Off the Bat, Jan. 6 Committee Edits Trump Speech to Omit Words “Patriotically and Peacefully,” 2020 Fraud Evidence Remains Undebunked


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Dershowitz, who I hate, says any prosecutor would be disbarred for such a key omission. If the Jan. 6 committee are lying right out the gate, expect a lie-fest like you have never seen.

House Jan. 6th Committee video montage played during hearing
Dershowitz, who I hate, says any prosecutor would be disbarred for such a key omission. If the Jan. 6 committee are lying right out the gate, expect a lie-fest like you have never seen.

House Jan. 6th Committee video montage played during hearing

Dershowitz, who I hate, says any prosecutor would be disbarred for such a key omission. If the Jan. 6 committee are lying right out the gate, expect a lie-fest like you have never seen.

House Jan. 6th Committee video montage played during hearing

Do you really think those three words will justify all the plans and preperations that were made, as well as the execution of the insurrection? Really? You're grabbing at straws BooBoo.
Dershowitz, who I hate, says any prosecutor would be disbarred for such a key omission. If the Jan. 6 committee are lying right out the gate, expect a lie-fest like you have never seen.

House Jan. 6th Committee video montage played during hearing

Dooshwits is an old washed up idiot.
Dershowitz, who I hate, says any prosecutor would be disbarred for such a key omission. If the Jan. 6 committee are lying right out the gate, expect a lie-fest like you have never seen.

House Jan. 6th Committee video montage played during hearing

Ut's a complete repeat of Pelosi's, Schiff's, & Fang Fang Swalwell's failed criminal Impeachments. In both, Democrats criminally manufactured and altered evidence and were busted for doing so ... just as they were again.

They have just proven they are truly criminal, TDS-suffering, obsessed fu@ks who seriously can NOT let go of the past, can not live with their criminal failures, & who are trying to do it & succeed the 3rd time.

This has nothing to do with 6 Jan & everything to do with trying to accomplish what they failed to do the 1st 2 times!
Yeah trump told the proud boys to s to and by and stand back.

They were storming the capital at this point.
It's amazing how Americans can hear Trump's own words, read his own words in the transcripts for themselves, and the ignorant, indoctrinated leftist snowflake sheep will still swallow and parrot the false accusations and propaganda spewed by the proven criminal liar Adam Schiff or the Chicom spy-screwing traitor Fang Fang Swalwell.
Trump did nothing to get troops there. Pelosi had no authority to deny troops.
1. Trump requested NG troops, so says: Kash Patel, Mark Meadows, SECDEF Chris Miller, and Gen Milley
2. Nancy Pelosi provides "oversight" to the House Sgt at Arms, and the Capitol Police Board
3. Capitol Police Chief Sund also requested NG troops.
So who denied the request if it wasn't Pelosi? No one admits doing it. It has to be Pelosi.
Dershowitz, who I hate, says any prosecutor would be disbarred for such a key omission. If the Jan. 6 committee are lying right out the gate, expect a lie-fest like you have never seen.

House Jan. 6th Committee video montage played during hearing

You expected something different from these assholes?
Dershowitz, who I hate, says any prosecutor would be disbarred for such a key omission. If the Jan. 6 committee are lying right out the gate, expect a lie-fest like you have never seen.

House Jan. 6th Committee video montage played during hearing

This time, Dershowitz is correct. The Jan 6th committee is focused on beating up and humiliating President Trump, and their victim has been the truth, methinks.
Do you really think those three words will justify all the plans and preperations that were made, as well as the execution of the insurrection? Really? You're grabbing at straws BooBoo.
Get back to me when you have evidence of your claims.

If the Nazi Piglosi Clown Show has all this evidence you think they have, explain why they would need to edit his speech……especially since you claim the words edited out won’t overshadow this supposed evidence.

You make no sense,
What is the punishment when a prosecutor tampers with evidence?

Obviously, like the lying Democrats they are, they are putting on a false show to convince people Trump instigated the riot - using altered evidence.

Dems have no shame.
Get back to me when you have evidence of your claims.

If the Nazi Piglosi Clown Show has all this evidence you think they have, explain why they would need to edit his speech……especially since you claim the words edited out won’t overshadow this supposed evidence.

You make no sense,
You obviously didn't watch the first hearing.
You obviously didn't watch the first hearing.
Nope. I heard some excerpts where Cheney repeated "you will be shown", or "we will show" about a thousand times.

From what I gather, they had zero evidence, just the usual bleating of TDS talking points.

You failed to answer my question. Why did they feel the need to edit his speech if what they edited out wouldn't impact all the massive evidence they claim we "will be shown"?

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