OK, Dont Hate Me Conservatives, But I (Puke!) Agree With Schumer on the Confirmation Process


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah, I hate doing this, but Senator Schumer is right about carefully vetting all of Trumps nominees.

That is his role as the loyal opposition.

And some of Trumps nominees are very wealthy people with little track record in the public eye.

I dont want to put some idiot into office that has some hidden agenda to destroy Social Security or Medicaid, etc.

I know that some of Schumers motivation (probably around 98% of it) is purely partisan, but is OK as the adversarial role of the loyal opposition is supposed to grind the flour finely for all our good.

I understand the desire of Republicans to hurry the Democrats along, but lets not try to make Schumer into some martyr for the cause.

Lets nail him if he does cross the line legitimately in all truth.

But otherwise, vetting these nominees is his JOB.
Yeah, I hate doing this, but Senator Schumer is right about carefully vetting all of Trumps nominees.

That is his role as the loyal opposition.

And some of Trumps nominees are very wealthy people with little track record in the public eye.

I dont want to put some idiot into office that has some hidden agenda to destroy Social Security or Medicaid, etc.

I know that some of Schumers motivation (probably around 98% of it) is purely partisan, but is OK as the adversarial role of the loyal opposition is supposed to grind the flour finely for all our good.

I understand the desire of Republicans to hurry the Democrats along, but lets not try to make Schumer into some martyr for the cause.

Lets nail him if he does cross the line legitimately in all truth.

But otherwise, vetting these nominees is his JOB.

Conservatives won't hate you. But Eliminationists will.
Who wasn't "vetted", I mean besides the Kenyan born "lawyer" who doesn't know how many states are in the USA and never heard of judicial review?
I am sure that trump vetted all his people, but there could be things that are not illegal but are unethical about some of them, and Trump's people will not do as thorough a job on vetting as will the Democrats in the Senate.

I have never liked how in the past the confirmation process was such a rubber stamp. The GOP started vetting obama's nominees closer, as they didnt trust him entirely, and now the Dmocrats are being even more thorough.

That is good for the People of America to make sure that ass holes dont get into the top ranks of our government agencies.

All in all, I still think Trup will get all of his people through, as I expect that his people did a great job in vetting, and I think McConnell is going to make sure that they go through by hook or crook anyway.

But a shocking discovery could cause one or more to withdraw. And if so, that is a good thing for We the People.
The goal isn't to vet. It's to delay as long as possible.

And what does that accomplish for the Democrats to simply delay, delay, delay?

Not that I disagree with you, it is just pointless in the long run.

But that is why the system works; the partisan motivation is being harnessed to serve the interests of the People, and we can have more confidence in the Trump government when it is all over, something I doubt that Senator Schumer had in mind at all, lol.
No, I agree with you because that is one of the ways I will be able to get a good read on whether Trump is legit or just a continuation of what we have been suffering through.

BTW, Schumer is corrupt as hell and totally compromised because of under the table financial dealings with friends of the Bush Clinton crime family...so he pretty much dances to their tune....nothing he does is in the best interest of Americans.
BTW, Schumer is corrupt as hell and totally compromised because of under the table financial dealings with friends of the Bush Clinton crime family...so he pretty much dances to their tune....nothing he does is in the best interest of Americans.
The corrupt can be set against each other, or in a position to do the rest of us a favor if they do their jobs as they are supposed to, no?
No doubt, it's a cabinet of crackpots. But the careerists are even worse, as in the Nazi days.

We've rolled the dice. Now wait and see. I couldn't give a fuck, quite frankly.
No doubt, it's a cabinet of crackpots. But the careerists are even worse, as in the Nazi days.

We've rolled the dice. Now wait and see. I couldn't give a fuck, quite frankly.
Every election is a roll of the dice.

I just got sick and tired of the Establishment ass fucking the rest of us to enrich themselves while the rest of us saw our wages stagnate or decline for the last nearly thirty years.

Betting on Trump seemed like the only option that wasnt purely insane.
The goal isn't to vet. It's to delay as long as possible.

And what does that accomplish for the Democrats to simply delay, delay, delay?

Not that I disagree with you, it is just pointless in the long run.

But that is why the system works; the partisan motivation is being harnessed to serve the interests of the People, and we can have more confidence in the Trump government when it is all over, something I doubt that Senator Schumer had in mind at all, lol.
It is pointless. They don't care. It's to obstruct and cause as much heartburn as possible. I'm all for anything they want to do. Make a real mess. Then in 2018 republicans will pick up another 25 seats. By 2020, democats will be composed of whatever blacks are in California and New York.
The goal isn't to vet. It's to delay as long as possible.
The goal is to save the nation from itself

Yeaaaaah, the only way to nation salvation is through leftardism/communism!!!! The state rules!!!!....right, comrade???

I don't know. As a Trump supporter, expertise on the state solving your problems falls to you you dumb fucking rube.

All I want the "state" to do is stay out of my business....I don't NEED their permission to exist on this planet. I didn't vote for Trump but I am definitely rooting for him and I hope that he is legit. I know and understand things that a useful commie idiot could never wrap your mind around. You are a dependent on the state to make sure you can exist.....how fucking sad is that? Being self-sufficient scares the ever-lovin' shit out of your kind......."MORE gubermint! MORE fees!!!! MORE entitlements and subsidies!!!!....protect me, gubermint...I owe my life to thee!!!"..

You make me sick to my stomach, you commie POS.....are you ever in for a rude awakening. I wish I could be around to see you when the SHTF.........
I dont want to put some idiot into office that has some hidden agenda to destroy Social Security or Medicaid, etc.
Sounds like you've got some serious soul searching to do then
How far into the Bible have you gotten this week? :)

Wow, I do not grasp the intended meaning here.

I read my Bible all the time, though not as often as I should.

And why do I need to do soul searching about Trumps appointments?


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