Obama's strategy has failed. Putin and Hollande are pounding ISIS with no mercy.

You won't get what you want.
Until now, the Pentagon has stayed away discussing the matter, other than to estimate that thousands of fighters may have been killed. Speaking to reporters Thursday, Rear Admiral John Kirby was adamant that the US is not keeping a "body count," and said it would be wrong to state that there is such a count. He called it a 'tally" and said the notion of a body count suggests Vietnam War era statistics.

See how under Obama it is acceptable to not talk about facts and figures..

That is how the far left works, they hate facts..
Facts have a well-know Liberal bias...that's just science.

And the far left drone shows they are just promoting their religion over facts!

English please, Fausto.
Diplomatic 'officials' are not the Pentagon. Try again, fluffer........
You won't get what you want.
Until now, the Pentagon has stayed away discussing the matter, other than to estimate that thousands of fighters may have been killed. Speaking to reporters Thursday, Rear Admiral John Kirby was adamant that the US is not keeping a "body count," and said it would be wrong to state that there is such a count. He called it a 'tally" and said the notion of a body count suggests Vietnam War era statistics.

See how under Obama it is acceptable to not talk about facts and figures..

That is how the far left works, they hate facts..
Facts have a well-know Liberal bias...that's just science.

And the far left drone shows they are just promoting their religion over facts!

English please, Fausto.

It is English that is why you can not understand it, next time I will try and use far left drone religious speak.
Don't forget to donate to your failed messiahs' library.........:smoke:
Yup, you are cowardly and uninformed. You are just so, "HereWeGoAgain."

Fake Jake has achieved Obama-fluffer echo chamber status..........finally.
Russia and now, France, are simply following less restrictive rules of engagement. France gets the target acquisition from the US and may be sharing some of them with Russia. Russia is probably getting most from Syrian intel. In any case, the less restrictive rules of engagement allow them to bomb targets that the US and coalition forces, including France until the Paris attacks, would not be considered viable targets because of the likelihood of collateral damage. Until now, the hospital or school next to the ISIS facility was relatively safe. Those kinds of places are no longer safe. They are now "accepted collateral damage".
Russia has flown 2300 sorties in 48 hours. Now that's what I call engagement!

Think about that. If Russia can run 2,300 sorties in 48 hours (1,150 a day), then in one month (30 days), they will have done 34,500 if they sustain that current rate.

In the 521 days since beginning our air campaign, the US has run roughly 84 sorties a day, or close to 44,000 sorties. That tells you how little the US is doing. It has taken over a year and a half to perform 44,000 sorties.

It will take Russia ONE MONTH to run 34,000 of them at their current pace. In the same 1 year 6 month time frame, Russia will carry out 621,000 sorties, given the current rate.
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Russia has flown 2300 sorties in 48 hours. Now that's what I call engagement!

Think about that. If Russia can run 2,300 sorties in 48 hours (1,150 a day), then in one month (30 days), they will have done 34,500 if they sustain that current rate.

In the 521 days since beginning our air campaign, the US has run roughly 84 sorties a day, or close to 44,000 sorties. That tells you how little the US is doing. It has taken over a year and a half to perform 44,000 sorties.

It will take Russia ONE MONTH to run 34,000 of them at their current pace.
D'ya think they'll maintain that pace for one month?

D'ya think that the US maintained a steady pace of 84 per day or d'ya think that there might have been the occasional day when they ran a lot more?
Perhaps there was one hour when the US did 500 sorties which, if they'd maintained that pace they would have done 360,000 in a month!
That's way more than the Russkies!
Russia has flown 2300 sorties in 48 hours. Now that's what I call engagement!

Think about that. If Russia can run 2,300 sorties in 48 hours (1,150 a day), then in one month (30 days), they will have done 34,500 if they sustain that current rate.

In the 521 days since beginning our air campaign, the US has run roughly 84 sorties a day, or close to 44,000 sorties. That tells you how little the US is doing. It has taken over a year and a half to perform 44,000 sorties.

It will take Russia ONE MONTH to run 34,000 of them at their current pace. In the same 1 year 6 month time frame, Russia will carry out 621,000 sorties, given the current rate.

Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe you won't get drafted.
Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Two things:

(A) Check out the actual history of U.S. bombing runs on ISIL targets, and
(B) Go change your panties

If Obama had truly wished to eradicate ISIS America could have done so in a heartbeat.


I'm on dial up (in the middle of nowhere) and I'm trying to load a CFR report that showed that in the Iraq bombings there were over a thousand a day. Whereas in Syria and Iraq it's been a pitiful forty plus per day.

I believe in America's military might. If Obama wanted to truly take these evil sons of bitches out the US military could have done it in a heartbeat.
Russia has flown 2300 sorties in 48 hours. Now that's what I call engagement!

Think about that. If Russia can run 2,300 sorties in 48 hours (1,150 a day), then in one month (30 days), they will have done 34,500 if they sustain that current rate.

In the 521 days since beginning our air campaign, the US has run roughly 84 sorties a day, or close to 44,000 sorties. That tells you how little the US is doing. It has taken over a year and a half to perform 44,000 sorties.

It will take Russia ONE MONTH to run 34,000 of them at their current pace.
D'ya think they'll maintain that pace for one month?

D'ya think that the US maintained a steady pace of 84 per day or d'ya think that there might have been the occasional day when they ran a lot more?
Perhaps there was one hour when the US did 500 sorties which, if they'd maintained that pace they would have done 360,000 in a month!
That's way more than the Russkies!
Numbers mean little without damage assessment. Plus there is the whole dumb bomb vs. smart bomb factor, the inclusion of helicopter sorties, etc. Too many variables to make just numbers of sorties mean much.
Update. Man oh man they are pissed off and rocking.No mercy.

Russia and France wreak revenge on ISIS: Putin orders his warships in Med to work with French Navy as jihadists in Syria are pummelled from the air
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin has ordered his warships to work with France as 'allies' in their fight
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Meanwhile, France's defense minister says 10 French fighter jets are carrying out new airstrikes on Islamic State
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
Russia and France wreak revenge on ISIS with missile strikes in Syria
Update. Man oh man they are pissed off and rocking.No mercy.

Russia and France wreak revenge on ISIS: Putin orders his warships in Med to work with French Navy as jihadists in Syria are pummelled from the air
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin has ordered his warships to work with France as 'allies' in their fight
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Meanwhile, France's defense minister says 10 French fighter jets are carrying out new airstrikes on Islamic State
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
Russia and France wreak revenge on ISIS with missile strikes in Syria
I'm thinking that ISIS might have fucked up.
It appears to me that Obama's strategy of getting the rest of the world to stop letting the US do all the dirty work is a tremendous success.

Since he can't lead, then he better get outta da' way.............and stay the fuck away until he goes and builds his wittle library where his legacy can fester like compost!

We get it. You and most of the RW ghouls around here are disappointed that more Americans aren't dying over there,
and may not be dying there in the future in numbers enough to make you happy.

Leave. Now.
US, Russia, and France are pounding ISIS.

The Arabs have backed off.

Fuck that. They step it up, or everyone else should step out of the ME.

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