Objective qst: Who was handed the better economic/social America?

People in the west wonder why they see so much Arab terrorism? Well, DUH -- IT WORKS. Arab Palestinians have been indulging in relentless terrorism for decades, and they are the world's darlings thanks to all the Jimmy Carters who promote them. It's like a parent who has a kid acting up. so gives them candy. Reward bad behavior and you get more bad behavior.

Unlike morons like you and your ilk of "Israel-First".......here's what Palestinians and the rest of the objective countries in the world may be a bit upset about.


Stupid leftist boy keeps talking about being "objective" while conforming to ever possible extreme left position.
When obama took office the fucking media stopped televising those caskets and reading those names! That doesn't mean our soldiers weren't dying. It is just another measure of how fucking dishonest and leftist the American media is! Wise the fuck up. Bozo!

I believe that is a tactic of the right wing media. You might want to bone up on your political history.

Sinclair Broadcast Group refuses to broadcast Nightline episode on fallen soldiers - SourceWatch
I don't need to bone up on it. I lived it.

Oh, so you know Sinclair is still playing around with programming for political purposes. They were the ones that started the whole refusing to broadcast the names bit. And to my knowledge, the news media never stopped broadcasting the names of soldiers that had made the supreme sacrifice during the Obama administration. You are delusional. Not surprising.
I have no clue as to what you are babbling about. Does Ted Koppel ring a bell in your belfry?
When obama took office the fucking media stopped televising those caskets and reading those names! That doesn't mean our soldiers weren't dying. It is just another measure of how fucking dishonest and leftist the American media is! Wise the fuck up. Bozo!

I believe that is a tactic of the right wing media. You might want to bone up on your political history.

Sinclair Broadcast Group refuses to broadcast Nightline episode on fallen soldiers - SourceWatch
I don't need to bone up on it. I lived it.

Oh, so you know Sinclair is still playing around with programming for political purposes. They were the ones that started the whole refusing to broadcast the names bit. And to my knowledge, the news media never stopped broadcasting the names of soldiers that had made the supreme sacrifice during the Obama administration. You are delusional. Not surprising.
I have no clue as to what you are babbling about. Does Ted Koppel ring a bell in your belfry?

WTF. Ted Koppel is EXACTLY what I am talking about. Wow, you wingnuts are so damn gullible. The left wing media never conspired to hide the number of war dead. Shows like This Week have continued their weekly recap sometimes mentioning that there were no deaths in a particular week.

No, Ted Koppel, 2004, Nightline. They were going to run a special show reading a list of all the names of the Iraq/Afghanistan war fatalities. Sinclair Broadcasting called the move political and ordered that all the ABC affiliate stations that they owned NOT to broadcast the show. It was a CONSERVATIVE media outlet that "Conspired" to keep the names of the war dead from being broadcast, not a liberal one.
Bbbut the Nobel!!!!!

—2,499 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq so far under President Obama, according to the independent Iraq Coalition Casualty Count.

—Of those, 1,906 have been killed in and around Afghanistan, and 593 in Iraq.

—Under Obama, the United States has been at war for 2,687 days. That's longer than under George W. Bush — or any other U.S. president, for that matter.

—Obama has conducted airstrikes on seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria. (That's three more countries than George W. Bush bombed.)

—U.S. combat forces are deployed on the ground in three countries: Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. That's one more war than Obama inherited, and which his successor will likely have to contend with.

2,500 Soldiers Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama
It's a shame Bush could not wrap up his mess before he left
If Bush had not abandoned the war on terror to pursue his cluster fuck in Iraq, 5000 deaths could have been prevented

How many combat forces do we have deployed in Syria?
Come on....you can tell us
At least Bush's wars were authorized by Congress, to include Democrats...unlike Barry's 2 Un-Constitutional wars and besides him losing Iraq and our military having to fight to retake the nation they had already liberated.

How many hundreds of thousand of people have been slaughtered - to include murdered / killed Americans / US troops by Al Qaeda and ISIS, who have been aided by Barry?

Come on - you can tell us.

Which two are considered wars?
Libya and Syria

How many combat divisions do we have deployed in each of those "wars"?
The near super Democratic Party majority-controlled Congress, that controlled the budget / spending / debt addition / the economy Bush's last 2 years and Barry's 1st 2 years, left their fellow Democrat - Obama - with a worse economic situation.

Despite Obama's attempts to f* it all up by repeatedly by-passing Congress, paying terrorists/Iran ransoms, the failed ACA, failed nearly $1 trillion Stimulus, financing/arming terrorists, bailing out his donors' Solyndra+12 failed investments, and stealing $1 billion in tax dollars to give to the UN, the GOP-Controlled House was able to hand the Trump administration a better economy.
Republicans controlled the budget for the last six years

$6 trillion in debt is on their watch
No, that would be Obama's watch. It's hard to control the budget when you have a rogue President by-passing Congress to fund, support, atm, train, protect and fight Un-Constitutional wars for terrorists, Mexican drug Cartels, give a billion to the UN while lying to the American people, fund his divisive Socialist agenda, pay randoms to terrorists, etc...
Congress gives him a budget to sign

How many budgets coming out of the Republican Congress reduced the debt?

Let me think.............Um ........None
Really? REALLY! So you don't want to drain the swamp?

True.....a despot COULD drain the swamp by fiat......Never mind if the cabinet needs to be scrutinized for conflicts of interest....never mind if the cabinet represents the billionaire class....never mind if many within the cabinet are basically lobbyists.....never mind if several cabinet nominees are there to ABOLISH the very agency they're entrusted to lead.

A despot can drain a swamp with more alligators.
How many combat divisions do we have deployed in each of those "wars"?
What a PATHETIC attempt to distract from the fact that those 2 wars (thank you for admitting that) were / are UN-CONSTITUTIONAL, that Barry VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION...TWICE...by dragging the country into 2 Un-Authorized wars.
The near super Democratic Party majority-controlled Congress, that controlled the budget / spending / debt addition / the economy Bush's last 2 years and Barry's 1st 2 years, left their fellow Democrat - Obama - with a worse economic situation.

Despite Obama's attempts to f* it all up by repeatedly by-passing Congress, paying terrorists/Iran ransoms, the failed ACA, failed nearly $1 trillion Stimulus, financing/arming terrorists, bailing out his donors' Solyndra+12 failed investments, and stealing $1 billion in tax dollars to give to the UN, the GOP-Controlled House was able to hand the Trump administration a better economy.
Republicans controlled the budget for the last six years

$6 trillion in debt is on their watch
No, that would be Obama's watch. It's hard to control the budget when you have a rogue President by-passing Congress to fund, support, atm, train, protect and fight Un-Constitutional wars for terrorists, Mexican drug Cartels, give a billion to the UN while lying to the American people, fund his divisive Socialist agenda, pay randoms to terrorists, etc...
Congress gives him a budget to sign

How many budgets coming out of the Republican Congress reduced the debt?

Let me think.............Um ........None
When Barry steals $1 Billion to give to to the UNwhile claiming its for Zika it's not in the budget and not Congress' fault.

Congress did not authorize wars in Libya and Syria, did not authorize ransom money for Iran, and did not authorize funding / arming Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Stupid leftist boy keeps talking about being "objective" while conforming to ever possible extreme left position.

"True".....Unemployment rates, avoiding stupid wars, health care insurance are ALL leftist positions....
(what an ignorant asshole......LOL )
Stupid leftist boy keeps talking about being "objective" while conforming to ever possible extreme left position.

"True".....Unemployment rates, avoiding stupid wars, health care insurance are ALL leftist positions....
(what an ignorant asshole......LOL )
Avoiding stupid wars? Like helping Al Qaeda - terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over Libya ... and helping ISIS?!

Congress did not authorize wars in Libya and Syria,

True, Queasy.......Congress sat with fingers up their collective asses fearing another set of stupid wars....Obama asked them to authorize a war with Syria......congress, instead went off on vacation,
Avoiding stupid wars? Like helping Al Qaeda - terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over Libya ... and helping ISIS?!

"......and FOX news will be right back after these commercials......"
True, Queasy.......Congress sat with fingers up their collective asses fearing another set of stupid wars....Obama asked them to authorize a war with Syria......congress, instead went off on vacation,.
What business do we have being in the middle if a civil war between ISIS and Assad?

What business did we have being in the middle of a civil war in Libya, helping Al Qeada kill and replace a dictator who was HELPING THE COALITION fight terrorists, LIKE AL QAEDA, in Northern Africa.

Snowflakes bitched about Russia interfering in our elections to help Trump but never said shit about the Ukraine interfering on Hillary's behalf OR about Barry interfering in Libya, Syria, Egypt, or Israel.

Thank you, finally, for admitting Congress would never have authorized Barry to help Al Qaeda and ISIS so Barry -on his own - started Un-Constitutional wars.
Avoiding stupid wars? Like helping Al Qaeda - terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over Libya ... and helping ISIS?!

"......and FOX news will be right back after these commercials......"
Fox News hell, snowflake. Even you have admitted Barry took the country to war twice without Congresdional authority. Damn you are so pathetic.
How many combat divisions do we have deployed in each of those "wars"?
What a PATHETIC attempt to distract from the fact that those 2 wars (thank you for admitting that) were / are UN-CONSTITUTIONAL, that Barry VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION...TWICE...by dragging the country into 2 Un-Authorized wars.

Your definition of "war" is pretty lame

Tell us our military involvement
Your definition of "war" is pretty lame. Tell us our military involvement
Your ignorance of war and attempts to justify Barry's violations of the Constitution are pathetic.
I see you ducked the question

Provide your definition of war
I will not facilitate your attempt to distract from the fact that Barry has violated the Constitution twice by dragging the US into 2 Un-Authorized wars...both helping terrorists.
Your definition of "war" is pretty lame. Tell us our military involvement
Your ignorance of war and attempts to justify Barry's violations of the Constitution are pathetic.
I see you ducked the question

Provide your definition of war
I will not facilitate your attempt to distract from the fact that Barry has violated the Constitution twice by dragging the US into 2 Un-Authorized wars...both helping terrorists.

Far from it
He relied on precedents established by Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and Bush to conduct bombing raids without declaration of war
This is easy:

The unemployment rate TRUMP
The stock market's standing TRUMP
War deaths of our military. This isn't a valid question, but if I understand you correctly, more died on Bush's watch.
Health care coverage OBAMA
World's opinion of the U.S. EQUAL, IF NOT OBAMA

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