Oil Is Dropping

You're full of shit, too...lol

That's Illinois. As we all know, price varies wildly across the country.

The national average is relatively unmoved for the past week. But it takes a while for the APRIL futures price to be reflected at the pump.

The price at the pump always lags significantly behind the price of oil. Often because of gouging.
Why don't you buy electric cars? We own two: A model 3 and a Y. I shake my head when reading the cost for a gallon of gas. Along with tune ups, oil changes and brakes make up for gas guzzlers.

You're outta touch with the average consumer.
And, then there's the infrastructure that couldn't support it.
That's Illinois. As we all know, price varies wildly across the country.

The national average is relatively unmoved for the past week. But it takes a while for the APRIL futures price to be reflected at the pump.

The price at the pump always lags significantly behind the price of oil. Often because of gouging.
Go tell Gator he lied, because I already know that...lol
Why don't you buy electric cars? We own two: A model 3 and a Y. I shake my head when reading the cost for a gallon of gas. Along with tune ups, oil changes and brakes for gas guzzlers, it seems to be a waste.
Where do you charge it up on the road?
Oil is below $100 today. Down from the peak on March 8.

Good news. Thank god.

I get emails from my local gas station and they sent one which said they are now able to lower their prices.

I blame Biden!

Don't read too much into it. Trader positioning was extremely bullish, and when it turned, there was a sellers' stampede towards the door today.

The sanctions will remain in place. And supplies were tight prior to the invasion. Oil is going higher.
Why don't you buy electric cars? We own two: A model 3 and a Y. I shake my head when reading the cost for a gallon of gas. Along with tune ups, oil changes and brakes for gas guzzlers, it seems to be a waste.
The cost of an electric car is far higher than an internal combustion car. So you have to drive a zillion miles to make up the savings in gas.

And then at around 65-100 thousand miles, you have to replace the batteries, for about $20,000.

Also, if you leave an EV out in the heat, it turns into a brick. So if you have to take a business trip, make sure your EV is in a shady part of the airport parking lot.

By the way, there are no shady parts at airport parking lots.

Like I said. Not cost effective.
Doesn't matter who you vote for.
You're a trained Californicator.

In your heart, you know I'm right.
Enjoy the weather, tho'.....:thewave:

Pay attention... I left California... but even while I was there I was a registered Republican from the age of 18 until Bush went into Iraq... but that still doesn't make me a Democrat... it just means it's going to take someone better than that RINO POS Trump to bring me back to the party.

And for the record, I left California for South Carolina. I enjoy the weather eight months of the year.
The best thing lefties can say about Biden is that the price of oil is $95 per barrel? Pretty sad.
Hmmmm... when gas goes up .03 cents a gallon you hypocrites whine about it. It's the greed of the Cartel, not the government.
FYI high oil prices have nothing to do with Biden. Or Trump. Or Republicans/Democrats/whomever you hate.

Investors had been badly burned pouring an incredible amount of money into the oil patch over the past 15 years. They have since done a complete 180 and are now forcing their companies to focus on generating free cash flow rather than punching holes in the ground to pump more oil. Capex is half what it was eight years ago, and down nearly 80% in the US shale. Because this is how capitalist economies work.

That will change, first slowly, then suddenly.
During covid? No one was allowed to work in democrat cities

Why don't you buy electric cars? We own two: A model 3 and a Y. I shake my head when reading the cost for a gallon of gas. Along with tune ups, oil changes and brakes for gas guzzlers, it seems to be a waste.
When you take a road trip, how often do you have to stop and charge the car? How long does it take?

Or are you stuck at home because you can't drive more than 300 miles?

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