Oh. So NOW Pfizer Tells Us......


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
The vaccines won't work altogether, so LOOK! They have anti-virals in production. So if the vaccines worked at all, they seemed to know from the get-go they wouldn't work like smallpox or polio vaccines, but maaaaybe like the flu shots, if they were lucky.

None of this bothers me.

The only thing that bothers me is the push to get vaccinated OR ELSE. Clearly, the very manufacturers of the vaccines knew what was going on.

The vaccines won't work altogether, so LOOK! They have anti-virals in production. So if the vaccines worked at all, they seemed to know from the get-go they wouldn't work like smallpox or polio vaccines, but maaaaybe like the flu shots, if they were lucky.

None of this bothers me.

The only thing that bothers me is the push to get vaccinated OR ELSE. Clearly, the very manufacturers of the vaccines knew what was going on.

Never pass up free money mandated by big govt.....got get me a business like that
I am astonished those on the left are so compliant to the obvious lies and rhetoric. They are also now calling the Vaxxed "super spreaders".

50 years ago these people were against "the man". Now they love "the man" in Big Daddy Govco and Big Corporate--they lick his boots all day long and demand YOU lick his boots too.

And ask no questions about it!
The forthcoming Pfizer booster is designed with the Delta variant in mind. Delta also contains the two California mutations. Delta is why the commie virus has an R0 of from 6-8 (smallpox R0 is 5-8).
The vaccines won't work altogether, so LOOK! They have anti-virals in production. So if the vaccines worked at all, they seemed to know from the get-go they wouldn't work like smallpox or polio vaccines, but maaaaybe like the flu shots, if they were lucky.

None of this bothers me.

The only thing that bothers me is the push to get vaccinated OR ELSE. Clearly, the very manufacturers of the vaccines knew what was going on.

It was expected, people can only do so much to stop the spread of disease, we are losing the battle with this virus. It keeps mutating, and by the time we get to Epsilon or Zeta variants it is very possible no one, vaccinated or not, we'll be safe from it. This could be the species killer and bring us to the brink of Extinction.
It was expected, people can only do so much to stop the spread of disease, we are losing the battle with this virus. It keeps mutating, and by the time we get to Epsilon or Zeta variants it is very possible no one, vaccinated or not, we'll be safe from it. This could be the species killer and bring us to the brink of Extinction.
Shiver in place my friend
It was expected, people can only do so much to stop the spread of disease, we are losing the battle with this virus. It keeps mutating, and by the time we get to Epsilon or Zeta variants it is very possible no one, vaccinated or not, we'll be safe from it. This could be the species killer and bring us to the brink of Extinction.
There is really no reason, whatsoever, for you to ever come out from under your bed.

Have your Mom bring you a nice plate of cookings with some warm milk and you'll be fine.
It was expected, people can only do so much to stop the spread of disease, we are losing the battle with this virus. It keeps mutating, and by the time we get to Epsilon or Zeta variants it is very possible no one, vaccinated or not, we'll be safe from it. This could be the species killer and bring us to the brink of Extinction.

You cannot possibly be serious
It was expected, people can only do so much to stop the spread of disease, we are losing the battle with this virus. It keeps mutating, and by the time we get to Epsilon or Zeta variants it is very possible no one, vaccinated or not, we'll be safe from it. This could be the species killer and bring us to the brink of Extinction.
I am astonished those on the left are so compliant to the obvious lies and rhetoric.

They wouldn't be leftists if they weren't.

All that the leftists on this forum need to know about the world is what team they are on. It makes life so much easier when they don't have to apply any principles to their beliefs, display any values as they argue an issue, never have to use logic to illustrate a point or or think of anything at all, really. All they know is what they are supposed to say, and simply cannot be troubled with why.
Covid is a ridiculously survivable virus. The idea that the world's population is in peril if you don't get the vaccine is ludicrous...
You idiots will keep the pandemic going until we finally get a strain that does kill everybody. Murdoch is now officially the worst thing that ever happened to America. Change the goddamn channel.
You idiots will keep the pandemic going until we finally get a strain that does kill everybody. Murdoch is now officially the worst thing that ever happened to America. Change the goddamn channel.

Your beautiful, intelligent French brethren are rioting to stop these stupid measures. You've bought into the Fauci Fear Porn
You idiots will keep the pandemic going until we finally get a strain that does kill everybody. Murdoch is now officially the worst thing that ever happened to America. Change the goddamn channel.

I did what millions of other people did: I lived through Covid.

Then we were told if we got the vaccine we wouldn't have to wear masks. Well, guess what? Many municipalities are ordering people, vaccinated or not, to wear a mask, both indoors and outdoors. I still see idiots sitting alone in their cars wearing masks.

I've read convincing arguments on both sides of the debate from respected people in the medical field, so even the doctors don't know what the fuck to do. Some say get the vaccine, others say don't.

When they start to agree, I'll start to listen to them...
I did what millions of other people did: I lived through Covid.

Then we were told if we got the vaccine we wouldn't have to wear masks. Well, guess what? Many municipalities are ordering people, vaccinated or not, to wear a mask, both indoors and outdoors. I still see idiots sitting alone in their cars wearing masks.

I've read convincing arguments on both sides of the debate from respected people in the medical field, so even the doctors don't know what the fuck to do. Some say get the vaccine, others say don't.

When they start to agree, I'll start to listen to them...
So you'd rather listen to a clown than the experts good for you let's see how well that works for you

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