OH SHUT UP HILLARY CLINTON! You Enabled Your Serial Rapist Husband For Years...

Come on, you guys! Hillary is such a good Pperson. She promises to use the Weinstein money she got as part of the 10% of her income that she always gives to charity!

Meaning it is now a tax deduction. How that works, I have no clue. Weinstein most likely wrote the checks to either the Clinton Campaign or to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation. How does the Clinton's get to deduct as a charitable contribution on their personal tax returns the money contributed to the Clinton Campaign or Foundation? Perhaps they are so accustomed to using those slush funds as their own money it justs seems natural.

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

She pissed she never got hit on same thing with Slick Willie.

Both serial rapists and will not touch her even when loaded and on blow with no other women around.

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

"Serial rapist" eh? Where are the indictments? Where are the convictions? Granted, Bill is a horn-dog....that doesn't make him a rapist.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

Do you have proof that Bill Clinton and Trump are rapists?

Only Bill Clinton. That goes all the way back to when he was governor of Arkansas.
Come on, you guys! Hillary is such a good Pperson. She promises to use the Weinstein money she got as part of the 10% of her income that she always gives to charity!

Meaning it is now a tax deduction. How that works, I have no clue. Weinstein most likely wrote the checks to either the Clinton Campaign or to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation. How does the Clinton's get to deduct as a charitable contribution on their personal tax returns the money contributed to the Clinton Campaign or Foundation? Perhaps they are so accustomed to using those slush funds as their own money it justs seems natural.

gowdy who fabricated "evidence"? that gowdy? the major fail who had the former secretary of state grilled for 11 hours and made her look like a star? that gowdy? lol

gowdy who fabricated "evidence"? that gowdy? the major fail who had the former secretary of state grilled for 11 hours and made her look like a star? that gowdy? lol

What evidence was fabricated?

The investigation continues.

Rep Trey Gowdy rips into FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton's 'intent'
Arriana McLymore | @ArritheWriter
Published 1:18 PM ET Thu, 7 July 2016 Updated 2:44 PM ET Thu, 7 July 2016CNBC.com

Comey: There was classified material emailed 12:00 PM ET Thu, 7 July 2016 | 05:59

A House panel grilled FBI Director James Comey two days after he recommended against prosecuting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for an email server scandal. In the hearing, South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy questioned Comey on the definition of intent and how Clinton could possibly evade punishment.

The exchange grew heated at times, with comments like this one from Gowdy: "You and I both know intent is really difficult to prove. Very rarely do defendants announce 'On this date I intend to break this criminal code section. Just to put everyone on notice, I am going to break the law on this date.'"

Here's a full transcript of the exchange:

Gowdy: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received any classified information over her private e-mail, was that true?

Comey: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent.

Gowdy: It was not true?

Comey: That's what I said.

Gowdy: OK. Well, I'm looking for a shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails sent or received. Was that true?

Comey: That's not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said "I did not e-mail any classified information to anyone on my e-mail there was no classified material." That is true?

Comey: There was classified information emailed.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton used one device, was that true?

Comey: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as Secretary of State.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said all work related emails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?

Comey: No. We found work related email, thousands, that were not returned.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.

Comey: That's a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related emails in — on devices or in space. Whether they were deleted or when a server was changed out something happened to them, there's no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?

Comey: No.

Gowdy: Well, in the interest of time and because I have a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon, I'm not going to go through any more of the false statements but I am going to ask you to put on your old hat. Faults exculpatory statements are used for what?

Comey: Well, either for a substantive prosecution or evidence of intent in a criminal prosecution.

Gowdy: Exactly. Intent and consciousness of guilt, right?

Comey: That is right?

Alex Wong | Getty Images
U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy
Gowdy: Consciousness of guilt and intent? In your old job you would prove intent as you referenced by showing the jury evidence of a complex scheme that was designed for the very purpose of concealing the public record and you would be arguing in addition to concealment the destruction that you and i just talked about or certainly the failure to preserve.

You would argue all of that under the heading of content. You would also — intent. You would also be arguing the pervasiveness of the scheme when it started, when it ended and the number of emails whether

They were originally classified or of classified under the heading of intent. You would also, probably, under common scheme or plan, argue the burn bags of daily calendar entries or the missing daily calendar entries as a common scheme or plan to conceal.

Two days ago, Director, you said a reasonable person in her position should have known a private email was no place to send and receive classified information. You're right. An average person does know not to do that.

This is no average person. This is a former First Lady, a former United States senator, and a former Secretary of State that the president now contends is the most competent, qualified person to be president since Jefferson. He didn't say that in '08 but says it now.

She affirmatively rejected efforts to give her a state.gov account, kept the private emails for almost two years and only turned them over to Congress because we found out she had a private email account.

So you have a rogue email system set up before she took the oath of office, thousands of what we now know to be classified emails, some of which were classified at the time. One of her more frequent email comrades was hacked and you don't know whether or not she was.

And this scheme took place over a long period of time and resulted in the destruction of public records and yet you say there is insufficient evidence of intent. You say she was extremely careless, but not intentionally so.

You and I both know intent is really difficult to prove. Very rarely do defendants announce 'On this date I intend to break this criminal code section. Just to put everyone on notice, I am going to break the law on this date.'

It never happens that way. You have to do it with circumstantial evidence or if you're Congress and you realize how difficult it is prove, specific intent, you will form lathe a statute that allows for gross negligence.

My time is out but this is really important. You mentioned there's no precedent for criminal prosecution. My fear is there still isn't. There's nothing to keep a future Secretary of State or President from this exact same email scheme or their staff.

And my real fear is this, what the chairman touched upon, this double track justice system that is rightly or wrongly perceived in this country. That if you are a private in the Army and email yourself classified information you will be kicked out. But if you are Hillary Clinton, and you seek a promotion to Commander in Chief, you will not be. So what I hope you can do today is help the average person, the reasonable person you made reference to, the reasonable person understand why she appears to be treated differently than the rest of us would be. With that I would yield back.

The source of this transcript is closed captioning.

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

"Serial rapist" eh? Where are the indictments? Where are the convictions? Granted, Bill is a horn-dog....that doesn't make him a rapist.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine

Not seeing any indictments or convictions.
heh - first it's SHE'S NOT SAYING ANYTHING

then she does and now it's SHUT UP BITCH. :)

She's a lying psycho scumbag. There's a special place in Hell reserved for her for what she did to her husband's numerous victims.

Well... and for Bill, who made the women victims to begin with

True, but what she did to the victims was just as evil. She destroyed their lives. And yet so many Democrat morons still hail her as some 'Champion for Women.' The fuck's wrong with them?!
...all according to ridiculous hate BS propaganda...

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

perhaps you should shut up. she's much smarter than either you or your imbecile orange sociopath

Well that's obviously opinion, and certainly up for debate. But what isn't up for debate, is the fact she's an evil psychopath. She enabled her pervert rapist husband for years. She was vicious and destroyed victims' lives. She helped him go on to abuse numerous women. There is a special place in Hell reserved for her.

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

"Serial rapist" eh? Where are the indictments? Where are the convictions? Granted, Bill is a horn-dog....that doesn't make him a rapist.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine

Those are only the ones who dared to come forward. I'm sure there's numerous other victims out there. He's a serial sex offender. Hard to fathom how loyal self-avowed Democrat Feminists can still worship the degenerate. What kind of drugs are they on? :cuckoo:

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

"Serial rapist" eh? Where are the indictments? Where are the convictions? Granted, Bill is a horn-dog....that doesn't make him a rapist.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine

Not seeing any indictments or convictions.

Like Weinstein, he's a serial sex offender piece of shit. And so are you for defending him.
Come on, you guys! Hillary is such a good person. She promises to use the Weinstein money she got as part of the 10% of her income that she always gives to charity!

And everyone knows Hillary never lies.

Nor Slick Willie, either!
. It's amazing what those two subjected their daughter to. I mean what kind of role models were they, and sadly what kind were they that they expected her to just understand ?

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

Do you have proof that Bill Clinton and Trump are rapists?

Only Bill Clinton. That goes all the way back to when he was governor of Arkansas.
The only person who accused Clinton of rape was a person who signed a sworn testimony under penalty of perjury she was not raped by Clinton.

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

Do you have proof that Bill Clinton and Trump are rapists?

Only Bill Clinton. That goes all the way back to when he was governor of Arkansas.
The only person who accused Clinton of rape was a person who signed a sworn testimony under penalty of perjury she was not raped by Clinton.

False. Does not exist

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

Do you have proof that Bill Clinton and Trump are rapists?

Only Bill Clinton. That goes all the way back to when he was governor of Arkansas.

Clinton was only ever accused of rape, as was Trump. See if you can find your retarded double standard in calling only Clinton the rapist.

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