Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)


Platinum Member
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Senior USMB Moderator
Gold Supporting Member
May 19, 2013

The sacred halls of USMB are no place to be when All Hallow's Eve rolls around. With evil lurking behind every crook and nanny, there's no telling what you'll stumble upon when using the light of the moon as your guide. Will the Serial Killer claim the night, or will the Vampire come out of hiding to drain the blood of all that stand in his/her way?

Game Mod: AyeCantSeeYou

Mod Helper: ika

Player List:

Moonglow ♂
House ♂ - Goblin
Wolfsister77 ♀ - Goblin
Avatar4321 ♂
ScarletRage ♀ - Goblin
Arden ♀ - Serial Killer
Grandma ♀ - Goblin (JOAT Backup)
Wake ♂
CafeAuLait ♀
Shaitra ♀
FA_Q2 ♂ - JOAT

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All USMB rules must be obeyed, along with the following.

Game Timeline
  • Day Phases last one week.
  • Night Phases last two days.

General Rules
  • Zone 1 USMB rules are in effect.
  • Don't quote PMs or hidden links. Paraphrasing's fine.
  • Don't PM players about the game. That's cheating.
  • No invisible text allowed.
  • Don't edit/delete posts.
  • No accusing players of cheating openly. PM the Mod instead.
  • Pretending to break a rule is considered rulebreaking.
  • Play to your win condition (play to win.)
  • Modkilled players' alignments change to Neutral; they don't win.
  • I reserve the right to change the rules at any time; notification will be given.
  • You get three chances to not break my rules. Burn them and get modkilled.
  • Scum win when their numbers equal or exceed that of the Town's.

  • 72 hours inactivity earns a prod (reminder PM). If two days go by, I'll seek replacement.
  • 3 prods and I'll also seek a replacement.
  • If a replacement isn't found within a week, that slot will be modkilled.
  • It's fine and encouraged to @ players.
  • Please be aware of PMs from the Mod.
  • You may go V/LA (Vacation/Limited Access). Reason isn't required.

Votes and Lynching
  • Votes must be in the format of VOTE: Player Name. I'll count it if it's obvious.
  • Unvotes are not necessary to change a vote.
  • Majority Vote = 1/2 all votes, +1.
  • Once I have posted your death scene, you may not post.
  • You may change your vote as many times as you wish.
  • All players can keep talking after the lynch until thread is locked.
  • Deadline passed without majority vote = no lynch that Day.
  • Players may choose not to lynch with VOTE: No Lynch.
  • Dead players are dead, and may not talk after death scene.

  • Personal attacks won't be tolerated. Focus on the game.
  • Don't mention or discuss family or pets in this game.
  • I can't "Like" any post in an ongoing game.
  • Avoid replacing out. Please speak with me first.
  • I will only respond to the breaking of rules if sent a PM. If you feel you are being personally attacked, and you want something done about it, please shoot me a PM.
  • This game is an Open Setup, and has a Night start. (This means everyone knows what's in our game.)
  • If you think you've figured out who has what role, think again.
Please read these rules one more time.
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Sample Role PM's

Serial Killer
Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Serial Killer.
Pregame you must choose to be either Investigation Immune or 1-Shot Bulletproof.
Each night phase, you may select a player in the game to nightkill.
Win condition:
You win when you are the last player alive or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Psychiatrist and part of Town.
On odd numbered night phases, you may select a player in the game to target. If that player is the Serial Killer, the player will revert to a Vanilla Townie.
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Mafia Ghoul
Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Ghoul, along with your partner, [Player Name].
Factional communication: During the night phase you may talk with your partner here [QuickTopic link].
Factional kill: Each night phase, one of you may perform the factional kill.
Win condition:
You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Jack-of-all-Trades.
2-shot Cop.
2-shot Doctor.
Each night phase, you may investigate one player in the game by PM'ing the mod. You will get results back in the form of Town, Antitown or No Result if the Cop role is selected. If you select the Doctor role, you may protect one player in the game from being nightkilled.
Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Vampire. (alignment changing)
If targeted for a Night Kill, you will be recruited by the Mafia Ghouls.
If recruited, you will have Night Talk with the Ghouls, and if both Ghouls are lynched, you commit Suicide.
Investigation results on you will always return Town.
Win Condition:
Your win condition depends upon your alignment at the end of the game.
If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
If recruited by the Ghouls, you win when the Ghouls obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occuring.

Goblin (Vanilla Townie)
Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Goblin and are part of the town alignment.
Your weapon is your vote; you have no night actions.
Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
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Randomizing and sending out Role PM's now. :muahaha:

Game starts when 9/11 PM's are confirmed.

All Role PM's have been sent.

11/11 Confirmed.
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Happy Haunting!

It is now Day 1.

With 11 players, it takes 6 to lynch.

Not Voting (11)
Moonglow ♂
House ♂
Wolfsister77 ♀
Avatar4321 ♂
ScarletRage ♀
Arden ♀
Grandma ♀
Wake ♂
CafeAuLait ♀
Shaitra ♀
FA_Q2 ♂

VOTE: Shaitra

I wanna see what happens.
Not liking Wolfie's picking on House. Will keep my eyes on you to see if this is your Scum-game. HRM.

I wouldn't recommend a No-Lynch, and I think House should understand the gravity of that movement. By not lynching someone we get denied information we need.

Awaiting answers from Arden. Watching Cafe and Avatar b/c of their votes. Hm...
Not liking Wolfie's picking on House. Will keep my eyes on you to see if this is your Scum-game. HRM.

I wouldn't recommend a No-Lynch, and I think House should understand the gravity of that movement. By not lynching someone we get denied information we need.

Awaiting answers from Arden. Watching Cafe and Avatar b/c of their votes. Hm...

House is a big boy who is more than capable of taking care of himself. The sooner we get out of RVS, the better. And if you don't like NL, like I don't, you should understand why I voted for him.

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