Obama's victory strategy: "Rush is the enemy"

Jan 29, 2009
People as varied as Stalin and Orwell (and Bloomberg, recently) have
pointed out that every great leader needs enemies, and if he doesn’t
have them he must create them.

The problem for Obama, if you want to call it a problem, is that the
GOP is now in such disarray that they don’t even have unified
philosophies, strategies or goals anymore – they are completely lost,
with moderates under fire from true believers, and supply siders
clashing with culture warriors clashing with neocons. And by the same
token, they don’t have clear leaders. Last time I checked, they hadn’t
even agreed on an RNC chair yet. McConnell is too busy trying to hold
his troops together for possible filibusters, but fully one third of
his Senate Republicans have voted with Obama, not against him, on a
majority of the bills proposed so far. On the House side, Boehner is a
heinous fake suntan with no brain, pursuing the same unanimous-
rejection strategy on the current stimulus package, that Gingrich used
on Clinton’s stimulus package in 1993, a package which helped generate
20 million jobs and reelect Clinton. D’oh!

So right now Obama doesn’t really have a clear enemy to campaign
against. Clinton had the Gingrichs and Atwaters of the world, and the
Bush administration provided an incredible rogue’s gallery of
irresistible targets for Democrats to shoot at, from Rumsfeld to Craig
to Vitter to Gonzalez. But now, nobody. Obama can’t really use Bush as
a target, because the Republicans are already targeting Bush
themselves, accusing him of betraying their conservative principles:
when Obama attacks Bush, a Republican simply says “me too!” And
demonizing a Capitol Hill Republican makes it hard to serve
bipartisanship and seek GOP votes to get things done, at least for
this year (2010 is an election year of course so the gloves come off).
And America’s GOP governors are mostly people that no one has ever
heard of, with a few exceptions like Palin.

So did Obama fume in frustration? No. He picked Rush Limbaugh as his
enemy. And notwithstanding all the handwringing from Democrats, it was
brilliant. Rush is not a lawmaker of any kind, he perfectly reflects
everything America hates about the GOP, he’s an easy target since he
has no expertise in practically anything, and most importantly he
actually wants to be that target.

Rush has walked right into Obama’s trap. After proclaiming that he
hopes Obama’s efforts fail, Rush is now gassing away in the Wall
Street Journal about his own proposal for the economy. He insists
Obama’s plan is all pointless partisan pork. He claims that Keynesian
economists, supply-side economists, and the American people all would
prefer his own plan, which is essentially a big tax cut for the rich
and corporate fatcats. Rush grandly proposes to combine Obama’s plan
and his own, and call it the Obama-Limbaugh Stimulus Plan of 2009, by
spending half the money on Obama’s alleged pork and half on Rush’s tax
cuts. And he caps it all off with this: “The leader of the Democrats
and the leader of the Republicans (me, according to Mr. Obama) can get
it done.” He has promoted himself to party leader already.

Incredibly, Republicans are now waking up into a new world in which
Rush has in fact taken over the leadership of the party, because no
one else had what it takes to seize the reins. A GOP Congressman who
had told Rush to back off, was forced to call Rush on his show and
apologize for his “stupid comments”, calling him a “conservative

Let’s remember that Obama, one of the most gifted politicians of the
last century, will have no trouble outsmarting Limbaugh. Rush, who has
been proclaimed by his drooling fans to be America's anchorman,
America's truth-detector, a living legend, Doctor of Democracy, the
Mr. Big of the vast rightwing conspiracy, the most dangerous man in
America, talent on loan from God, the man who is running America, the
mandarin of talk radio, chief of the non-existent “Excellence In
Broadcasting Network” and the “Limbaugh Institute of Conservative
Studies” – is actually an empty suit. After two semesters at the
hardly-brutal cow college of Southeast Missouri State University, Rush
flunked out and spent the 1970s wandering up and down the dial as a
DJ, before finally stumbling into the no-talent-required world of talk
radio. So essentially he’s never been able to successfully hold a real
job in the real world, and has no expertise of any kind in any of the
topics he bloviates about – economics, national security, foreign
policy, anything. So setting Rush up as an enemy, and then destroying
him, will be child’s play for Obama.

So Rush, is dangling from a tree branch, dressed in holiday colors
like a gigantic piñata, shouting “Look at me! Look at me!”…while Obama
is walking up with a Great. Big. Stick.

And after he spends two years whupping up on Rush as the poster boy
for GOP incompetence, winning the 2010 elections handily in the
process, he will train his sights on Palin and the other 2012
contenders. And win handily again.

Rush’s economic “plan”:
Rush Limbaugh: My Bipartisan Stimulus - WSJ.com
Is that why when liberals attacked Bush and his policies we were called traitors and anti American? Sorry, but conservs aren't the most open to free speech they disagree with.

He merely said if you "listen" to Limpballs we cant come together.

He so obviously meant if you incorporate the Lush Limpballs ideas into your philosophy then we cant come together.

Since when is calling an massive partisan a massive partisan harming freedom of speech???????

Get a grip folks.

He merely said if you "listen" to Limpballs we cant come together.

He so obviously meant if you incorporate the Lush Limpballs ideas into your philosophy then we cant come together.

Since when is calling an massive partisan a massive partisan harming freedom of speech???????

Get a grip folks.

Says the hysterical screamer :lol::lol::lol:

He merely said if you "listen" to Limpballs we cant come together.

He so obviously meant if you incorporate the Lush Limpballs ideas into your philosophy then we cant come together.

Since when is calling an massive partisan a massive partisan harming freedom of speech???????

Get a grip folks.

Says the hysterical screamer :lol::lol::lol:

I like hysterical screamers. If they are women.
Is that why when liberals attacked Bush and his policies we were called traitors and anti American? Sorry, but conservs aren't the most open to free speech they disagree with.

Saying you are a traitor or anti American is not violating your speech; in fact, it's exercising free speech maybe it's not what a certain group of people want to hear. Just because a person doesn't like being called a name is by no means denying them anything other than good feelings. I was in the mix bashing Bush and the neo-cons for misguided foreign policy, in fact, I spent most of the Bush administration bashing the gross expansion of government, the lack of transparency, the ill founded foreign policy, and the encroachment upon privacy. Because of this, I have been called many things. Fine by me but be prepared for redirect fire. This is part of being American...anything less is anti-American.
Is that why when liberals attacked Bush and his policies we were called traitors and anti American? Sorry, but conservs aren't the most open to free speech they disagree with.

No, you're called traitors because you promote treasonous causes. For example, fostering friendships with enemies of freedom and specifically, the US. Demonizing traditional families and beliefs. Dismantling the economy and defense.

It's things like that.

And then declaring that we aren't allowed to discuss "patriotism" with you.

I get called a fascist at least once a day because I believe in the sanctity of life and freedom, by some sermonizing, backwards little twit. When you attack freedom, and say things like it's "patriotic" to attack your own country, provide succor to her enemies and kill off her children, then you get called a traitor. Get over it.

He merely said if you "listen" to Limpballs we cant come together.

He so obviously meant if you incorporate the Lush Limpballs ideas into your philosophy then we cant come together.

Since when is calling an massive partisan a massive partisan harming freedom of speech???????

Get a grip folks.

Says the hysterical screamer :lol::lol::lol:

I like hysterical screamers. If they are women.
yeah, but only when your having sex with them

Is that why when liberals attacked Bush and his policies we were called traitors and anti American? Sorry, but conservs aren't the most open to free speech they disagree with.
Sure they were called names but were they threatened with their jobs? No.
That's the difference between US freedom loving Americans and YOU fascists.

(Edit: Look up the definition of Fascist RayBoy, it fits you Liberals perfectly)
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Is that why when liberals attacked Bush and his policies we were called traitors and anti American? Sorry, but conservs aren't the most open to free speech they disagree with.

NO ONE told you you COULDN'T SAY IT.... they were just calling a spade a spade.

Now you want to try and give an example of conservatives against free speech again without sounding like you have no idea what you're talking about?

Why don't you start by quoting john murtha, or maybe the frothing at the mouth racist, best friend of obama, the reverend wright.
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Is that why when liberals attacked Bush and his policies we were called traitors and anti American? Sorry, but conservs aren't the most open to free speech they disagree with.

Saying you are a traitor or anti American is not violating your speech; in fact, it's exercising free speech maybe it's not what a certain group of people want to hear. Just because a person doesn't like being called a name is by no means denying them anything other than good feelings. I was in the mix bashing Bush and the neo-cons for misguided foreign policy, in fact, I spent most of the Bush administration bashing the gross expansion of government, the lack of transparency, the ill founded foreign policy, and the encroachment upon privacy. Because of this, I have been called many things. Fine by me but be prepared for redirect fire. This is part of being American...anything less is anti-American.

You have it all wrong. Democrats can not handle being called names. They twist it and turn it into something some how denying them rights. Of course if you can find anywhere in the Constitution that grants a right to not be called a name, let me know. Nor is there a clause that protects you from being made fun of or embarrassed. Rayboy is the poster child for "boohoo" politics. If you call him on anything he claims you have somehow violated some right he claims he had. He attacks and belittles with every post but then claims he just wants to "get along" and bemoans that Republicans won't just "get along". Just check out the threads he has started.
Rush Limbough, and the people who worship that fat lying drug addicted pig are ENEMIES OF THE REPUBLIC.
Rush Limbough, and the people who worship that fat lying drug addicted pig are ENEMIES OF THE REPUBLIC.

Since they most likely out number your buddies, I suggest you be very careful about picking a fight with them.

You know, I am getting sick to death of your veiled threats, sport. You do not impress me, rmember? Unlike many of these unititiated civies, sport, I served with the Corps, too, and I know that a lot of lifers like you were fucking parasitic do as little as possible jerkoffs, who were just counting the days until they could drink themselves to death in some tap room while pissing away their far too lucrative 20 year pensions.

So save you tough guy crap for something stupid enough to think you're special, okay?

Now I know that your addled brain tells you that a revolution where you get to shoot anyone you think is a liberal is going to be a turkey shoot, but sporto, Americans are not dinks.

All that will happen should you get your fondest death wish, is that this nation that we both love, will be torn asunder.

Grow up.
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Rush Limbough, and the people who worship that fat lying drug addicted pig are ENEMIES OF THE REPUBLIC.

Since they most likely out number your buddies, I suggest you be very careful about picking a fight with them.

You know, I am getting sick to death of your veiled threats, sport. You do not impress me, rmember? Unlike many of these unititiated civies, sport, I served with the Corps, too, and I know that a lot of lifers like you were fucking parasitic do as little as possible jerkoffs, who were just counting the days until they could drink themselves to death in some tap room while pissing away their far too lucrative 20 year pensions.

So save you tough guy crap for something stupid enough to think you're special, okay?

Now I know that your addled brain tells you that a revolution where you get to shoot anyone you think is a liberal is going to be a turkey shoot, but sporto, Americans are not dinks.

All that will happen should you get your fondest death wish, is that this nation that we both love, will be torn asunder.

Grow up.

I had no idea you were in the Corps, even though you've been here for months. You've never trumpeted it or bragged about it. Cool, good on you I can respect that. Most veterans in my family aren't prone to running around in public, bragging to complete strangers about their war service or military careers. I think that's how most veterans are. Its seems pretty undignified for some dudes to feel compelled to run around on message boards constantly reminding people of their veteran status.

LOL @ RSG's prediction that "there's going to be a revolution" if Bush officials are prosecuted for torturing :lol:
I remember the then smartest president ever, Bill Clinton tried this strategy. He blamed Rush for stoking racism. He claimed Rush was behind a right wing conspiracy. He blamed Rush for the Oklahoma bombing.

But it didn't turn out too well for Bubba. He ended up whining that it was all so unfair, that he was only a lowly president and that big ole meanie Rush Limbaugh had three hours a day on the radio to bash him... Waaaahhh!!!

I bet it will turn out the same this time. But on top of Obama's whining he'll attempt to shut Rush down with a version of the old Fairness Doctrine newly labled "Localization". I hope he tries it. It will energize the Republican party like no other issue.
Is that why when liberals attacked Bush and his policies we were called traitors and anti American? Sorry, but conservs aren't the most open to free speech they disagree with.

Sorry Rayboy, that's an old canard ginned up by the liberals, self consciously to justify their weak stands on defense, and to make any criticism ring hollow. Few bought that except the true believers seeking sympathy. It's somewhat like calling every mention of obvious like-mindness a "conspiracy theory". Clear thinkers understand that people don't have to meet conspiratorially in secret places to be a part of a community of thought, so charging critics as conspiracy theorists is likewise a canard.

Its seems pretty undignified for some dudes to feel compelled to run around on message boards constantly reminding people of their veteran status.

"Undignified"... really? Did you serve? No. You didn't. So how in the FUCK do you know a mother fuckin' thing about "how veterans feel?" I'm proud as HELL I served in the Air Force. It was my PLEASURE to SERVE MY COUNTRY. To do my PATRIOTIC CHORE. Of course I don't expect some pencil necked little nit wit liberal maggot like you to understand any of that.

Go fuck yourself shit for brains.

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