Older white voters deserting Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house!
You can fool some of the people some of the time...

They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house!
You can fool some of the people some of the time...
NOT a CHANCE, tough guy/girl/whatever, dream on, man/woman/whatever you are.
Yea, I’m sure old white people are jumping on the BLM bandwagon to burn America to the ground.
No, of course not.

But they're coming to the realization just what a dangerous egotistic ignorant arrogant amoral unfit jackass that they mistakenly elevated to high office.

Rump is an empty suit, and this is the wrong time for a real estate robber baron and un-reality TV program host to be trying to run the place.

Better to vote for a fence post than give The Creature another four years.

At least a 'fence post' can serve as a 'placeholder' and keep the seat warm until someone better comes along.

The imperative on November 3, 2020, is to remove the incumbent danger to The People and their Republic and its Constitution and the Rule of Law.

And the way Rump's numbers have been tanking, that may very well come to pass.
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They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house!
You can fool some of the people some of the time...
I wonder if these old ladies will vote for Joe BLM Biden?

Yea, I’m sure old white people are jumping on the BLM bandwagon to burn America to the ground.
No, of course not.

But they're coming to the realization just what a dangerous egotistic ignorant arrogant amoral unfit jackass that they mistakenly elevated to high office.

Rump is an empty suit, and this is the wrong time for a real estate robber baron and un-reality TV program host to be trying to run the place.

Better to vote for a fence post than give The Creature another four years.
Good for them!

They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house!
You can fool some of the people some of the time...
I wonder if these old ladies will vote for Joe BLM Biden?


They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house!
You can fool some of the people some of the time...

So, he didn't vote for Trump anyway. Can't say he was on the bandwagon, eh?

You can be sure us old, enfeebled white American retirees will vote for a dumb schmuck whose primary success in 40 years was to become Obama's poodle, and whose sole remaining purpose in life is to put someone in the Oval Office who will immediately look to drain our well-earned personal treasuries for the benefit of those who spend their lives producing nothing but urine and feces.

Yeah, keep thinking that.

They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house !
You can fool some of the people some of the time...
I wish that Lincoln Project had gotten more support behind it a couple years ago and run a strong contender for the Republican ticket. I think Trump would have been eagerly primaried out. Yeah, I know, it's never happened, but we could be looking at a lame duck from the Convention until January.
Yea, I’m sure old white people are jumping on the BLM bandwagon to burn America to the ground.

Old white people want to be Burned, Looted and Murdered. Where have you been? Democrats will tell you. Just like pretty white girls are racists if they don't want to be raped by a black. They deserve to get their throats slit.

Plus I'm sure old white people like Dems referring to them as old white people. #sarcasm #demsRdumb

They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house !
You can fool some of the people some of the time...
I wish that Lincoln Project had gotten more support behind it a couple years ago and run a strong contender for the Republican ticket. I think Trump would have been eagerly primaried out. Yeah, I know, it's never happened, but we could be looking at a lame duck from the Convention until January.

Why? Those establishment Republicans put us in the sorry position Trump is trying to remedy in the first place. Trump whooped all 16 of them in the primaries.

What makes you think George Conway's group means anything to anyone but themselves and their Democrat friends?

They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house!
You can fool some of the people some of the time...

Supported Jeb Bush? What next, a Biden supporter?

Next fake news article!

They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house!
You can fool some of the people some of the time...
Feel better?
Didn't think so.

They are finally smelling the stink coming out of the white house!
You can fool some of the people some of the time...
Yeah, ima vote for biden soon as I get one of them decoder rings so I can figure what the stuttering moron is saying.
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Yea, I’m sure old white people are jumping on the BLM bandwagon to burn America to the ground.
But they're coming to the realization just what a dangerous egotistic ignorant arrogant amoral unfit jackass that they mistakenly elevated to high office.
Too bad all the democrats keep offering look even WORSE.

Joe Biden's been in politics 51 years? And what has he done in all that time? NOTHING. What fool thinks he'll do any more than nothing at 77 years old in the WH with his mind going?

And all the problems he rails about and promises to fix? They were all there all those 51 years and not only did he do nothing, but he helped create them.

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