Ok, seriously. Are non deniers, (leftists) who truly believe in THE global warming to blame?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Since we deniers are such a minority (hey I am double minority, I am brown and a denier) and since the leftists are such believers and lovers of "mother earth" and since they havedone NOTHING during the 50 years of their yapping, aren't they to blame for us going beyond the TIPPING POINT?

Lets think about this.

They are majority. Get it? They are all believers in this thing. Yet, they have done nothing. No, going to earth day concerts and hating America and being a good enough socialist is NOT doing something.

So, if 70 percent of the 7 billion people on earth lived without using fossil fuels, would we be in this position we are in now? Cause according to the UN, we are beyond the tipping point.

So, why aren't leftists who believed all of these years (50 years) to blame? Just try to explain it. Are they even willing to acknowledge their own hypocrisy? Are they are blind to the point I am making?
Since we deniers are such a minority (hey I am double minority, I am brown and a denier) and since the leftists are such believers and lovers of "mother earth" and since they havedone NOTHING during the 50 years of their yapping, aren't they to blame for us going beyond the TIPPING POINT?

Lets think about this.

They are majority. Get it? They are all believers in this thing. Yet, they have done nothing. No, going to earth day concerts and hating America and being a good enough socialist is NOT doing something.

So, if 70 percent of the 7 billion people on earth lived without using fossil fuels, would we be in this position we are in now? Cause according to the UN, we are beyond the tipping point.

So, why aren't leftists who believed all of these years (50 years) to blame? Just try to explain it. Are they even willing to acknowledge their own hypocrisy? Are they are blind to the point I am making?

Big Left can't talk right now, because they have too much communist Chinese cock in their mouths.
We insulate our homes ... that started 50 years ago ...

This is one of the reasons conservatives want smaller government ... building codes are the first to go ... 2x2's four foot on/center will hold the drywall in place long enough to sell the house ... it's a useless expense to have to use 2x6's 16 inches on/center ... certainly a waste of tax-payer money sending someone around to enforce these building codes ...

Safety cuts too deeply into profits ... human life just isn't worth that much in China ...
Since we deniers are such a minority (hey I am double minority, I am brown and a denier) and since the leftists are such believers and lovers of "mother earth" and since they havedone NOTHING during the 50 years of their yapping, aren't they to blame for us going beyond the TIPPING POINT?

Lets think about this.

They are majority. Get it? They are all believers in this thing. Yet, they have done nothing. No, going to earth day concerts and hating America and being a good enough socialist is NOT doing something.

So, if 70 percent of the 7 billion people on earth lived without using fossil fuels, would we be in this position we are in now? Cause according to the UN, we are beyond the tipping point.

So, why aren't leftists who believed all of these years (50 years) to blame? Just try to explain it. Are they even willing to acknowledge their own hypocrisy? Are they are blind to the point I am making?

“The amount of water that’s been rising, and will likely continue to rise today even as the storm is passing, is basically a 500-year flood event,” DeSantis said. “Some of the flooding you’re going to see, in areas that are hundreds of miles from where this made landfall, are going to set records.”

Hey, every time I hear Global Warming is kicking our ass, it's always red states dealing with it. If you want to keep denying, go for it. Just make sure you don't come crying to us for help when you are swimming in your living room.

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