Oh look! nother story about "Christian Persecution"...


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2014
Corner of Chaos and Reason
So, it looks like those damn liberals are at it again! A poor, misunderstood Christian has been banned from coming onto the commie, Muslim loving school campus, for doing nothing more than standing up for his religious freedoms!
The man, Kevin Wood, was driven into a rage when his eleventh-grade daughter came home from school with a world history assignment on Islam and its influence in the Middle East. Wood called the school enraged and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history. The history assignment dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago, and both the history teacher and school vice principle told Wood the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past and that “the assignment has been given for years.”

Undaunted, and still in a religious rage, Wood promised to come to the school if Islam was mentioned any further and threatened to “bring down a shit-storm on them like they’ve never seen.” He also said that if his “daughter can’t practice Christianity in school, they can’t practice Islam in school.” Then he boasted to reporters that he told the history teacher “you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive]” because “the school is violating his daughter’s constitutional rights.”

Mrs, Woods agrees with her husband, and "...complained that “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school, but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars? We don’t force our religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.” The curriculum includes the impact and history of all the world’s major religions, particularly the Christian religion, but the Woods were convinced that Islam got priority over Judaism and Christianity."

Now, since some people on this forum immediately dismiss any piece that comes from admittedly Left-leaning sites such as Politicus, because such left-leaning sites are "nothing more than hate sites against the Right" - which is really ironic, since a lot of those same objectors have no problem with pieces from The Blaze, or Brietbart - I thought I would go ahead, and include the original story from Baynet.com, so everyone would know, the story wasn't just "made up".

With that in mind, can someone please tell me when teaching the cultural impact of a religion became synonymous with "teaching the religion"? I'll bet that teaching about the Inquisition, Salem, and the Crusades is actually about teaching a "religious agenda" too, isn't it?
What do you expect from people who are so brainwashed they believe Obama is an Islam worshipping Muslim. Ignorance is bliss, and they want to remain ignorant, and trying to learn what other religions are about scares them that they may somehow become part of that religion through osmosis.
So, it looks like those damn liberals are at it again! A poor, misunderstood Christian has been banned from coming onto the commie, Muslim loving school campus, for doing nothing more than standing up for his religious freedoms!
The man, Kevin Wood, was driven into a rage when his eleventh-grade daughter came home from school with a world history assignment on Islam and its influence in the Middle East. Wood called the school enraged and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history. The history assignment dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago, and both the history teacher and school vice principle told Wood the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past and that “the assignment has been given for years.”

Undaunted, and still in a religious rage, Wood promised to come to the school if Islam was mentioned any further and threatened to “bring down a shit-storm on them like they’ve never seen.” He also said that if his “daughter can’t practice Christianity in school, they can’t practice Islam in school.” Then he boasted to reporters that he told the history teacher “you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive]” because “the school is violating his daughter’s constitutional rights.”

Mrs, Woods agrees with her husband, and "...complained that “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school, but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars? We don’t force our religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.” The curriculum includes the impact and history of all the world’s major religions, particularly the Christian religion, but the Woods were convinced that Islam got priority over Judaism and Christianity."

Now, since some people on this forum immediately dismiss any piece that comes from admittedly Left-leaning sites such as Politicus, because such left-leaning sites are "nothing more than hate sites against the Right" - which is really ironic, since a lot of those same objectors have no problem with pieces from The Blaze, or Brietbart - I thought I would go ahead, and include the original story from Baynet.com, so everyone would know, the story wasn't just "made up".

With that in mind, can someone please tell me when teaching the cultural impact of a religion became synonymous with "teaching the religion"? I'll bet that teaching about the Inquisition, Salem, and the Crusades is actually about teaching a "religious agenda" too, isn't it?

Try the cultural impact of Christianity in America and see where it would go.
The left would be up in arms about it.
So, it looks like those damn liberals are at it again! A poor, misunderstood Christian has been banned from coming onto the commie, Muslim loving school campus, for doing nothing more than standing up for his religious freedoms!
The man, Kevin Wood, was driven into a rage when his eleventh-grade daughter came home from school with a world history assignment on Islam and its influence in the Middle East. Wood called the school enraged and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history. The history assignment dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago, and both the history teacher and school vice principle told Wood the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past and that “the assignment has been given for years.”

Undaunted, and still in a religious rage, Wood promised to come to the school if Islam was mentioned any further and threatened to “bring down a shit-storm on them like they’ve never seen.” He also said that if his “daughter can’t practice Christianity in school, they can’t practice Islam in school.” Then he boasted to reporters that he told the history teacher “you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive]” because “the school is violating his daughter’s constitutional rights.”

Mrs, Woods agrees with her husband, and "...complained that “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school, but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars? We don’t force our religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.” The curriculum includes the impact and history of all the world’s major religions, particularly the Christian religion, but the Woods were convinced that Islam got priority over Judaism and Christianity."

Now, since some people on this forum immediately dismiss any piece that comes from admittedly Left-leaning sites such as Politicus, because such left-leaning sites are "nothing more than hate sites against the Right" - which is really ironic, since a lot of those same objectors have no problem with pieces from The Blaze, or Brietbart - I thought I would go ahead, and include the original story from Baynet.com, so everyone would know, the story wasn't just "made up".

With that in mind, can someone please tell me when teaching the cultural impact of a religion became synonymous with "teaching the religion"? I'll bet that teaching about the Inquisition, Salem, and the Crusades is actually about teaching a "religious agenda" too, isn't it?

Try the cultural impact of Christianity in America and see where it would go.
The left would be up in arms about it.
Actually, we wouldn't. Notice I specifically mentioned Salem? That would be part of that cultural impact. You see, I, in fact, would appreciate that being taught. then we could finally put to bed the silly myths about the founding fathers, and how the Constitution was some sort of "religious" document. You see, I'm pretty sure the ones who would go batshit would be the Right-Wing theocrats, because suddenly their kids would be learning actual history, and the mythology of how the country was founded would be threatened.
So, it looks like those damn liberals are at it again! A poor, misunderstood Christian has been banned from coming onto the commie, Muslim loving school campus, for doing nothing more than standing up for his religious freedoms!
The man, Kevin Wood, was driven into a rage when his eleventh-grade daughter came home from school with a world history assignment on Islam and its influence in the Middle East. Wood called the school enraged and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history. The history assignment dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago, and both the history teacher and school vice principle told Wood the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past and that “the assignment has been given for years.”

Undaunted, and still in a religious rage, Wood promised to come to the school if Islam was mentioned any further and threatened to “bring down a shit-storm on them like they’ve never seen.” He also said that if his “daughter can’t practice Christianity in school, they can’t practice Islam in school.” Then he boasted to reporters that he told the history teacher “you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive]” because “the school is violating his daughter’s constitutional rights.”

Mrs, Woods agrees with her husband, and "...complained that “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school, but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars? We don’t force our religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.” The curriculum includes the impact and history of all the world’s major religions, particularly the Christian religion, but the Woods were convinced that Islam got priority over Judaism and Christianity."

Now, since some people on this forum immediately dismiss any piece that comes from admittedly Left-leaning sites such as Politicus, because such left-leaning sites are "nothing more than hate sites against the Right" - which is really ironic, since a lot of those same objectors have no problem with pieces from The Blaze, or Brietbart - I thought I would go ahead, and include the original story from Baynet.com, so everyone would know, the story wasn't just "made up".

With that in mind, can someone please tell me when teaching the cultural impact of a religion became synonymous with "teaching the religion"? I'll bet that teaching about the Inquisition, Salem, and the Crusades is actually about teaching a "religious agenda" too, isn't it?

Try the cultural impact of Christianity in America and see where it would go.
The left would be up in arms about it.
Actually, we wouldn't. Notice I specifically mentioned Salem? That would be part of that cultural impact. You see, I, in fact, would appreciate that being taught. then we could finally put to bed the silly myths about the founding fathers, and how the Constitution was some sort of "religious" document. You see, I'm pretty sure the ones who would go batshit would be the Right-Wing theocrats, because suddenly their kids would be learning actual history, and the mythology of how the country was founded would be threatened.
If you really wanted to discuss Salem you would have to discuss mold toxicity in rye bread. That is what led to the collective hallucinations in the community. That would take a discussion of Salem out of the religion class and put it in chemistry where it belongs.
So, it looks like those damn liberals are at it again! A poor, misunderstood Christian has been banned from coming onto the commie, Muslim loving school campus, for doing nothing more than standing up for his religious freedoms!
The man, Kevin Wood, was driven into a rage when his eleventh-grade daughter came home from school with a world history assignment on Islam and its influence in the Middle East. Wood called the school enraged and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history. The history assignment dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago, and both the history teacher and school vice principle told Wood the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past and that “the assignment has been given for years.”

Undaunted, and still in a religious rage, Wood promised to come to the school if Islam was mentioned any further and threatened to “bring down a shit-storm on them like they’ve never seen.” He also said that if his “daughter can’t practice Christianity in school, they can’t practice Islam in school.” Then he boasted to reporters that he told the history teacher “you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive]” because “the school is violating his daughter’s constitutional rights.”

Mrs, Woods agrees with her husband, and "...complained that “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school, but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars? We don’t force our religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.” The curriculum includes the impact and history of all the world’s major religions, particularly the Christian religion, but the Woods were convinced that Islam got priority over Judaism and Christianity."

Now, since some people on this forum immediately dismiss any piece that comes from admittedly Left-leaning sites such as Politicus, because such left-leaning sites are "nothing more than hate sites against the Right" - which is really ironic, since a lot of those same objectors have no problem with pieces from The Blaze, or Brietbart - I thought I would go ahead, and include the original story from Baynet.com, so everyone would know, the story wasn't just "made up".

With that in mind, can someone please tell me when teaching the cultural impact of a religion became synonymous with "teaching the religion"? I'll bet that teaching about the Inquisition, Salem, and the Crusades is actually about teaching a "religious agenda" too, isn't it?

Try the cultural impact of Christianity in America and see where it would go.
The left would be up in arms about it.
Actually, we wouldn't. Notice I specifically mentioned Salem? That would be part of that cultural impact. You see, I, in fact, would appreciate that being taught. then we could finally put to bed the silly myths about the founding fathers, and how the Constitution was some sort of "religious" document. You see, I'm pretty sure the ones who would go batshit would be the Right-Wing theocrats, because suddenly their kids would be learning actual history, and the mythology of how the country was founded would be threatened.
If you really wanted to discuss Salem you would have to discuss mold toxicity in rye bread. That is what led to the collective hallucinations in the community. That would take a discussion of Salem out of the religion class and put it in chemistry where it belongs.
You are so adorable. Anything that makes Christianity look good, well, that deserves to be talked about in History class. But, anything that may present Christianity in a negative light - such as the religious hysteria surrounding the Salem Witch trials - well, we want to shut that right down, so, by all means, lets just completely ignore the religious influence surrounding the events. LOL
So, it looks like those damn liberals are at it again! A poor, misunderstood Christian has been banned from coming onto the commie, Muslim loving school campus, for doing nothing more than standing up for his religious freedoms!
The man, Kevin Wood, was driven into a rage when his eleventh-grade daughter came home from school with a world history assignment on Islam and its influence in the Middle East. Wood called the school enraged and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history. The history assignment dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago, and both the history teacher and school vice principle told Wood the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past and that “the assignment has been given for years.”

Undaunted, and still in a religious rage, Wood promised to come to the school if Islam was mentioned any further and threatened to “bring down a shit-storm on them like they’ve never seen.” He also said that if his “daughter can’t practice Christianity in school, they can’t practice Islam in school.” Then he boasted to reporters that he told the history teacher “you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive]” because “the school is violating his daughter’s constitutional rights.”

Mrs, Woods agrees with her husband, and "...complained that “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school, but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars? We don’t force our religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.” The curriculum includes the impact and history of all the world’s major religions, particularly the Christian religion, but the Woods were convinced that Islam got priority over Judaism and Christianity."

Now, since some people on this forum immediately dismiss any piece that comes from admittedly Left-leaning sites such as Politicus, because such left-leaning sites are "nothing more than hate sites against the Right" - which is really ironic, since a lot of those same objectors have no problem with pieces from The Blaze, or Brietbart - I thought I would go ahead, and include the original story from Baynet.com, so everyone would know, the story wasn't just "made up".

With that in mind, can someone please tell me when teaching the cultural impact of a religion became synonymous with "teaching the religion"? I'll bet that teaching about the Inquisition, Salem, and the Crusades is actually about teaching a "religious agenda" too, isn't it?

Try the cultural impact of Christianity in America and see where it would go.
The left would be up in arms about it.
Actually, we wouldn't. Notice I specifically mentioned Salem? That would be part of that cultural impact. You see, I, in fact, would appreciate that being taught. then we could finally put to bed the silly myths about the founding fathers, and how the Constitution was some sort of "religious" document. You see, I'm pretty sure the ones who would go batshit would be the Right-Wing theocrats, because suddenly their kids would be learning actual history, and the mythology of how the country was founded would be threatened.
If you really wanted to discuss Salem you would have to discuss mold toxicity in rye bread. That is what led to the collective hallucinations in the community. That would take a discussion of Salem out of the religion class and put it in chemistry where it belongs.
You are so adorable. Anything that makes Christianity look good, well, that deserves to be talked about in History class. But, anything that may present Christianity in a negative light - such as the religious hysteria surrounding the Salem Witch trials - well, we want to shut that right down, so, by all means, lets just completely ignore the religious influence surrounding the events. LOL
A swing and a miss.
So, it looks like those damn liberals are at it again! A poor, misunderstood Christian has been banned from coming onto the commie, Muslim loving school campus, for doing nothing more than standing up for his religious freedoms!
The man, Kevin Wood, was driven into a rage when his eleventh-grade daughter came home from school with a world history assignment on Islam and its influence in the Middle East. Wood called the school enraged and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history. The history assignment dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago, and both the history teacher and school vice principle told Wood the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past and that “the assignment has been given for years.”

Undaunted, and still in a religious rage, Wood promised to come to the school if Islam was mentioned any further and threatened to “bring down a shit-storm on them like they’ve never seen.” He also said that if his “daughter can’t practice Christianity in school, they can’t practice Islam in school.” Then he boasted to reporters that he told the history teacher “you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive]” because “the school is violating his daughter’s constitutional rights.”

Mrs, Woods agrees with her husband, and "...complained that “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school, but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars? We don’t force our religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.” The curriculum includes the impact and history of all the world’s major religions, particularly the Christian religion, but the Woods were convinced that Islam got priority over Judaism and Christianity."

Now, since some people on this forum immediately dismiss any piece that comes from admittedly Left-leaning sites such as Politicus, because such left-leaning sites are "nothing more than hate sites against the Right" - which is really ironic, since a lot of those same objectors have no problem with pieces from The Blaze, or Brietbart - I thought I would go ahead, and include the original story from Baynet.com, so everyone would know, the story wasn't just "made up".

With that in mind, can someone please tell me when teaching the cultural impact of a religion became synonymous with "teaching the religion"? I'll bet that teaching about the Inquisition, Salem, and the Crusades is actually about teaching a "religious agenda" too, isn't it?

Try the cultural impact of Christianity in America and see where it would go.
The left would be up in arms about it.
Actually, we wouldn't. Notice I specifically mentioned Salem? That would be part of that cultural impact. You see, I, in fact, would appreciate that being taught. then we could finally put to bed the silly myths about the founding fathers, and how the Constitution was some sort of "religious" document. You see, I'm pretty sure the ones who would go batshit would be the Right-Wing theocrats, because suddenly their kids would be learning actual history, and the mythology of how the country was founded would be threatened.
If you really wanted to discuss Salem you would have to discuss mold toxicity in rye bread. That is what led to the collective hallucinations in the community. That would take a discussion of Salem out of the religion class and put it in chemistry where it belongs.
You are so adorable. Anything that makes Christianity look good, well, that deserves to be talked about in History class. But, anything that may present Christianity in a negative light - such as the religious hysteria surrounding the Salem Witch trials - well, we want to shut that right down, so, by all means, lets just completely ignore the religious influence surrounding the events. LOL
A swing and a miss.
Thanks for conceding that. Better luck next time.
So, it looks like those damn liberals are at it again! A poor, misunderstood Christian has been banned from coming onto the commie, Muslim loving school campus, for doing nothing more than standing up for his religious freedoms!
The man, Kevin Wood, was driven into a rage when his eleventh-grade daughter came home from school with a world history assignment on Islam and its influence in the Middle East. Wood called the school enraged and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history. The history assignment dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago, and both the history teacher and school vice principle told Wood the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past and that “the assignment has been given for years.”

Undaunted, and still in a religious rage, Wood promised to come to the school if Islam was mentioned any further and threatened to “bring down a shit-storm on them like they’ve never seen.” He also said that if his “daughter can’t practice Christianity in school, they can’t practice Islam in school.” Then he boasted to reporters that he told the history teacher “you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive]” because “the school is violating his daughter’s constitutional rights.”

Mrs, Woods agrees with her husband, and "...complained that “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school, but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars? We don’t force our religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.” The curriculum includes the impact and history of all the world’s major religions, particularly the Christian religion, but the Woods were convinced that Islam got priority over Judaism and Christianity."

Now, since some people on this forum immediately dismiss any piece that comes from admittedly Left-leaning sites such as Politicus, because such left-leaning sites are "nothing more than hate sites against the Right" - which is really ironic, since a lot of those same objectors have no problem with pieces from The Blaze, or Brietbart - I thought I would go ahead, and include the original story from Baynet.com, so everyone would know, the story wasn't just "made up".

With that in mind, can someone please tell me when teaching the cultural impact of a religion became synonymous with "teaching the religion"? I'll bet that teaching about the Inquisition, Salem, and the Crusades is actually about teaching a "religious agenda" too, isn't it?

Try the cultural impact of Christianity in America and see where it would go.
The left would be up in arms about it.
Actually, we wouldn't. Notice I specifically mentioned Salem? That would be part of that cultural impact. You see, I, in fact, would appreciate that being taught. then we could finally put to bed the silly myths about the founding fathers, and how the Constitution was some sort of "religious" document. You see, I'm pretty sure the ones who would go batshit would be the Right-Wing theocrats, because suddenly their kids would be learning actual history, and the mythology of how the country was founded would be threatened.
If you really wanted to discuss Salem you would have to discuss mold toxicity in rye bread. That is what led to the collective hallucinations in the community. That would take a discussion of Salem out of the religion class and put it in chemistry where it belongs.

You might have noticed that their hallucinations were all based around the devil - a Christian construct.

I wouldn't dispute your mold theory, but religion still played a very large role in the Salem witch trials.

If the community had particular views about alien life forms from space, no doubt the hallucinations would have taken that form.
So, it looks like those damn liberals are at it again! A poor, misunderstood Christian has been banned from coming onto the commie, Muslim loving school campus, for doing nothing more than standing up for his religious freedoms!
The man, Kevin Wood, was driven into a rage when his eleventh-grade daughter came home from school with a world history assignment on Islam and its influence in the Middle East. Wood called the school enraged and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history. The history assignment dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago, and both the history teacher and school vice principle told Wood the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past and that “the assignment has been given for years.”

Undaunted, and still in a religious rage, Wood promised to come to the school if Islam was mentioned any further and threatened to “bring down a shit-storm on them like they’ve never seen.” He also said that if his “daughter can’t practice Christianity in school, they can’t practice Islam in school.” Then he boasted to reporters that he told the history teacher “you could take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive]” because “the school is violating his daughter’s constitutional rights.”

Mrs, Woods agrees with her husband, and "...complained that “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school, but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars? We don’t force our religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.” The curriculum includes the impact and history of all the world’s major religions, particularly the Christian religion, but the Woods were convinced that Islam got priority over Judaism and Christianity."

Now, since some people on this forum immediately dismiss any piece that comes from admittedly Left-leaning sites such as Politicus, because such left-leaning sites are "nothing more than hate sites against the Right" - which is really ironic, since a lot of those same objectors have no problem with pieces from The Blaze, or Brietbart - I thought I would go ahead, and include the original story from Baynet.com, so everyone would know, the story wasn't just "made up".

With that in mind, can someone please tell me when teaching the cultural impact of a religion became synonymous with "teaching the religion"? I'll bet that teaching about the Inquisition, Salem, and the Crusades is actually about teaching a "religious agenda" too, isn't it?

Try the cultural impact of Christianity in America and see where it would go.
The left would be up in arms about it.
Actually, we wouldn't. Notice I specifically mentioned Salem? That would be part of that cultural impact. You see, I, in fact, would appreciate that being taught. then we could finally put to bed the silly myths about the founding fathers, and how the Constitution was some sort of "religious" document. You see, I'm pretty sure the ones who would go batshit would be the Right-Wing theocrats, because suddenly their kids would be learning actual history, and the mythology of how the country was founded would be threatened.
If you really wanted to discuss Salem you would have to discuss mold toxicity in rye bread. That is what led to the collective hallucinations in the community. That would take a discussion of Salem out of the religion class and put it in chemistry where it belongs.

You might have noticed that their hallucinations were all based around the devil - a Christian construct.

I wouldn't dispute your mold theory, but religion still played a very large role in the Salem witch trials.

If the community had particular views about alien life forms from space, no doubt the hallucinations would have taken that form.
But...but...but...Christianity can't possibly have been an influence! That would mean that sometimes Christianity's influence is...*gasp*...negative?!?!? We can't have that, now....

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