Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

But you seem to approve of Blacks being racists.
In what way?
Let me know when you criticize IM2 or MarcATL, etc...
The last time I was in a discussion with IM2 was the last time I criticized him. You're barking up the wrong tree.
I read your posts and he really has to go full batshit crazy for you to raise an eyebrow.
Mind your business, Indeependent, and I'm mind mine.
How can you mind anything when you hardly have a mind?
Well, it didn't happen here, did it? So what is he bitching about? Just more poo slinging at the left.

I don't suppose this is a good time to point out that historically, the KKK has always been a Leftist organization? Just sayin'.
What matters is what they stand for. Who cares if you call them right or left? Doesn't change a thing.

What doers Antifa stand for? Fascism. Suppression of free speech. Violence. Hatred. What does the KKK stands for? If you were to ask any of them, I suppose they might say white power. They also involve violence and hatred. What does the Black Panthers stand for? Black Power. BLM? Black power. La Raza? Latino power. The DNC? Democrat power. Why is all your animus aimed only at the KKK? All of these groups use the same means to the same ends.
But this thread was about the KKK. Yes?

Soooooo, we have to conclude only KKK are bad? We have to ignore all factors related to them?
Well, it didn't happen here, did it? So what is he bitching about? Just more poo slinging at the left.

I don't suppose this is a good time to point out that historically, the KKK has always been a Leftist organization? Just sayin'.
What matters is what they stand for. Who cares if you call them right or left? Doesn't change a thing.

What doers Antifa stand for? Fascism. Suppression of free speech. Violence. Hatred. What does the KKK stands for? If you were to ask any of them, I suppose they might say white power. They also involve violence and hatred. What does the Black Panthers stand for? Black Power. BLM? Black power. La Raza? Latino power. The DNC? Democrat power. Why is all your animus aimed only at the KKK? All of these groups use the same means to the same ends.
But this thread was about the KKK. Yes?

View attachment 262712 Soooooo, we have to conclude only KKK are bad? We have to ignore all factors related to them?
No we should just stick to the point, since this thread was not about the Black Panthers or LaRaza or any of the other organizations that apparently push your buttons. They exist because racism exists. It doesn't mean I agree with them or defend their ideas or anything else. It is a simple fact that if racists weren't treating nonwhites unfairly, none of those reactionary organizations would exist. Hate breeds hate. When is it going to stop?
A study in blatant lump-em-all-together comparative mendacity:

Well, it didn't happen here, did it? So what is he bitching about? Just more poo slinging at the left.

I don't suppose this is a good time to point out that historically, the KKK has always been a Leftist organization? Just sayin'.
What matters is what they stand for. Who cares if you call them right or left? Doesn't change a thing.

What does Antifa stand for? Fascism.

Doublethink in da house! :eusa_dance: "Up is down, war is peace, ignorance is strength, 'anti' is 'pro'". Hey if you're gonna construct a load-of-rubbish false comparison, might as well start out with a blatant contradiction.

No matter what we might think of its methods, "anti" still means "against" in the English language. You're entitled to your own opinions but I'm afraid not to your own dictionary.

Do go on. To paraphrase Jerry Butler, The Strawman Cometh.....

What does the KKK stands [sic] for? If you were to ask any of them, I suppose they might say white power. They also involve violence and hatred.

Actually it established itself as a hypernational hyperreligious social police. White power was part of that, as was anti-Semtism (specifically Jews), anti-Catholicism, anti-labor, anti-immigrant, anti-drinking, anti-marital infidelity, and later anti-communist. That's way beyond "white power". The Klan preached "100% Americanism", toted the Stars and Stripes around in tandem with the burning crosses, not only preached but required its members to be Christians and specifically Protestant Christians, and persecuted people for crimes as varied as Being Black, Being Jewish, Being Catholic, Being a Deadbeat, Being a Drunk, or Not Going to Church. That makes them a social police force, as I call them the American Taliban.

And I should note here that when I write, "anti". it actually MEANS "änti". In every instance. I don't make the rules of English --- I just enforce 'em.

But that's quite different from, say a DNC or RNC (or any political party) seeking to consolidate political power. That is after all the entire purpose of a political party, and it doesn't specifically target blacks, Jews, immigrants, labor unions, people not going to church, etc etc etc. NOR do they use the "same methods", unless you can point us to examples of the RNC holding a lynching or the DNC pulling a woman out of her house and whipping her for not going to church.

It's also quite different from a special-interest advocacy group that focuses on its specific reactionary interest (e.g. La Raza), or that doesn't even exist as a formal organization at all (BLM, "Black Panthers").

So you're trying to compare apples and lemons here, and it's starkly transparent.

The question now is ----- why are you trying to dilute the KKK with false comparisons?
Why indeed....
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I don't suppose this is a good time to point out that historically, the KKK has always been a Leftist organization? Just sayin'.
What matters is what they stand for. Who cares if you call them right or left? Doesn't change a thing.

What doers Antifa stand for? Fascism. Suppression of free speech. Violence. Hatred. What does the KKK stands for? If you were to ask any of them, I suppose they might say white power. They also involve violence and hatred. What does the Black Panthers stand for? Black Power. BLM? Black power. La Raza? Latino power. The DNC? Democrat power. Why is all your animus aimed only at the KKK? All of these groups use the same means to the same ends.
But this thread was about the KKK. Yes?

View attachment 262712 Soooooo, we have to conclude only KKK are bad? We have to ignore all factors related to them?
No we should just stick to the point, since this thread was not about the Black Panthers or LaRaza or any of the other organizations that apparently push your buttons. They exist because racism exists. It doesn't mean I agree with them or defend their ideas or anything else. It is a simple fact that if racists weren't treating nonwhites unfairly, none of those reactionary organizations would exist. Hate breeds hate. When is it going to stop?

Who treats anyone fairly? You really need to wake up! You never stop to think that if America were a Black nation founded by Blacks and Whites were a minority, they would do all the very same things to us and probably worse. What did Edi Amin do the minute he seized power? What did the South Africans do? History actually shows that for all their wrongs, white people have actually done far more RIGHT than all other races on the planet combined.

So I REJECT "White" Privilege."
I REJECT KKK all bad. Maybe they go about a lot of things wrong, but at their essence is simply the desire to retain the racial purity of the country, the fact that had America stayed limited to mostly western European races instead, we would be better off and have fewer problems.
"Diversity" is a lie and a myth, an artificial construct of liberal thinking; it makes no one stronger or better.
Just look to nature for the answer:
Giraffes stay with giraffes.
Buffalo stay with buffalo.
And Lions stay with lions.
Even the American Indian did not care to mix between the tribes.
What matters is what they stand for. Who cares if you call them right or left? Doesn't change a thing.

What doers Antifa stand for? Fascism. Suppression of free speech. Violence. Hatred. What does the KKK stands for? If you were to ask any of them, I suppose they might say white power. They also involve violence and hatred. What does the Black Panthers stand for? Black Power. BLM? Black power. La Raza? Latino power. The DNC? Democrat power. Why is all your animus aimed only at the KKK? All of these groups use the same means to the same ends.
But this thread was about the KKK. Yes?

View attachment 262712 Soooooo, we have to conclude only KKK are bad? We have to ignore all factors related to them?
No we should just stick to the point, since this thread was not about the Black Panthers or LaRaza or any of the other organizations that apparently push your buttons. They exist because racism exists. It doesn't mean I agree with them or defend their ideas or anything else. It is a simple fact that if racists weren't treating nonwhites unfairly, none of those reactionary organizations would exist. Hate breeds hate. When is it going to stop?

Who treats anyone fairly? You really need to wake up! You never stop to think that if America were a Black nation founded by Blacks and Whites were a minority, they would do all the very same things to us and probably worse. What did Edi Amin do the minute he seized power? What did the South Africans do? History actually shows that for all their wrongs, white people have actually done far more RIGHT than all other races on the planet combined.

So I REJECT "White" Privilege."
I REJECT KKK all bad. Maybe they go about a lot of things wrong, but at their essence is simply the desire to retain the racial purity of the country, the fact that had America stayed limited to mostly western European races instead, we would be better off and have fewer problems.
"Diversity" is a lie and a myth, an artificial construct of liberal thinking; it makes no one stronger or better.
Just look to nature for the answer:
Giraffes stay with giraffes.
Buffalo stay with buffalo.
And Lions stay with lions.
Even the American Indian did not care to mix between the tribes.

Sooooooooooo you're saying that black people, or Hispanic people, or Jewish people ---------- are not human?


Can you dig it.

A study in blatant lump-em-all-together comparative mendacity:

Well, it didn't happen here, did it? So what is he bitching about? Just more poo slinging at the left.

I don't suppose this is a good time to point out that historically, the KKK has always been a Leftist organization? Just sayin'.
What matters is what they stand for. Who cares if you call them right or left? Doesn't change a thing.

What does Antifa stand for? Fascism.

Doublethink in da house! :eusa_dance: "Up is down, war is peace, ignorance is strength, 'anti' is 'pro'". Hey if you're gonna construct a load-of-rubbish false comparison, might as well start out with a blatant contradiction.

No matter what we might think of its methods, "anti" still means "against" in the English language. You're entitled to your own opinions but I'm afraid not to your own dictionary.

Do go on. To paraphrase Jerry Butler, The Strawman Cometh.....

What does the KKK stands [sic] for? If you were to ask any of them, I suppose they might say white power. They also involve violence and hatred.

Actually it established itself as a hypernational hyperreligious social police. White power was part of that, as was anti-Semtism (specifically Jews), anti-Catholicism, anti-labor, anti-immigrant, anti-drinking, anti-marital infidelity, and later anti-communist. That's way beyond "white power". The Klan preached "100% Americanism", toted the Stars and Stripes around in tandem with the burning crosses, not only preached but required its members to be Christians and specifically Protestant Christians, and persecuted people for crimes as varied as Being Black, Being Jewish, Being Catholic, Being a Deadbeat, Being a Drunk, or Not Going to Church. That makes them a social police force, as I call them the American Taliban.

And I should note here that when I write, "anti" actually MEANS "änti". In every instance. I don't make the rules of English --- I just enforce 'em.

But that's quite different from, say a DNC or RNC (or any political party) seeking to consolidate political power. That is after all the entire purpose of a political party, and it doesn't specifically target blacks, Jews, immigrants, labor unions, people not going to church, etc etc etc. NOR do they use the "same methods", unless you can point us to examples of the RNC holding a lynching or the DNC pulling a woman out of her house and whipping her for not going to church.

It's also quite different from a special-interest advocacy group that focuses on its specific reactionary interest (e.g. La Raza), or that doesn't even exist as a formal organization at all (BLM, "Black Panthers").

So you're trying to compare apples and lemons here, and it's starkly transparent.

The question now is ----- why are you trying to dilute the KKK with false comparisons?
Why indeed....
Klan Rally?....I bet all 16 members will be there.....:47:

8 of which are undercover FBI agents, 2 ATF agents, 5 paid informants and one stupid asshole with green eyes and brown hair who believes he's an "aryan".

These haters aren't stupid, Pete. The Klan has a cursed rep, so they have formed new groups under new names that hopefully won't provoke such negative reactions. But people who watch the haters aren't stupid, either, and we know that they call themselves White Nationalists, or just Nationalists, and blink innocently, denying racism. But go where they live, like Stormfront, and there's no doubt who they are.

I'm sure you're right, they've attempted to change their image and rhetoric, but they are still stupid if they believe they're superior to anyone on the basis of being white.That's the sort of stupid that's intolerable.

Now I can understand people who prefer not to embrace different cultures or live among who do things they find repulsive. I want nothing to do with urban pop culture, I don't care who or what the people are, but if they can't wear their clothes properly, or utter a sentence without saying "like" 3 times, I probably want nothing to do with them.

I do not view groups like LaRaza or the NAACP as being much better than the white nationalists at this point though. They're racists in their own right. As far as I'm concerned we are all one race, the human race, and people who divide us based on ethnic heritage do so for their own aggrandizement.
Then you neither understand nor respect civil rights. It is EASY to respect the rights of people you agree with. What is hard is respecting the rights of people you don't. Don't play dumb and pretend we were talking about anything other than a public rally. The only reason why these things ever get out of hand is because protesters show up who are just as bad as those they protest looking for a fight. One thing leads to another until either the police have to be brought in or someone gets hurt.
Oh don't give me all your noble sounding horseshit, toob. I've heard how you folks "respect" the left's civil rights. Of course people are going to protest against what the Klan believes in. What starts trouble is folks who think they're somehow better than everybody else and that others who are different are inferior. Go blow it out your ass.

Attacking people with violence is not protesting. It is rioting and assault.

That is what people are talking about. Dont' play dumb.
Well, it didn't happen here, did it? So what is he bitching about? Just more poo slinging at the left.

But why did it not happen this time? THAT IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION if we want to learn how to stop it in the future, do you not agree?
Because only 7 people showed up?

Republicans only count to seven because more numbers and they only see fuzzy math.
Antifa's latest stupidity is to get permits for supposedly right-wing rallies, then wait for right wingers to show up so they can try to beat the shit out of them.
Funny how when the Klan pops up with all their hate you support them by bringing up Antifa.

"The racist, haste spewing Klan is coming" "Oh but but but Antifa antifa!!!!"

In 2019, the Antifa Thugs are a lot more violent than the Triple K. At least from what I've seen.

No one was killed or even injured in the major rally yesterday in Dayton


I fucking love you. Really. You make the world an awesome place.

It is the biggest rally for the Triple K in Ohio in many a year, and the biggest nationwide this year.

Considering the presumed importance of the Triple K, I'd say that qualifies as "major", no?

It is major. Those nine people are a considerable ratio of the actual KKK members in the U.S. The Jedi Religion is orders of magnitude bigger than the KKK.

The KKK does live on in spirit, however, in the Leftwing Prog Agenda.
Really? The KKK is left-wing? Then why do they always run as Republicans?
Are you saying the only thing they have in common between the Republicans and the KKK is that they’re both white
Well, it didn't happen here, did it? So what is he bitching about? Just more poo slinging at the left.

I don't suppose this is a good time to point out that historically, the KKK has always been a Leftist organization? Just sayin'.
What matters is what they stand for. Who cares if you call them right or left? Doesn't change a thing.

What doers Antifa stand for? Fascism. Suppression of free speech. Violence. Hatred. What does the KKK stands for? If you were to ask any of them, I suppose they might say white power. They also involve violence and hatred. What does the Black Panthers stand for? Black Power. BLM? Black power. La Raza? Latino power. The DNC? Democrat power. Why is all your animus aimed only at the KKK? All of these groups use the same means to the same ends.
But this thread was about the KKK. Yes?

View attachment 262712 Soooooo, we have to conclude only KKK are bad? We have to ignore all factors related to them?
We’re not saying only the KKK is bad, we’re saying that all the KKK is bad.
Really? The KKK is left-wing? Then why do they always run as Republicans?
Are you saying the only thing they have in common between the Republicans and the KKK is that they’re both white

That's just not true. Robert C. Byrd, hardcore liberal Democrat, Obama's idol, was the Grand Poobah of the Triple K for many years. Others like Ted Bilbo were also D's.

The only one that ran as an "R" was Dave Duke who had run in BOTH parties at one point or another

Should be a fairly simple, peaceful gathering until all of the radical left-wing kook antifa show up in a mob, dressed in black, faces covered inciting violence and suppression of other's free speech.
You are one twisted fuck.

Did you just call the Bill of Rights twisted? The 1st Amendment gives people the right to peaceably assemble, you don't have to like them, you don't have to agree with them, you don't even have to listen to them. Recently, someone had a rally where only 8 people showed up! Had no one done a thing, these people would have gone unnoticed. Instead, 600-800 screaming protesters showed up to protest them and made it a big media event to cover.

A group seldom starts trouble on their own; it is when you bring to opposing sides together and they clash that problems begin.

8 people? I've seen more people than that at family breakfasts. :abgg2q.jpg:

Should be a fairly simple, peaceful gathering until all of the radical left-wing kook antifa show up in a mob, dressed in black, faces covered inciting violence and suppression of other's free speech.
You are one twisted fuck.

Did you just call the Bill of Rights twisted? The 1st Amendment gives people the right to peaceably assemble, you don't have to like them, you don't have to agree with them, you don't even have to listen to them. Recently, someone had a rally where only 8 people showed up! Had no one done a thing, these people would have gone unnoticed. Instead, 600-800 screaming protesters showed up to protest them and made it a big media event to cover.

A group seldom starts trouble on their own; it is when you bring to opposing sides together and they clash that problems begin.

8 people? I've seen more people than that at family breakfasts. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now the count is up to 9.

Hundreds of counter-protesters show up for KKK rally with less than a dozen attendees

Meantime, 600 protesters showed up to shout them down essentially taking away their free speech screaming vile epitaphs. Considering that the KKK had a license to be there, the protestors should have been ordered to disband. What were these people so afraid of? If the KKK are so very wrong in their beliefs, won't they be shown up by their own words? 9 lonely people who called themselves Honorable Sacred Knights? Why not hear what they say calmly then counter it with reason? Or is rational dialog dead in this country?

The protestors gave these people a voice by putting the event in the news. It would have been far better if no one showed up to listen to those 9 people.

The funniest thing was when the mayor came out and declared: ""We are a community that no matter who you love, where you come from or what you believe, you are welcome in Dayton."

Apparently that wasn't true for the 9 people. I bet if ISIS members gave a rally, they would be received far more kindly.

Should be a fairly simple, peaceful gathering until all of the radical left-wing kook antifa show up in a mob, dressed in black, faces covered inciting violence and suppression of other's free speech.
You are one twisted fuck.

Did you just call the Bill of Rights twisted? The 1st Amendment gives people the right to peaceably assemble, you don't have to like them, you don't have to agree with them, you don't even have to listen to them. Recently, someone had a rally where only 8 people showed up! Had no one done a thing, these people would have gone unnoticed. Instead, 600-800 screaming protesters showed up to protest them and made it a big media event to cover.

A group seldom starts trouble on their own; it is when you bring to opposing sides together and they clash that problems begin.

8 people? I've seen more people than that at family breakfasts. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now the count is up to 9.

Hundreds of counter-protesters show up for KKK rally with less than a dozen attendees

Meantime, 600 protesters showed up to shout them down essentially taking away their free speech screaming vile epitaphs. Considering that the KKK had a license to be there, the protestors should have been ordered to disband. What were these people so afraid of? If the KKK are so very wrong in their beliefs, won't they be shown up by their own words? 9 lonely people who called themselves Honorable Sacred Knights? Why not hear what they say calmly then counter it with reason? Or is rational dialog dead in this country?

The protestors gave these people a voice by putting the event in the news. It would have been far better if no one showed up to listen to those 9 people.

The funniest thing was when the mayor came out and declared: ""We are a community that no matter who you love, where you come from or what you believe, you are welcome in Dayton."

Apparently that wasn't true for the 9 people. I bet if ISIS members gave a rally, they would be received far more kindly.

Well that's scary.
Apparently that wasn't true for the 9 people. I bet if ISIS members gave a rally, they would be received far more kindly.

You are probably right on this. National Socialists, like the American Hitler George Lincoln Rockwell spoke at leading liberal institutions like UCLA and were never shouted down.

Nazism, whether the Islamo variety, or the classical strain, have always been given a free reign to speak to leftists.

Apparently that wasn't true for the 9 people. I bet if ISIS members gave a rally, they would be received far more kindly.

You are probably right on this. National Socialists, like the American Hitler George Lincoln Rockwell spoke at leading liberal institutions like UCLA and were never shouted down. Nazism, whether the Islamo variety, or the classical strain, have always been given a free reign to speak to leftists.

It's funny really. The KKK. They are still Americans. If you never listen to what they have to say, how do you know you are against what they believe? Or are they so villified a group we no longer reserve the same rights for them as others? ITMT, the very same people who were protesting them are probably the same people who would argue for freedom of expression and diversity---- just not when it involves KKK.

They would argue for freedom and diversity to allow undocumented illegals in, just not the KKK who are American citizens.

They would argue for the freedom and diversity to hear from ISIS or some other terrorist hate group, just not the KKK who are American citizens.

People whom they have never actually sat down and actually LISTENED to.

Like I said, if their beliefs are so wrong, wouldn't they expose themselves on their own merit?

I'm willing to listen to anyone. I do not fear words. But after you are done, you better be prepared for an informed rebuttal!

Who knows, had the protestors acted with civility and responded in rational rebuttal, they might have convinced some of those KKK they were wrong!

Should be a fairly simple, peaceful gathering until all of the radical left-wing kook antifa show up in a mob, dressed in black, faces covered inciting violence and suppression of other's free speech.
You are one twisted fuck.

Did you just call the Bill of Rights twisted? The 1st Amendment gives people the right to peaceably assemble, you don't have to like them, you don't have to agree with them, you don't even have to listen to them. Recently, someone had a rally where only 8 people showed up! Had no one done a thing, these people would have gone unnoticed. Instead, 600-800 screaming protesters showed up to protest them and made it a big media event to cover.

A group seldom starts trouble on their own; it is when you bring to opposing sides together and they clash that problems begin.

8 people? I've seen more people than that at family breakfasts. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now the count is up to 9.

Hundreds of counter-protesters show up for KKK rally with less than a dozen attendees

Meantime, 600 protesters showed up to shout them down essentially taking away their free speech screaming vile epitaphs. Considering that the KKK had a license to be there, the protestors should have been ordered to disband.

So after claiming that black people are not humans, now you're adding that citizens need some kind of "license" to be somewhere.

The thread that keeps on giving. :popcorn:
Apparently that wasn't true for the 9 people. I bet if ISIS members gave a rally, they would be received far more kindly.

You are probably right on this. National Socialists, like the American Hitler George Lincoln Rockwell spoke at leading liberal institutions like UCLA and were never shouted down. Nazism, whether the Islamo variety, or the classical strain, have always been given a free reign to speak to leftists.

It's funny really. The KKK. They are still Americans. If you never listen to what they have to say, how do you know you are against what they believe? Or are they so villified a group we no longer reserve the same rights for them as others? ITMT, the very same people who were protesting them are probably the same people who would argue for freedom of expression and diversity---- just not when it involves KKK.

They would argue for freedom and diversity to allow undocumented illegals in, just not the KKK who are American citizens.

They would argue for the freedom and diversity to hear from ISIS or some other terrorist hate group, just not the KKK who are American citizens.

People whom they have never actually sat down and actually LISTENED to.

Like I said, if their beliefs are so wrong, wouldn't they expose themselves on their own merit?

I'm willing to listen to anyone. I do not fear words. But after you are done, you better be prepared for an informed rebuttal!

Who knows, had the protestors acted with civility and responded in rational rebuttal, they might have convinced some of those KKK they were wrong!

I don't approve of the Triple K's message at all. But it is telling that Libs are willing to give a chance for nazis like Ahmadinejad and Rockwell to speak but not these.

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