Obama's Real Legacy

The meat puppet faggot was just a tool of the global collectivists to marginalize American sovereignty and undermine our prosperity.

Leftists are the enemy of the republic.


Some of them are fully aware of their objectives, though most are too stupid to understand that their policies are tyrannical in nature, and detrimental to society. The stench of obozo's regime will take years to dissipate. We are going to have to tolerate the bed wetters making "heroes" out of treasonous faggots like bradley manning, while parroting media matters gibberish about Trump and russia.

Libturds are absolute parasites. They are a liability to humanity and every one of them should have been sucked out of the womb and devoured by rats in the alley behind an abortuary. They're not just useless, they are a malignancy.

Obama's one big win ACA is so loathed even by Democrats they forced Obama to go on national tv and take the blame for it.

They honored him by placing his name forever on Obamacare

Trump, who puts TRUMP on everything he is associated with, won't allow his name to be used on the piece of shit legislation Republicans are trying to pass off as healthcare
Obama's real legacy was secret wars, an expansion of the police state, a lack of respect for our institutions, and oh yeah.....alot of BullShit. Obama was not only one of the worst presidents in U.S. history but he was also the most damaging.

What's worse for the left is he talked the talk but rarely walked the walk. He was almost a complete opposite of what he claimed in his speeches. He helped turn us into a fossil fuel giant again and stifled the creation of alternative energy sources.

So many PhD experts.
A legacy is after a bit more than 2 months of ,made up minds
The meat puppet faggot was just a tool of the global collectivists to marginalize American sovereignty and undermine our prosperity.

Leftists are the enemy of the republic.


Some of them are fully aware of their objectives, though most are too stupid to understand that their policies are tyrannical in nature, and detrimental to society. The stench of obozo's regime will take years to dissipate. We are going to have to tolerate the bed wetters making "heroes" out of treasonous faggots like bradley manning, while parroting media matters gibberish about Trump and russia.

Libturds are absolute parasites. They are a liability to humanity and every one of them should have been sucked out of the womb and devoured by rats in the alley behind an abortuary. They're not just useless, they are a malignancy.

Libturd? Which college did you get your foul mouth at? Obviously don't know the def of liberal, Latin (college?) free.
For the individual and small gov.
Thought you would be one.
Destroys your cut and paste when you spew words you don't know the def of
I wasn't about to listen to that guy in the video for 20 minutes, can you explain the point about turning us into a fossil fuel giant again? My general impression is that we've made gains under both Bush and Obama. Is the issue here fracking?
stop the BS-----he did well enough-----sorta He was subjected to many pressures---
and EXPECTATIONS from the black community-------and was nervous so he acted
too tentatively to be an effective Pres.
It's not BS. He actively tried to hurt this country and created more race problems. You stop the BS.

So Obama started the "birther movement"? No that would be Trump.
The meat puppet faggot was just a tool of the global collectivists to marginalize American sovereignty and undermine our prosperity.

Leftists are the enemy of the republic.


Some of them are fully aware of their objectives, though most are too stupid to understand that their policies are tyrannical in nature, and detrimental to society. The stench of obozo's regime will take years to dissipate. We are going to have to tolerate the bed wetters making "heroes" out of treasonous faggots like bradley manning, while parroting media matters gibberish about Trump and russia.

Libturds are absolute parasites. They are a liability to humanity and every one of them should have been sucked out of the womb and devoured by rats in the alley behind an abortuary. They're not just useless, they are a malignancy.

Libturd? Which college did you get your foul mouth at? Obviously don't know the def of liberal, Latin (college?) free.
For the individual and small gov.
Thought you would be one.
Destroys your cut and paste when you spew words you don't know the def of
We know what liberals are....believe me. You are one.
The meat puppet faggot was just a tool of the global collectivists to marginalize American sovereignty and undermine our prosperity.

Leftists are the enemy of the republic.


Some of them are fully aware of their objectives, though most are too stupid to understand that their policies are tyrannical in nature, and detrimental to society. The stench of obozo's regime will take years to dissipate. We are going to have to tolerate the bed wetters making "heroes" out of treasonous faggots like bradley manning, while parroting media matters gibberish about Trump and russia.

Libturds are absolute parasites. They are a liability to humanity and every one of them should have been sucked out of the womb and devoured by rats in the alley behind an abortuary. They're not just useless, they are a malignancy.

Libturd? Which college did you get your foul mouth at? Obviously don't know the def of liberal, Latin (college?) free.
For the individual and small gov.
Thought you would be one.
Destroys your cut and paste when you spew words you don't know the def of
We know what liberals are....believe me. You are one.
I know you are but what am I?
stop the BS-----he did well enough-----sorta He was subjected to many pressures---
and EXPECTATIONS from the black community-------and was nervous so he acted
too tentatively to be an effective Pres.
It's not BS. He actively tried to hurt this country and created more race problems. You stop the BS.

So Obama started the "birther movement"? No that would be Trump.

False. The Clinton campaign REFUSED to go there. It was Trump who picked up that ball and ran with it.

And Trump refused to let it go even though he knew full well it was a lie. That's his conman nature. Never let go of the scam.

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