Oil Is Dropping

*or conveniently charge them while driving or sitting unused

Ya gotta put in a LITTLE more effort, here.

The tech we are waiting on is capacitor tech.

Everything requires just a litttttlllee more effort.

Bring your bags, wait for your car to charge, turn down your AC, bike instead of drive....

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. Now we got government making it harder for stupid reasons.

Except of course for the Bureaucratic class, who can pay people to do those things, you know the limousine liberals you let fuck you up your rhetorical ass while you smile?
Oil is below $100 today. Down from the peak on March 8.

Good news. Thank god.

I get emails from my local gas station and they sent one which said they are now able to lower their prices.

I blame Biden!

Oil usually drops significantly in price when an incompetent leader destroys the economy and the majority of economic indicators point to a forthcoming recession.
Oil usually drops significantly in price when an incompetent leader destroys the economy and the majority of economic indicators point to a forthcoming recession.
What’s amazing is we are sitting on 250 years worth of oil. But won’t use it. We obviously had that in the 70’s as well. Didn’t use it. You kind of have to ask why. Why would a nations leaders bring this on people. What is the end game here?

I think Bidumbs plan, as much as he could possibly have one, but the democrat plan in general is to use four years to destroy oil production to the point it can’t recover. And force enough people into expensive electric cars they can’t go back to gas without a massive financial hit.
Everything requires just a litttttlllee more effort.

Bring your bags, wait for your car to charge, turn down your AC, bike instead of drive....

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. Now we got government making it harder for stupid reasons.

Except of course for the Bureaucratic class, who can pay people to do those things, you know the limousine liberals you let fuck you up your rhetorical ass while you smile?

You nailed it!
The core of the Dimm Party: far leftists like AOC and limousine liberals.
They circle-jerk each other to the point that they are totally out of touch with the average American!!
What’s amazing is we are sitting on 250 years worth of oil. But won’t use it. We obviously had that in the 70’s as well. Didn’t use it. You kind of have to ask why.
No you don't. Oil shale deposits are not profitable yet.

Yes, I'm sure every Trumptard is silently hoping it goes back up. They can't breathe if they don't have something to be pissed at Biden about.

You speak in projections, constantly. Sure, misery loves company. You can find plenty of company among your own.
It has dropped a lot the last week and hopefully it get to fifty a barrel and levels there for awhile but I will take sixty though!
$60 will put a serious cramp in Putin's war on Ukraine.

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