Odessa, House of Trade Unions, 05/02/14. More as 300 murdered by NATO Nazis


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
We can name things directly. Not Ukrainian, but NATO Bandera Nazis laughing murdered more as 300 innocent Russians, no punishment, no investigations for the crime until now.
You know NATO ( EU, USA) feeds and supports SS Bandera Criminals, established a Hitler 2.0 regime in Ukraine, where even to speak Russian language is prohibited by law.
Unfortunately Putin is too coward, too rich and too weak to demand true investigations this crime, but until all Odessa's hangmen get not arrested and not sentenced to death ( like Nazis in Nurnberg ) no talks between NATO ( the West and its marionette 'state' Ukraine) are possible.
Hopefully Russia has enough patriotic generals who can stop Putin from his traitorous approach to NATO SS State Ukraine.

Here is the hidden truth about massacre in Odessa.
Reading by using of Google Translator is possible

Just copy/paste the link below: http://

Warning: Not for weak hearts


Criminals who supported Massacre in Odessa




Thank you, Baron, for this thread, you can see how little attention it has got, how little the people in "democratic" America care about murdered civilians unless they are "murdered" by Putin or Assad. The INTERNET is full of videos exposing the crimes of the current Ukrainian regime however the "democratic world" prefers to keep yelling about the fake "Russian aggression" and to pay millions of taxpayers' money for witch hunting and trying to find a black cat in a dark room who's never existed there.

For those who understands Russian:
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Take a look at those (just a few of many!) blood freezing pictures of victims of the current Nazi regime in Ukraine:







NOBODY has been punished for all that in "democratic" Ukraine....
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paid troll i love your pictures. those bums are like you kolorads , dont you see the colors ? lol
Your posts keep exposing you as another Ukrainian Nazi. There should be an International tribunal judging their numerous crimes against humanity.

P.S. I've written about 7 thousand posts during 5 years and you have written over 4000 [idiotic] posts during 2 years. Who looks like a paid troll, me or you?
Thank you, Baron, for this thread, you can see how little attention it has got, how little the people in "democratic" America care about murdered civilians unless they are "murdered" by Putin or Assad. The INTERNET is full of videos exposing the crimes of the current Ukrainian regime however the "democratic world" prefers to keep yelling about the fake "Russian aggression" and to pay millions of taxpayers' money for witch hunting and trying to find a black cat in a dark room who's never existed there.

For those who understands Russian:

Strat hi,

as you probably know more as 90% of US-citizens are brainwashed by presstitutes morons.
They simple repeat issued by other lies.
Interesting that more as 50% can not find Ukraine on maps, and 30% have difficulty to find Europa.
US 'medias' know only America, America, America, nothing more
paid troll i love your pictures. those bums are like you kolorads , dont you see the colors ? lol
Your posts keep exposing you as another Ukrainian Nazi. There should be an International tribunal judging their numerous crimes against humanity.

P.S. I've written about 7 thousand posts during 5 years and you have written over 4000 [idiotic] posts during 2 years. Who looks like a paid troll, me or you?

Do not insult idiots, his 'posts' are insane sh...
Sometimes all those who organized and performed genocide on Russians in Ukraine will be sentenced by independent and free of bias court.
It shall be Nurnberg 2.0 for Ukrainian SS Gestapo Nazis

May 2, 2019

Patriarch Kirill:

"Today we remember the tragic events in Odessa. Five years ago, before the face of Europe and the whole world, people were beaten with rocks, while they remained in their tents, posing no danger to others. They only defended their right to live as they wanted, to not be subjected to other, alien orders; they didn’t want to accept the world order being imposed on them by force. But for the criminals it wasn’t enough to throw rocks at their tents. When people jumped out of them and ran to the Trade Unions House—its name is known today throughout the entire world—the criminals, persecuting them, locked the building and set it on fire. Then 48 people burned alive before the face of Europe and the entire world. Of course, some try to interpret what happened as the peculiarities of the political struggle of the time, but the atrocities committed against people cannot be explained by anything other than as an act of the devil’s power.
Today, remembering this terrible event, we pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. We offer a memorial prayer for the 48 martyrs who were burned alive in Odessa. We pray that the Lord would bless the life of our fraternal Ukraine,”

“All those who burned people alive were under the dominion of the devil”—Pat. Kirill honors victims of May 2, 2014, Odessa (+ VIDEO)

May 2, 2019

Patriarch Kirill:

"Today we remember the tragic events in Odessa. Five years ago, before the face of Europe and the whole world, people were beaten with rocks, while they remained in their tents, posing no danger to others. They only defended their right to live as they wanted, to not be subjected to other, alien orders; they didn’t want to accept the world order being imposed on them by force. But for the criminals it wasn’t enough to throw rocks at their tents. When people jumped out of them and ran to the Trade Unions House—its name is known today throughout the entire world—the criminals, persecuting them, locked the building and set it on fire. Then 48 people burned alive before the face of Europe and the entire world. Of course, some try to interpret what happened as the peculiarities of the political struggle of the time, but the atrocities committed against people cannot be explained by anything other than as an act of the devil’s power.
Today, remembering this terrible event, we pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. We offer a memorial prayer for the 48 martyrs who were burned alive in Odessa. We pray that the Lord would bless the life of our fraternal Ukraine,”

“All those who burned people alive were under the dominion of the devil”—Pat. Kirill honors victims of May 2, 2014, Odessa (+ VIDEO)

Just imagine what outcry would happen when Ukrainian Nazis have burned Jews instead of Russians.Obviously Russians are of less value for western presstitutes and faggot 'politicians'
May 2, 2019

Patriarch Kirill:

"Today we remember the tragic events in Odessa. Five years ago, before the face of Europe and the whole world, people were beaten with rocks, while they remained in their tents, posing no danger to others. They only defended their right to live as they wanted, to not be subjected to other, alien orders; they didn’t want to accept the world order being imposed on them by force. But for the criminals it wasn’t enough to throw rocks at their tents. When people jumped out of them and ran to the Trade Unions House—its name is known today throughout the entire world—the criminals, persecuting them, locked the building and set it on fire. Then 48 people burned alive before the face of Europe and the entire world. Of course, some try to interpret what happened as the peculiarities of the political struggle of the time, but the atrocities committed against people cannot be explained by anything other than as an act of the devil’s power.
Today, remembering this terrible event, we pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. We offer a memorial prayer for the 48 martyrs who were burned alive in Odessa. We pray that the Lord would bless the life of our fraternal Ukraine,”

“All those who burned people alive were under the dominion of the devil”—Pat. Kirill honors victims of May 2, 2014, Odessa (+ VIDEO)

Just imagine what outcry would happen when Ukrainian Nazis have burned Jews instead of Russians.Obviously Russians are of less value for western presstitutes and faggot 'politicians'
Lying Western Media and its Deep State bosses have been doing a great job keeping the Western world unaware of numerous crimes of the current Ukrainian regime while alleging "crimes" of Russia/Putin.
May 2, 2019

Patriarch Kirill:

"Today we remember the tragic events in Odessa. Five years ago, before the face of Europe and the whole world, people were beaten with rocks, while they remained in their tents, posing no danger to others. They only defended their right to live as they wanted, to not be subjected to other, alien orders; they didn’t want to accept the world order being imposed on them by force. But for the criminals it wasn’t enough to throw rocks at their tents. When people jumped out of them and ran to the Trade Unions House—its name is known today throughout the entire world—the criminals, persecuting them, locked the building and set it on fire. Then 48 people burned alive before the face of Europe and the entire world. Of course, some try to interpret what happened as the peculiarities of the political struggle of the time, but the atrocities committed against people cannot be explained by anything other than as an act of the devil’s power.
Today, remembering this terrible event, we pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. We offer a memorial prayer for the 48 martyrs who were burned alive in Odessa. We pray that the Lord would bless the life of our fraternal Ukraine,”

“All those who burned people alive were under the dominion of the devil”—Pat. Kirill honors victims of May 2, 2014, Odessa (+ VIDEO)

Just imagine what outcry would happen when Ukrainian Nazis have burned Jews instead of Russians.Obviously Russians are of less value for western presstitutes and faggot 'politicians'
Lying Western Media and its Deep State bosses have been doing a great job keeping the Western world unaware of numerous crimes of the current Ukrainian regime while alleging "crimes" of Russia/Putin.

additionally both lead the world to nuclear annihilation

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