Objective qst: Who was handed the better economic/social America?

2 Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized Obama wars....

Tell me, RW, why was Barry so afraid to go before Congress to rally support for and get authorization for jumping into the middle of a civil war in Libya to help Al Qaeda, the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, murder and replace a sovereign leader who was HELPING THE COALITION fight terrorists?
Be honest with the above question, was Trump or Obama handed down the better economic and social America regarding:

The unemployment rate
The stock market's standing
War deaths of our military
Health care coverage
World's opinion of the U.S.
Obama. Simple, because the economy had just taken a downturn, not the recession everyone said, he had the potential to make a historic record turn around. He didn't. The downturn turned into a recession with the longest weakest recovery in history. Not one quarter over 3% GDP growth, pathetic. But now Trump has his chance to look good and it seems he is moving in the right direction, unlike what Barry did.
Fox News hell, snowflake. Even you have admitted Barry took the country to war twice without Congresdional authority. Damn you are so pathetic.

If we went to WAR in Libya and Syria, share with us those massive losses of our people, and compare them with Afghanistan and Iraq.......please.
What business did we have being in the middle of a civil war in Libya, helping Al Qeada kill and replace a dictator who was HELPING THE COALITION fight terrorists, LIKE AL QAEDA, in Northern Africa.

For THAT answer, ask NATO (especially France)......Go on, learn something.
What business did we have being in the middle of a civil war in Libya, helping Al Qeada kill and replace a dictator who was HELPING THE COALITION fight terrorists, LIKE AL QAEDA, in Northern Africa.

For THAT answer, ask NATO (especially France)......Go on, learn something.
Still no answer for Barry's 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars...
For all the hypocritcal Obamapologist dueches out there who bring up Iraq as a war we should not have been in, a war that was authorized by Congress, to include liberals, the only teply necessary from now on is 'Libya and 'Syria', Obama's 2 Un-Authorized, Un-Constitutional treasonous wars fought to help Al Qaeda - who murdered 3,000 Americans - and ISIS....2 of 4 times when Barry interfered in other nations' politics in an attempt to overthrow their leaders.
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2 Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized Obama wars....

Tell me, RW, why was Barry so afraid to go before Congress to rally support for and get authorization for jumping into the middle of a civil war in Libya to help Al Qaeda, the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, murder and replace a sovereign leader who was HELPING THE COALITION fight terrorists?

Why didn't Nixon go to Congress before invading Cambodia?
Why didn't Reagan go to Congress before invading Grenada?
Why didn't Clinton go to Congress before going into Somalia?

There is a long precedent in the leeway given a president in the use of military force
For all the hypocritcal Obamapologist dueches out there who bring up Iraq as a war we should not have been in, a war that was authorized by Congress, to include liberals, the only teply necessary from now on is 'Libya and 'Syria', Obama's 2 Un-Authorized, Un-Constitutional treasonous wars fought to help Al Qaeda - who murdered 3,000 Americans - and ISIS....2 of 4 times when Barry interfered in other nations' politics in an attempt to overthrow their leaders.

Well, I am certainly a douche, but not an Obamapoligist. I think it was a mistake to go into Iraq, however. It was also a mistake for Obama to support the Arab Spring, and they were both wrong for the very same reason -- because Arabs are simply incapable of governing themselves like we govern ourselves because they are so thorougly inbred. Their ties are to blood relatives, not political identification.. The only way for the societies to function is through strong-armed leaders who can keep some of the Hatfield and/ McCoys shit bottled up, and so remove the cork from the bottle and all hell breaks loose.
Not one quarter over 3% GDP growth, pathetic.
Not one....7 quarters above 3%
Q4 2009, 3.9%
Q2 2010, 3.9%
Q4 2011, 4.6%
Q3 2013, 3.1%
Q4 2013, 4%
Q2 2014, 4%
Q3 2014, 5%
Q3 2016, 3.5%

Or are you using alternative facts?

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