Obama's Parting Gift to Hillary Clinton

What part of total collapse of both intelligence and defense aren't you getting? 3000 people died. And that's with the tax payers spending more money on "defense" then the next 10 or more countries. It took more than a YEAR to get an investigation rolling into that. The report itself was redacted. And those redacted portions pointed to Saudi involvement. Not just the terrorists, but the Saudi government itself. But somehow, Iraq was attacked. Not that you folks care about that stuff.

Even with that..there were multiple embassy attacks. NONE were investigated. Neither were the lies told to get us into the Iraq war..which was illegal, and a radical departure from the way this country conducts itself on the worldwide stage.

So with all of that on the plate, it gets ignored..for Benghazi.

And EVEN THEN..what gets investigated?

Possible CIA involvement? No.
Funding problems for embassy protection? No.
Procedural errors in relation to keeping embassies open during high alerts? No.

What they "investigated" was what Rice said on the talk shows..which was VERY preliminary and came with a caveat. And why was this done? To get to root cause?


It was done for one purpose.

To impeach and remove the President.

Simple as that.

Seems like Democrat Kool-aid is your favorite drink. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

and there is the level at which the right seems to address every subject.

Pithy little nonsense retorts in the face of reality they dont like.

Do you need a tissue? Geez, get thicker skin.
So if you contribute to a fund to pay off fees accrued in a campaign, that's corruption?


That's not a payoff? Seriously?

Oh, right, because they're Democrats

Sorry dude..what about this doesn't happen on the Republican side?

And what exactly did they do wrong?

They sent out emails asking for contributions to pay down Hillary Clinton's debt. There weren't masking anything about what they were doing.

People contributed freely to this.

Remember when Dubya did the exact same thing for....um, er, well
There really is nothing wrong with obama paying off Hillary's campaign debt. Politicians usually do it, and do it much earlier. It was wrong of him to refuse to pay it off to begin with.

As far as there being nothing hidden about Benghazi, that's obviously not true. Where are the survivors? The people that were taken to safety. Where are they? Why haven't they been interviewed? Where are they being kept? For how long does obama intend to hold them?

There are a lot of secrets obama is hiding.
Do you all remember Hillary hitting the "reset" button with Russia? How did that go for us?

Russia’s foreign minister still hasn’t called Kerry back

Russia snubbing us, the ME in flames, and our men being needlessly killed at Benghazi, yeah she did a bang up job.

The Russian may not have called Kerry back, but it doesn't mean that the Russians haven't responded.

Bear Bombers Over Guam | Washington Free Beacon

They have responded.

Well I guess Hillary did do good.(sic). Now we get to see their bombers up close and personal, good job Hillary!!

You mean payoff for doing a fantastic job?

I agree.

So you should never ever again complain about a CEO getting a large bonus right??

But a appointed official can get 20 mil and its ok??!!

As long as they are a democrat. Because we know that democrats are as pure as the driven snow. Any time they are caught doing wrong they really are not it is those accusing them who is at fault.
this administration has been the most corrupted of any I have seen..

horrible people
the benghazi thing was not and will not ever be what the republicans want it to be.

Just like fast and furious they hope people will forget the real facts uncovered after they beat these dead dogs for years as if there is some there there.

You got shamed into dropping fast and furious a couple of days after it gained national attention when you had been beating that dead dog for a full year.

You people have been found out .

only your base pays attention.

they are a shrinking base

No screw ups by this administration will amount to anything, as the MSM will cover for them at every turn.
Do you all remember Hillary hitting the "reset" button with Russia? How did that go for us?

Russia’s foreign minister still hasn’t called Kerry back

Russia snubbing us, the ME in flames, and our men being needlessly killed at Benghazi, yeah she did a bang up job.

The Russian may not have called Kerry back, but it doesn't mean that the Russians haven't responded.

Bear Bombers Over Guam | Washington Free Beacon

They have responded.

Well I guess Hillary did do good.(sic). Now we get to see their bombers up close and personal, good job Hillary!!

Hillary did nothing as Secretary of State. Her performance was remarkable for its mediocrity. As far as the Russians go, do you really care? Russians, Chinese neither would do as much damage to the country as obama and might even be better.

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