OH SHUT UP HILLARY CLINTON! You Enabled Your Serial Rapist Husband For Years...

heh - first it's SHE'S NOT SAYING ANYTHING

then she does and now it's SHUT UP BITCH. :)

She's a lying psycho scumbag. There's a special place in Hell reserved for her for what she did to her husband's numerous victims.

He's never "raped" anyone you stupid degenerate liar.

So you Clinton-Jackbooters keep telling us anyway. You're delusional dupes. There's a special place in Hell reserved for her for what she did to her husband's numerous victims.

You useless moron -- don't you know the difference between baseless right wing slander and reality? No, stupid dupe? Why am I not surprised?

Fucking idiot.

Tell it to Satan when you join her in Hell. You Clinton-Jackbooter dupe.
heh - first it's SHE'S NOT SAYING ANYTHING

then she does and now it's SHUT UP BITCH. :)

She's a lying psycho scumbag. There's a special place in Hell reserved for her for what she did to her husband's numerous victims.

He's never "raped" anyone you stupid degenerate liar.

So you Clinton-Jackbooters keep telling us anyway. You're delusional dupes. There's a special place in Hell reserved for her for what she did to her husband's numerous victims.
It's so hard to fathom how there can be so many Democrat Women who continue to be loyal Clinton-Jackbooters, and consider Clinton a 'Champion for Women.' She destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She's no 'Champion for Women.' She's an evil psychopath.

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

And yet people voted for Trump. That's what I never understand. I can sort of understand some women voting for Hillary because they want to see a woman potus .... often times despite having different views on economic and FP issues. But if your objection is based on sexual harassment .... vote third party.
It's so hard to fathom how there can be so many Democrat Women who continue to be loyal Clinton-Jackbooters, and consider Clinton a 'Champion for Women.' She destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She's no 'Champion for Women.' She's an evil psychopath.
Trump guy talked about it 15 years ago and Bill and Harvey were serial doers, ruining and creating careers along the way, and the libtards and MSM want to sell Trump as the bad guy.
Immorality and laziness are on the way out and that's the Libs base do they are screaming racism and oppression but it does not work anymore
As far as Hills I am sure she watched some and may have even strapped one on and joined in. Grotesque people really.
Trump guy talked about it 15 years ago and Bill and Harvey were serial doers, ruining and creating careers along the way, and the libtards and MSM want to sell Trump as the bad guy.
Immorality and laziness are on the way out and that's the Libs base do they are screaming racism and oppression but it does not work anymore
As far as Hills I am sure she watched some and may have even strapped one on and joined in. Grotesque people really.

Ha, great take. Thanks. :thup:

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

Hypocrite if you voted for Trump you voted for a confessed female assaulter. Every female of Bills were willing.
heh - first it's SHE'S NOT SAYING ANYTHING

then she does and now it's SHUT UP BITCH. :)

She's a lying psycho scumbag. There's a special place in Hell reserved for her for what she did to her husband's numerous victims.

He's never "raped" anyone you stupid degenerate liar.

So you Clinton-Jackbooters keep telling us anyway. You're delusional dupes. There's a special place in Hell reserved for her for what she did to her husband's numerous victims.

You useless moron -- don't you know the difference between baseless right wing slander and reality? No, stupid dupe? Why am I not surprised?

Fucking idiot.

Tell it to Satan when you join her in Hell. You Clinton-Jackbooter dupe.
Sounds like christer sharia stuff to me......
It's so hard to fathom how there can be so many Democrat Women who continue to be loyal Clinton-Jackbooters, and consider Clinton a 'Champion for Women.' She destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She's no 'Champion for Women.' She's an evil psychopath.
Anyone who voted for the orange gropper has no morals left (if they even had them in the first place).
Hillary Clinton the 'Champion for Women', is the biggest shameful fraud ever perpetrated on women who consider themselves loyal 'Democrat Feminists.' They've been completely duped. She viciously attacked and destroyed the lives of her pervert husband's numerous victims. She doesn't care about women. She only cares about herself and grabbing power. She is a lying psychopath. Shame on anyone defending her.

And now she's doing the morning talk show circuit feigning 'shock & outrage' over her good friend Harvey Weinstein being accused of rape by several women. That, from an evil cretin who destroyed the lives of her husband's numerous victims. She protected her criminal pervert husband at every turn. So who's actually buying into her B.S. on this? She's a lying psycho.

Do you have proof that Bill Clinton and Trump are rapists?
The face time people are getting their face time. Thinking she's any more or less outraged by this or anything else is nonsense. Other people are there for the using and situations are there for the posturing- and nothing more when it comes to people like Ms. Clinton. Say all the right things, pretend to give a shit. Nod, smile, wave for the camera. Maybe kiss a baby or squeeze out a tear.

I don't think Clinton would give a damn about Weinsten raping anyone unless it either reflected badly on her, which in this case it tangentially does, so he has to blab her mouth to create the illusion of her outrage, or if she'd been the one having his pecker jammed down her throat, and that probably would've been fine with enough in donations and maybe a message sent out during a movie.....
Hillary Clinton the 'Champion for Women', is the biggest shameful fraud ever perpetrated on women who consider themselves loyal 'Democrat Feminists.' They've been completely duped. She viciously attacked and destroyed the lives of her pervert husband's numerous victims. She doesn't care about women. She only cares about herself and grabbing power. She is a lying psychopath. Shame on anyone defending her.

How, they were willing. They should be drug through the mud for screwing and giving blow jobs to a married man. Shame on them.
From the Obamas:

"Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein," the statement said. "Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status. We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture -- including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect -- so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future."

Why did they refer to Bill Clinton in their statement?

Their statement should be about Harvey Weinstein's rapes, not Bill Clinton's rapes.
Hillary Clinton the 'Champion for Women', is the biggest shameful fraud ever perpetrated on women who consider themselves loyal 'Democrat Feminists.' They've been completely duped. She viciously attacked and destroyed the lives of her pervert husband's numerous victims. She doesn't care about women. She only cares about herself and grabbing power. She is a lying psychopath. Shame on anyone defending her.

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