Ok, Let's Set the Record Straight About the Debt and the Deficit Under President Trump


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Let's get some facts straight about the debt and the deficit under President Trump:

* When President Trump took office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.93 trillion. As of last month, the debt was $20.85 trillion. That's an increase of $920 billion. In Obama's first four years in office, he raised the national debt by an average of $1.45 trillion per year, from $10.63 trillion in January 2009 to $16.43 trillion in January 2013, an increase of $5.8 trillion in four years. So if you weren't howling about the debt during Obama's first four years, you have no reason to be howling now.


* The CBO projects that the FY 2019 budget deficit will be $985 billion. $985 billion is a lot less than $1.45 trillion. As mentioned above, during Obama's first four years, he added an average of $1.45 trillion per year to the national debt.

* The budget deficit for FY 2017, i.e., most of Trump's first year in office, was $665 billion. During Obama's first five years in office, the budget deficit was $1.4 trillion, $1.3 trillion, $1.3 trillion, $1 trillion, and $679 billion.

US Federal Deficit by Year - plus charts and analysis

* The 2017 deficit would have been smaller had it not been for the bipartisan two-year budget deal of 2015, which included a substantial hike in federal spending. Trump, as we should all recall, railed against that budget deal. Needless to say, Trump had no control over 2015-2017 spending, since that spending was set by the 2015 budget deal. In contrast, Obama signed most of the spending that was done during his first year because the Dem-controlled Congress stalled a large chunk of spending because of a Bush veto threat and because they knew that Obama would sign it when he took office, which he did.

The facts about the growth of spending under Obama
President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History
A Brief History of President Obama’s Fiscal Record - House Budget Committee

* The 2015 two-year budget deal drove the deficit upward again, after sequestration and spending restraint had brought the deficit down to $438 billion by 2015. The 2015 budget deal contained many good provisions, but it also abandoned the spending restraint that had steadily reduced the deficit.

* The budget deficit for this fiscal year, FY 2018 (October 2017 through September 2018), is projected to be $874 billion, which will be lower than any of the deficits of Obama's first four years. But with the economy showing signs of robust growth, federal revenue might well end up being more than is now projected, which would, in turn, give us a lower deficit than the one now projected. We'll see.

* Most budget projections assume that the tax cuts under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will "cost" $1.5 trillion, ignoring the documented fact that every major tax cut since the early 1900s has been followed by a sizable increase in federal revenue.

The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth
Setting the Record Straight About the Bush and Reagan Tax Cuts

* Democrats don't like to hear it, but it is a matter of recent memory and readily verifiable fact that the budget deal that Trump signed last month would have contained much lower spending levels if Congressional Democrats had not rejected spending cuts and had not insisted on domestic spending hikes in exchange for defense spending hikes.

National debt grew more slowly in FY 2017 under Trump
Budget & Spending
Budget Deal Will Bring Back Trillion-Dollar Deficits and Could Ultimately Add More Than $1.5 Trillion to the Debt
Let's get some facts straight about the debt and the deficit under President Trump:

* When President Trump took office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.93 trillion. As of last month, the debt was $20.85 trillion. That's an increase of $920 billion. In Obama's first four years in office, he raised the national debt by an average of $1.45 trillion per year,

Okay, got to cut you off right there. When Obama took office, we were in the middle of the biggest economic disaster since the Great Depression.

The debt SHOULD be going down given current economic conditions, but Trumpenfuhrer has managed to add another 2 Trillion to the debt. And that's before his Tax Giveaways to the Rich add Trillions more to the debt.
Let's get some facts straight about the debt and the deficit under President Trump:

* When President Trump took office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.93 trillion. As of last month, the debt was $20.85 trillion. That's an increase of $920 billion. In Obama's first four years in office, he raised the national debt by an average of $1.45 trillion per year,

Okay, got to cut you off right there. When Obama took office, we were in the middle of the biggest economic disaster since the Great Depression.

The debt SHOULD be going down given current economic conditions, but Trumpenfuhrer has managed to add another 2 Trillion to the debt. And that's before his Tax Giveaways to the Rich add Trillions more to the debt.

When was the last time the national debt went down?
When was the last time the national debt went down?

1998-2000 under Bill Clinton. You probably didn't notice because you were obsessing about cigars and blow jobs.

It was a Republican Congress and a Democrat President that tried to balance the budget.

And it was the last time.

The political land scape is very different today. Such measures are impossible today because both sides have embraced mandatory spending. Any cuts in spending now would be viewed on both sides as draconian and immoral.

IF we are to ever reign in spending again then states need to rise up and support their local Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution with some sort of Federal balanced budget amendment to force law makers to make the necessary cuts that everyone will try to demonize. No politician will put their necks on the block to cut spending, they must be forced to do so.

Or just continue as they are, which will lead to fiscal ruin.

It's really just that simple.
What the O/Poster "forgets" to mention, was the unemployment spiral in the last few months of GWB's term (700,000 to 800,000 unemployment claims PER MONTH.).........Throw in the auto industries; close to bankruptcy and the banks' possible failures, and you have a situation where huge deficit spending is the ONLY remedy to mitigate a recession and avoid a depression.....
Like it or not, right wingers, we should all be thanking Obama.
Your info is wrong. Try again. This time in an adult manner.

Um, no, it really isn't. We took in more than we paid out. That's kind of what we need to do when you are trying to pay down a huge debt.

Again, I understand how you missed this... you thought he was just diddling interns.
All he did was reduce annual deficit spending. Had no effect on reducing total debt.
There is a difference.
To add...is it really necessary to post childish comments in your each and every reply. Doesn't help your statements at all. Just saying'.
It was a Republican Congress and a Democrat President that tried to balance the budget.

And it was the last time.

But the question is WHY did they go down? they went down because the rich were finally paying their fair share. The minute Bush got in, he cut taxes on rich people and the debt went from 6 Trillion then to 11 Trillion when he left and 21 Trillion now. We've tripled the debt in 16 years.

The political land scape is very different today. Such measures are impossible today because both sides have embraced mandatory spending. Any cuts in spending now would be viewed on both sides as draconian and immoral.

Or there's just nothing left to cut. I keep asking wingnuts, give me in dollar amounts what you would cut and where... and they never come up with meaningful numbers.

We aren't going to cut military spending, social security or Medicare, and that's pretty much 75% of the budget.
All he did was reduce annual deficit spending. Had no effect on reducing total debt.
There is a difference.
To add...is it really necessary to post childish comments in your each and every reply. Doesn't help your statements at all. Just saying'.

Sure it is.

Bill Clinton did an awesome job as president. We had peace, prosperity and we were finally getting our spending under control.

And all you fucks still talk about TO THIS VERY DAY is his sex life. Which was better than yours, apparently.
All he did was reduce annual deficit spending. Had no effect on reducing total debt.
There is a difference.
To add...is it really necessary to post childish comments in your each and every reply. Doesn't help your statements at all. Just saying'.

Sure it is.

Bill Clinton did an awesome job as president. We had peace, prosperity and we were finally getting our spending under control.

And all you fucks still talk about TO THIS VERY DAY is his sex life. Which was better than yours, apparently.
Hilarious. The only one to bring out his carcass is YOU.
Yeah, the 93’ wtc bombing and the OKC bombing, USS Cole bombing proves that, right? Oh, and the battle for Mogadishu, the bombing of Baghdad, Somalia ambush on American troops, our embassies bombed in Kenya and Tanzania, the second bombing in Iraq, the DAVID Koresh standoff. Must I go on?
All he did was reduce annual deficit spending. Had no effect on reducing total debt.
There is a difference.
To add...is it really necessary to post childish comments in your each and every reply. Doesn't help your statements at all. Just saying'.

Sure it is.

Bill Clinton did an awesome job as president. We had peace, prosperity and we were finally getting our spending under control.

And all you fucks still talk about TO THIS VERY DAY is his sex life. Which was better than yours, apparently.
Yeah, the 93’ wtc bombing and the OKC bombing, USS Cole bombing proves that, right? Oh, and the battle for Mogadishu, the bombing of Baghdad, Somalia ambush on American troops, our embassies bombed in Kenya and Tanzania, the second bombing in Iraq, the DAVID Koresh standoff. Must I go on?

Um David Koresh and his followers killed themselves, and good riddance.

I'm not sure why you think a few scattered acts of domestic and international terror that killed less than 200 Americans (I'm not bothering to do the math, I'm busy this morning) is really as bad as Bush's war that killed close to 10,000.

Terrorism is not an existential threat to the US. In fact, we give it more power than it really has.
Let's get some facts straight about the debt and the deficit under President Trump:

* When President Trump took office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.93 trillion. As of last month, the debt was $20.85 trillion. That's an increase of $920 billion. In Obama's first four years in office, he raised the national debt by an average of $1.45 trillion per year,

Okay, got to cut you off right there. When Obama took office, we were in the middle of the biggest economic disaster since the Great Depression.

The debt SHOULD be going down given current economic conditions, but Trumpenfuhrer has managed to add another 2 Trillion

have to cut you off right there. President Obama’s during his 8 years brought how many companies to build in America? Yet how many businesses closed under Obama?

Did we forget?
400 Office Depot stores
200 Walgreens stores
150 American Eagle stores
133 Target stores
100 Puer One stores

.. and the list goes on and on. Quite the contrast wouldn’t you say, from today? Where exactly is the Ibama boom that his policies brought? Why did food stamps and welfare go up under Obama?

Just to make a few facts.

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