OK Dems, How much More Are You Willing To Pay Per Gallon To Protect Ukraine's Democracy?

I paid 4.69.9 at the pump today. Fuel oil is 549.9 today and going up 15 to 20 cents each day. They want us to feel the pain. They want to drive us to those pos EVs or we don't get to move around. Forget vacations, forget your freedom of movement. Get ready for more limits on everything you have enjoyed doing. Give these dems 4 more years and i'm being generous and we'll be looking like soviet jews in the winter time.
and we wouldn't be wringing our hands over ukraine/russia. Biden is weak. Harris is weak. But then...this is exactly what they want. It affects us....driving us to poverty and willing to give up more of our freedom to these vile democrats for relief.

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