OK Right Wingers. Time to put your money where your mouth is on the Bathroom thing..

Actually commonsense would tell not to draft such a
Law, let alone pass it

The reason being is that now anyone can be arrested for using a public restroom! Do you see how?

All is needed is for the police to accuse you of being the wrong gender. Before, there was no precedent and the police, at best, had to wait for a crime that is on the books.

Now they can accuse you of a crime just for pissing in the stalls!

Before then, people didn't have an issue or weren't confused about which bathroom to use.

The only people that are confused are the delusional trans and the silly fools that wish to entertain the transexuals delusions!
Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

Not impossible to understand but so far you have no answer on how you will enforce it. Will you be a job creator and push for penis checkers?

Does everybody remember 'The Crying Game'....
The movie in which a straight guy gets catfished by a tranny.

Yep, I remember. Forrest Whitaker really set that man up.
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does
Meh, I want to restrict their freakshow selves to Southern California and leave the rest of us alone.
You know

We should send women,that look like men, into packed women restrooms at football and baseball games!!!

That would be a riot!! LOL
Gotta pecker, it's in the men's room with you, got none, stay the hell out

Maybe you could be the pecker police?
Have a little camera in each stall of the woman's restrooms, and when one of those people who were a man but now look like a woman, when they lift their skirt or pull their pants down, you the pecker police could zoom right in for win.

Think of the service you would be providing.

But if I catch you doing your peeping Tom thing on my wife or daughter, we would have a problem.

But should you be called Sgt. Peckers? Or are you just a pecker patrolman?

Such drama, oh the drama.

We don't have police parked outside quickie marts presuming all customers are robbers do we?

Why do you, and most progressives want the criminal Justice system changed? Presumption of innocence and probable cause does not end at the bathroom door.

Now, your challenge. Go home, remove your bathroom door, install a door with the same kind found in most public restrooms. Make sure there's a 1 foot gap at both the top and the bottom. Invite your friends, neighbors and family over for the day.

Report back on how many think your a complete idiot for doing it.

Why ask others to do what you aren't willing to do?

Do you, like most progressives on this thread think a woman is simply defind by having a pair of jugs?
Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple
You don't why? Because you think they might maybe be a sexual predator based on your personal fears of a few bad actors.

Are not there quite a few bad actors in the ranks fo Catholic priest when it comes to young boys?

I'm just using your logic: There might be a guy pretending to be trans who might do something to a girl in a restroom, ergo all pre-op trans must stay out.

Okay, well we KNOW there are young boys that have been molested by Catholic Priests, yet you have no concern about them....

Conclusion, you're irrational in your fears and inconsistent in your logic.
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Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children
So you would attack and hurt a transwoman out of ignorant fear?
How.. bigoted of you.

So do you have the same standard if you see a Catholic Priest walk into the mens restroom and you know your child is in there?

Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple

Right...so you'll support the passing of laws that require this individual use the restroom with your daughters instead.


You're so smart...and such a protector of children!

Hey SassyGunSlinger...how many children have been attacked by transsexual women who were using a public restroom to pee? Now compare that to the number of children attacked and harmed by Catholic Priests. (Or the longest Republican Speaker of the House for that matter)
Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple
You don't why? Because you think they might maybe be a sexual predator based on your personal fears of a few bad actors.

Are not there quite a few bad actors in the ranks fo Catholic priest when it comes to young boys?

I'm just using your logic: There might be a guy pretending to be trans who might do something to a girl ina restroom, ergo all proop trans must stay out.

Okay, well we KNOW there are young boys that have been molested by Catholic Priests, yet you have no concern about them....

Conclusion, you're irrational in your fears and inconsistent in your logic.

Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple
You don't why? Because you think they might maybe be a sexual predator based on your personal fears of a few bad actors.

Are not there quite a few bad actors in the ranks fo Catholic priest when it comes to young boys?

I'm just using your logic: There might be a guy pretending to be trans who might do something to a girl ina restroom, ergo all proop trans must stay out.

Okay, well we KNOW there are young boys that have been molested by Catholic Priests, yet you have no concern about them....

Conclusion, you're irrational in your fears and inconsistent in your logic.

Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do

You and your daughters have already peed with trans women, you just didn't know it.

You'll look lovely in prison pink, SassyGunSlinger.

Transsexual women go to women's prison too...
Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children
So you would attack and hurt a transwoman out of ignorant fear?
How.. bigoted of you.

So do you have the same standard if you see a Catholic Priest walk into the mens restroom and you know your child is in there?

Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple

Right...so you'll support the passing of laws that require this individual use the restroom with your daughters instead.


You're so smart...and such a protector of children!

Hey SassyGunSlinger...how many children have been attacked by transsexual women who were using a public restroom to pee? Now compare that to the number of children attacked and harmed by Catholic Priests. (Or the longest Republican Speaker of the House for that matter)

GFY ya old slag
Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
History is replete with with examples of irrational fear driving people to do horrible things to innocent people. Fortunately, this gal is armed. So if you or any or your other irrational bigoted friends want to do anything, go ahead, make my day.
I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children
So you would attack and hurt a transwoman out of ignorant fear?
How.. bigoted of you.

So do you have the same standard if you see a Catholic Priest walk into the mens restroom and you know your child is in there?

Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple

Right...so you'll support the passing of laws that require this individual use the restroom with your daughters instead.


You're so smart...and such a protector of children!

Hey SassyGunSlinger...how many children have been attacked by transsexual women who were using a public restroom to pee? Now compare that to the number of children attacked and harmed by Catholic Priests. (Or the longest Republican Speaker of the House for that matter)

GFY ya old slag

Wow...that was a truly epic response. I'm just taken aback by how well thought out and reasoned it was. Did it take you a long time to formulate that response?

How many children have been harmed by preoperative transsexual women using a public women's restroom to pee? How many children have been harmed by Catholic Priests?

It's okay SGL, we understand why you won't answer the question and we understand why these laws are so incredibly stupid, but NC and Old Miss will find out soon enough...when it really starts hitting them in the pocketbook.

Go Free Market!!! :lol:
Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
History is replete with with examples of irrational fear driving people to do horrible things to innocent people. Fortunately, this gal is armed. So if you or any or your other irrational bigoted friends want to do anything, go ahead, make my day.

So is this one....now run along. I'm weary of you trying to convince me you are normal. Oh and you're not a "gal".....dude
Maybe she don't want her young daughter seeing a grown mans penis?

Why do people like you miss the damn obvious?
Do young girls often crawl into the stalls? I haven't yet had that happen, should I be worried about it? I go in, I find an empty stall (and trust me... that can take a few minutes) I close the stall door, I sit, I do my thing, I leave.

So unless you are IN THE STALL you aren't seeing anything.

Irrationale. The lot of you.

I get the fear someone MIGHT do something, and it's good to be alert to dangers but ffs. Transwomen aren't child molesters.
Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
History is replete with with examples of irrational fear driving people to do horrible things to innocent people. Fortunately, this gal is armed. So if you or any or your other irrational bigoted friends want to do anything, go ahead, make my day.

Ah, but when you go out armed, is it in basic black or a stylish pink? ;)

BTW Renae, my boss (female) is married to a post operative male to female transsexual. Two of my favorite people in the world. I call my boss's wife my work step mom.
Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children

How would you know it has a dick? You keep saying dangly bit but cant tell us how you would find that out

Dude I'm tired of you commenting the same shit over and over. When answered you ignore it and go right back to asking the same shit. It's been pointed out to you twice now. Stop
You haven't answered HOW though.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children

How would you know it has a dick? You keep saying dangly bit but cant tell us how you would find that out

Dude I'm tired of you commenting the same shit over and over. When answered you ignore it and go right back to asking the same shit. It's been pointed out to you twice now. Stop
You haven't answered HOW though.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I wasn't talking to you...now was I? Scram

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