed. He needs to be disbarred as well.

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Time for pathetic excuses and walk backs is over. Schumer needs to resign, and be happy if he isn't indicted for threatening SC justices.
He needs to be charged with the crime he committed. He needs to be disbarred as well.
If a republican had pulled a stunt like that, they sure the hell would be.

Double standard.

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Sounds like "Sorry--not sorry" to me.
Where he's really in error is in equating the justices with Republicans. Big no no.
He’s also wrong in equating the case to the American way of life. How sick is that?

If an abortion goes bad, would you have wanted there to be a hospital close enough where the doctor has privileges? Only makes sense to me, if one truly cares about the health of women.

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Schumer must resign.
Threatening US Supreme Court Judges is illegal.

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
They're STILL crying.

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Schumer makes a good point

Dems need to make abortion an issue in 2020

Republicans will strip away a woman’s right to an abortion if Trump is re-elected. They are already doing it at the state level.

If women allow Trump to be re-elected, they have only themselves to blame.

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Schumer makes a good point

Dems need to make abortion an issue in 2020

Republicans will strip away a woman’s right to an abortion if Trump is re-elected. They are already doing it at the state level.

If women allow Trump to be re-elected, they have only themselves to blame.
Well, can the dems really make this an issue in sayyyy Wisc when the only women affected live in La, Ark, Miss and Tex?

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Schumer makes a good point

Dems need to make abortion an issue in 2020

Republicans will strip away a woman’s right to an abortion if Trump is re-elected. They are already doing it at the state level.

If women allow Trump to be re-elected, they have only themselves to blame.
Well, can the dems really make this an issue in sayyyy Wisc when the only women affected live in La, Ark, Miss and Tex?
Especially in blue states

Trump is ready to stack the court if he gets re-elected.

Their decisions will affect ALL states and Roe V Wade is in the agenda

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”

Tough, it's a crime to threaten judges.

There are consequences for criminal behavior.
If it’s a crime, why hasn’t Schumer been arrested and charged?

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Schumer makes a good point

Dems need to make abortion an issue in 2020

Republicans will strip away a woman’s right to an abortion if Trump is re-elected. They are already doing it at the state level.

If women allow Trump to be re-elected, they have only themselves to blame.
a woman will vote the the way their husband tells them to vote......aint that kinda like what Clinton said?...
“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
The only folks who will be fooled by that are those who want and need to be fooled by it

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Sounds like "Sorry--not sorry" to me.
Where he's really in error is in equating the justices with Republicans. Big no no.
He’s also wrong in equating the case to the American way of life. How sick is that?

If an abortion goes bad, would you have wanted there to be a hospital close enough where the doctor has privileges? Only makes sense to me, if one truly cares about the health of women.
Ask the Supreme Court that question.

Democratic U.S. Senator Schumer expresses regret for Supreme Court comments

“I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They did not come out the way I intended to,” Schumer said Thursday in a speech on the Senate floor. “My point was there would be political consequences, for President Trump and Senate Republicans — if the Supreme Court, with newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose.”

“I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in a strong language,” he added.
But Schumer defended the spirit of his remarks on Thursday, accusing Republicans of “manufacturing outrage” about the speech and ignoring efforts to gut abortion rights across the country.

“What will remain long after the clamor over my comments dies down is the issue at hand: a woman’s constitutional right to choose and Republican attempts to invalidate it,” he said. “The fact that my Republican colleagues have worked, systematically over the course of decades, to install the judicial infrastructure to take down Roe v. Wade — and do very real damage to the country and the American way of life. That is the issue that will remain.”
Not only did he threaten two associate justices, he then lied about it on the floor of the Senate.

There are no political repercussions for sitting SCOTUS justices. They have lifetime appointments to insulate them from any such thing. He was NOT addressing Trump or republicans, he was addressing Gorsuch AND Kavanaugh.

This wasn't even over women's reproductive rights. It was over keeping abortion monsters accountable for their atrocities.

Or is it okay with the progressive party that a doctor can perform surgery without having any admittance rights to any hospital near him in case it goes wrong?

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